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The Flaw in His Diamond(12)

By:Susan Stephens

'What?' The word exploded out of her. Forcing a deep, calming breath  into her lungs, she steadied herself before assuring him, 'I'm here, and  I'm staying until I get what I want from you.'

Roman laughed. 'You might get more than you expect.'

'I'll just have to take my chances.'

'Indeed you will,' he agreed, testing her bravado by tightening his grip.

'I said, no funny business,' she reminded him as her senses tripped off into hyperspace.

'You wish. Are you comfortable, Eva? Is there enough space between us?'

'Just be glad I'm not wearing stilettos.' She shot a sweet smile at him  for the benefit of any onlookers. There could never be enough space  between them.

'Should we be moving?' she suggested as the band started to play.

'My apologies,' Roman murmured. 'I was thinking of something else.'

'How flattering.'

'I was just wondering what you're frightened of-'

'I'm not frightened,' she cut in.

'You're very tense...'

Her cheeks were burning. Her body was in turmoil. She could not have  anticipated how it would feel to be drawn up close against Roman's hard  frame. And she wasn't about to tell him that. 'Dancing with me must be  such a chore for you,' she said instead.

'A workload beyond imagining.' Shifting position, he made sure that even more of her was welded to him.                       


They did move well together...very well.

'People are staring at us. What must they think?'

'That you're new in the village. They're wondering who you are and why you came here with me.'

'I hope they don't think we're in some sort of relationship?'

'Almost certainly.'

'And you don't care?' She gazed up and shook her head.

'I never explain my private life and I certainly don't excuse it.'

She would hold herself stiffly from now on. She wouldn't look at him.

But there was something about Roman that drew her gaze. The quirk of  his brow, the curve of his mouth, and that wicked glint in his eyes.

'Do you get some sort of kick out of tormenting me?' she demanded when  he surprised her by glancing down with amusement as if he knew her  fascination.

'I get a kick out of you staring at me.'

His frankness was alarming.

'And as for teasing you? Yes. I like that too. Let's call it payback,  shall we, Eva? Though you must agree there's a type of chemistry between  us that's bound to cause comment-'

'I do not agree,' she flashed.

Roman smiled down at her. 'You're so attractive when you're angry. And  you'll regret it if you pull away,' he added when the music stopped.  'This next dance is one you shouldn't miss.'

He was smiling that dangerous smile again, and that made her suspicious. 'What's so special about it?'

'Tell me afterwards, Eva.'

'Do you mind if I get my head out of your chest first?'

'Be my guest.'

Wrenching herself back, she noticed people watching them. What did they expect? What were they waiting for?

There was only one certainty: Roman had won another round and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it.

* * *

He loved the way Eva blushed. Dancing with Eva was fun and sexy. He  couldn't remember having such a good time. She had natural rhythm, and  he enjoyed teasing her. Eva was easy to tease and easy to rouse to  passion. Her feelings were near the surface and yet strangely bottled  in. When she forgot to be tense, he felt her potential to be wild and  free and deeply sensual. Who wouldn't be excited by that? But why did  such an attractive woman sell herself so short? Was she really so  inexperienced? Eva's reputation did her no favours, he suspected.

She scowled at him as they waited for the next dance to begin. He'd  always found dancing the perfect prelude to sex, though he was  comfortable with the thought that sex wasn't a compulsory activity. It  just surprised him that a woman with Eva's passion was so fiercely  attached to chastity. 'You will tell me why eventually,' he murmured.

'I will tell you what?' she snapped defensively.

The elderly matchmakers had picked up his interest in Eva, and he had  no intention of disappointing them when the next dance began, though Eva  was growing increasingly edgy, as if she suspected she was being set  up.

'I don't enjoy dancing,' she said, confirming his thinking by glancing  towards the onlookers as if she would like to be one of them. 'I avoid  it when I can.'

'In the same way that you avoid men?'

She was shocked into silence for a moment. 'How do you work that out?'

'I hope you're not going to deny it, Eva?'

