The Fifth Gospel(110)
Matthew 27:48
life away.
So, then, I need to share with you what I’ve been doing while you were out of town. I hope it
John 19:28–29
agrees with your agenda for the meeting. First, I’ve taken my gospel lessons from Alex very seriously. I study scripture morning and night. I’ve also kept up my work with the Diatessaron. These two avenues of investigation, together, have repaid me richly. Brace yourself, because I’m about to use a word that, at this late stage in the process, probably
Mark 15:45–46
horrifies you. I’ve made a discovery. Yes. What I’ve found erases everything I thought I knew about the Turin Shroud. It demolishes what we both expected to be the central message of my
John 19:38–40
keynote. It might come as a surprise—or even as a shock—to the guests you’re inviting to the
Luke 24:36–40
exhibit. For it proves that the Turin Shroud