“What’s the nature of your visit?”
“Sign in, please.”
Korbin signed his false name and Savanna did the same. The guard called an extension and announced their arrival. He repeated their names. “They said it’s personal.” He looked up at Korbin and Savanna. Then he hung up. “He’ll be right here.”
No one seemed to recognize them.
A few minutes later, a tall, thick man with a bushy crop of brown hair and brown eyes appeared through the security doors, followed by another man not as tall and thinner with blond hair. They both wore overalls that must be the required uniform. Pavlo looked to the guard for guidance, and that one pointed to them. The man behind him was looking at Korbin.
Pavlo approached, hiding what had to be his surprise or confusion. “I am Pavlo.”
His rich Eastern European accent was muted as though he’d spent a fair amount of time in the United States, learning to blend in. His partner hung back. He must have come along so they could resume whatever janitorial work had been interrupted.
“Mr. Borsuk, we’re tracking down all of the contractors employed by United Janitorial Services. We’ve noticed some inconsistencies and we were hoping you could clear some things up,” Korbin said.
“What things? Who are you?”
“We’re acquaintances of Tony’s. How long have you been employed here?” Korbin noticed how his coworker stood straighter, pushing off the security desk where he leaned, and watching and listening much more intently.
“Five years. You are friends of Tony’s?”
“Is that when you became a US citizen?”
The coworker glanced at Pavlo.
“Why do you need to know such things? If you are doing survey, you call Tony.” Pavlo started to turn to go. “Let’s go, Nate.”
“Aside from stealing employee identities, what are you planning?” Korbin asked.
Pavlo stopped cold, then turned to him. “Excuse me?”
“We know all about your operation. You immigrate to this country, establish citizenship and then get jobs at these kinds of corporations. You lie dormant for years, until it’s time to execute your plan. What else is there?”
“I do not know what you are talking about.”
Korbin glanced at Nate, who seemed interested to the point of anxiety. “If you give us information, the FBI might be persuaded to go easy on you.” Easier, perhaps, than they did the others involved. It may not be wise to suggest the FBI was onto them, and yet that very thing might scare this man into talking.
Pavlo looked closer at him and Savanna. “You are that couple in news. Jorge, call the police. This is the man wanted for that murder.”
The guard stared at Korbin, but recognition didn’t come.
“They’re planning a terrorist attack,” Korbin told him, also including Nate in on it. “There are several more like him at other corporations. Foreigners who apply for citizenship and then get jobs like this so they can infiltrate sensitive American companies.” To Pavlo he asked, “What job got you a work visa? Janitorial? Did Tony handle all of that for you through his bogus company? Explains why he showed no profit at first. He brought you over here on visas and you all worked lesser jobs until you were able to land this one.”