'I'm just not interested-though I don't expect you to understand. I just don't consider serial dating compulsory-'

'Calm down, Eva. I'm not looking for a fight. It's a free world. You do what you want.'

'I'm relieved to hear it.'

'Sarcasm doesn't suit you. And neither does lying about your interest in men.'

And when she looked ready to go off like a rocket, he explained, 'You  tell me one thing while your body tells me something else.'

'I've been dancing,' she snapped, her eyes blazing fire. 'And that requires my body to move, in case you hadn't noticed.'

He laughed. 'Not quite so enthusiastically against mine-though please forgive me if I've misinterpreted the signals.'                       


She huffed as the music began.

'Has someone hurt you, Eva?'

'I haven't come to the party to discuss my personal life with you. I'm  here for one reason, and one reason only, and that's Skavanga.'

'So you were just born awkward?'

As Roman stared at her with open amusement, Eva's ever-dodgy control  valve blew. 'If you mean, do I know how to speak up for myself? Then,  yes. I do. And if you mean, do I know how to avoid becoming another  statistic for some overconfident bed jockey to brag about? Then, yes.  I'm happy to tell you that I can do that too-'

The air rushed out of her as Roman yanked her into his arms.

'Eva,' he growled. 'You talk too much.'

* * *

A cheer distracted her. Turning, Eva saw that the bride and groom had  just come onto the floor to join them in the traditional dance. Everyone  was cheering. Even she forgot Roman's insufferable arrogance and  smiled. That was the thing about weddings. You could let yourself go  without people thinking you were slightly mad. And this did seem to be  what everyone had been waiting for.

The dance had barely begun before the groom swept the bride into his  arms and carried her away. That was the other thing about weddings. Sex.  It was on everyone's mind, not just the bride and groom.

'What's happening now?' Eva was startled to see the circle reforming  around them. 'Must we do this?' She shot an anxious glance at Roman.  'Surely, you've had enough of dancing by now?'

'Eva Skavanga losing her nerve?' he taunted.

'Is it that obvious?' she scoffed.

'Don't worry, Eva. You don't have to do anything. Just leave everything to me.'

'Oh, now I'm reassured.'

Her sarcasm was lost in his arms as the music stopped and Roman kissed her.

It wasn't a polite kiss. It wasn't polite at all. He kissed her firmly and thoroughly, and with a great deal of skill.

She was still reeling from shock when people started cheering. Lights  exploded behind her eyes, but no one cared, no one noticed, and then  Roman let her go, leaving her trembling in front of him. She covered her  mouth as if to hide her arousal. That was her first proper kiss by a  man who knew what he was doing. Roman had invaded her mouth with the  same confidence he did everything else. And she liked it. She had liked  it a lot. Her fantasies were nothing but empty shells compared to that.  Roman's lips had been firm and persuasive, and he smelled so good.

The next couple had entered the centre of the ring, and something made  her want to watch them. When the time came for them to embrace, the man  leaned forward and pecked his partner chastely on each cheek.

'That's it?' She flashed an accusing stare at Roman, who cocked a brow and said nothing.

Of course he said nothing. Count Roman Quisvada was a shameless  manipulator. The dance was just a harmless party game, not the prelude  to an orgy.

'Problem, Eva?'

'Yes. You.' She stared angrily at him. 'How dare you?'

'How dare I?' Roman enquired lazily, easing onto one hip.

'Don't play the innocent with me,' she flashed. 'I know what you did.'

'I should hope so. But now it's time for us to go-'

'Time for you to go,' she said pointedly.

Ignoring this, he made her a mock bow. 'May I thank you for this dance?'

'If you want a scene?'

'Not especially.' He steadied her as she stumbled in her rush to get away from him. 'Ready to go, Eva?'

With a huff, she stalked off, heading for the shadows at the side of  the bar where she could lick her wounds in private. She was still  reeling from the kiss. Her body would never forget the sensation. She  would never forget how much she longed for more. The suggestive way  Roman's tongue had tangled with hers, the touch of his strong warm hands  on her naked arms, and the incredible sensation when his body had  tightened against her-

And worst of all, her pathetically needy response.