The Dreeson Incident(141)
"Very well," Kastenmayer said. "He is her friend."
"He is also," Jonas said, "or had the reputation of being, before his experiences in Italy, a very pugnacious young man. The up-timers believe that this is a quality often associated with red hair."
"I have not received any complaints about his behavior from the rector of the Latin School in Rudolstadt."
Nobody ever accepted public responsibility for the series of stink bombs that forced the 250 Club to close for business the evening after the Beasley baptism. The police located no clues whatsoever. Pastor Kastenmayer heard subsequently that most Grantvillers assumed that they were retribution for the effort to vandalize the laundry.
Opinion was divided on the merits of this action. But it did not seem to be divided very much concerning the most likely culprit.
Pastor Kastenmayer tried to reconcile in his mind the juxtaposition of "Gerry Stone, devout student," and "Gerry Stone, chemical saboteur." It was not easy.
March 1635
To wage by force of guile eternal war,
Irreconcilable, to our grand foe
Chapter 44
Haarlem, Netherlands
Velma stared out the window of the villa, down the driveway, into endless vistas of flat, flat, flat.
Her four resident sisters-in-law sat in a semi-circle behind her, chattering.
Laurent was away on business again, which meant that he would be eating things that were bad for him.
The baby was starting to become more real. The kind of real that required her to visit the necessary what seemed like every fifteen minutes.
The thought that if Laurent popped an artery one of these days, there was no guarantee at all that his family would provide support for the baby was becoming more real, too.
Much less that they would continue to provide support for her.
Aeltje was sympathetic, though. Aeltje understood about horoscopes.
Aeltje had also married into the faculty at the University of Leiden. And Aeltje's sons were studying science.
Everybody at Laurent's party had loved the lava lamps.
The high-ups in Dutch society might actually pay to have lava lamps of their own.
With hers as a model, the letter that she'd gotten from Pam to help them, and the ability of Aeltje's sons to do things in laboratories, and someone to do the work, could she start manufacturing lava lamps?
A girl had to take care of herself, after all.
Frankfurt am Main
Isaac de Ron concluded that Locquifier and Ouvrard were gone. Which meant that all of Ducos' Huguenot fanatics were gone. Out of the inn Zum Weissen Schwan, definitely. Out of Frankfurt, probably. Out of the USE? Perhaps.
First he called upon Soubise. Who called in Sandrart.
Then, since Laurent Mauger was in town, they called in Mauger.
He was thoroughly shocked to discover who his real employer had been. Pleased also, of course. Mauger was a man who respected status and nobody in the Huguenot diaspora had more status than Duke Henri de Rohan.
He didn't know much to tell them, however, beyond the instructions he had conveyed to Dumais in Grantville, which Soubise already knew about in any case.
Mauger agreed to continue to channel communications to Ducos in Scotland. If any more should arrive in Haarlem, he stipulated. All of the ones he transmitted had come from or been addressed to Locquifier, after all.
And he did not know where Michel Ducos was. The sailor who carried the letters back and forth from Haarlem just picked them up and left them at a drop point.
That provided Soubise with the name of a tavern in a Scottish port. Nothing more.
Matthias Bruller, a guest at the Willard Hotel, presented himself as a pleasant and unobtrusive man. He was mildly disappointed that the room to which the desk clerk assigned him did not provide a view of the bridges, but it wasn't worth complaining about. He made only a couple of casual remarks about being a tourist—a man involved in the mutton trade from Strassburg to Silesia. Not that he ever had been, but he had learned enough from Ouvrard during the years of their association that he could fake it, easily enough. In times of peace, when the economy was going about its business, the city of Strassburg, population about twenty thousand, approximately the size of Grantville now, figured on consuming about four thousand oxen per year. Grantville, given its up-time citizens' fondness for beef, slaughtered many more. By contrast, Strassburg slaughtered and consumed about a thousand sheep per day. Grantville, although the down-timers ate mutton, of course, slaughtered less than half that many. It was not a place of intense interest to sheep merchants.
He was a merchant, detouring from Erfurt, come to see the sights for a couple of days. He had no reason to go near the local slaughterhouses.