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The Cut(5)

By:Carol Lynne

Stake turned away from Santana and strode toward Gordon. He took the  porch steps three at a time and grabbed the sheriff around the neck.  Using every ounce of strength he possessed, he slammed Gordon against  the side of the house. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he ground out  between clenched jaws.

Without saying a word, Gordon held up his cell phone.

"Stake!" Cecil yelled through the speaker, the sound of his Harley making it hard for Stake to hear him over the deep rumble.

He knocked the phone out of Gordon's hand before kicking it off the porch. "Give me a reason not to kill you, motherfucker."

"So I slapped the bitch," Gordon replied, spittle landing on Stake's  chin. "You gonna go against your club and the law for that gash?"

Stake tightened his hold, ready to squeeze the life out of the man who  dared raise a hand to Santana, when the sound of Cecil's bike speeding  towards him caught his attention. "You fuckin' pussy." He gathered a wad  of spit in his mouth before blowing it in Gordon's terrified face.

"Stake," Cecil growled from the foot of the steps. "We don't need this shit," he warned.

Stake continued to hold Gordon in place. He knew what would happen if he  went against the club's president, and as sick as he was of the whole  fucking lifestyle, he knew it wasn't Gordon's day to die. "You so much  as look at her again, and I'll cut your fucking eyes out of your head.  Got that?"

Gordon stared up at Stake but made no move to answer.

Stake pulled Gordon forward before slamming him into the house once more. "I said, you got that?"

"I'm the fucking sheriff. I don't answer to you," Gordon replied, obviously feeling safe with Cecil there.

Before he released Gordon, Stake drew back his right hand and drove his knuckles hard against the man's jaw.

Gordon's head flew to the side, nearly knocking him to the floor despite the grip Stake had on his neck.

"Goddammit, Stake!" Cecil bellowed. "You're going to fucking pay for this one on your own dime."

Stake released Gordon and took a step back. He tugged on the chain  attached to his wallet while keeping a close eye on Gordon. "Remember  what I said." He dropped several hundred-dollar bills at Gordon's feet.  "If I have to come back here, nothing's gonna save your ass."

Santana watched the exchange between Stake and Gordon through the ripped  screen window in her tiny bedroom. She felt her nipples pucker and  harden as Stake slammed Gordon against the house for a second time.         



"Stake," she whispered to herself. Damn it, why did he have to be the  one to stand up for her. For years, she'd tried to put the sexy-as-sin  tattooed biker out of her mind, but there he was, in full inked glory.  His dark brown hair was a little longer then she remembered, but his big  amber-colored eyes were just as dreamy as they'd always been.

She squeezed her legs together at the familiar twinge of need in her  pussy. Since the age of thirteen, he'd had that effect on her body. Even  after he'd turned his back on her after her father went to prison, no  other man had invaded her fantasies.

When he released Gordon, she took a step back. The last thing she needed  was for Stake to catch her spying. Watching him drop money at Gordon's  feet enraged her. How many times had she prayed that Stake cared enough  to make sure she and her mom had enough food or money for the electric  bill after her father was sent to prison? Smash and Stake had been best  friends for years, yet he'd found it easy to forget that fact the minute  Smash had been put behind bars.

Halfway down the porch steps, Stake stopped and stared directly at her.

She let the bed sheet fall into place. She didn't have time to think  about him. It wouldn't do any good. Like all Kings, he was the enemy.

Chapter Two

Stake sat on his back porch and stared out over the landscape. There  wasn't much to look at other than brown grass and stubby trees as far as  the eye could see, but that's what he liked most about his place. There  was a degree of solitude in the nothingness that he hadn't found  anywhere else, and with a blank slate in front of him, his mind had  nowhere to go but to the shit he needed to figure out.

Some of his brothers went to the club to get away from their old ladies  or children. In his younger days, he'd found a certain amount of peace  just hanging with the others, but at some point, he'd changed. He was  only thirty-eight, which was still relatively young, even in biker  years, but the shit that went down at the club was getting old. How many  rank pussies could a guy fuck before his dick fell off? There were a  few bitches at the club who were nice enough to talk to, but other than  the occasional blowjob when he was desperate, he preferred non-club  pussy. The ongoing bullshit with Rachel was proof that if he wanted to  find a good woman who wasn't batshit crazy or suffering from  stalker-like tendencies, he'd need to look outside the club.

He reached for his beer. Nope, the club wasn't where he found his peace,  it was right where he sat, looking at everything and nothing, and at  the moment, all he could think about were those damn kaleidoscope eyes.  Fuck. After the shit Ellie had pulled after Smash's death, helping  Santana in any way would be the same as going against the club. It was  something Cecil had reminded him of before they'd left Gordon's place,  but he couldn't get those damn eyes off his fucking mind.

Despite her bravado, she'd been damned scared of Gordon. Her fear was  palpable, like an injured cat curled in the corner ready to strike at  anything that came near her. He didn't blame her. Gordon had let his  badge and association with the club go to his head, and Stake wouldn't  put it past the sonofabitch to go after Santana again just to prove he  could. The question was, what was Stake willing to do about it? How far  would he go for a woman he wasn't supposed to associate with?

"Christ!" He stood and took another drink of his beer. The sight of  Santana clutching that damn broken bottle of grape soda nearly stole his  breath. It was as if it had meant everything to her, and from the look  of the other groceries, it probably had.

His heavy boot scraped against a nail head, sticking up from the porch  floor. Beer in hand, he opened the back door, but stopped himself before  walking into the house. He drained his beer in two gulps before  stepping inside. Since moving out on his own, he'd adopted a very strict  rule about not drinking in the house. Growing up, it wasn't uncommon to  see his mom and whatever man she was sharing a bed with passed out on  the couch-sometimes dressed, sometimes naked. A beer or two after a long  day was fine, but in south Texas, there was never a reason not to have  that bottle on the back porch.

When he'd built the two bedroom cabin, he'd purposely left off the  traditional front porch, instead choosing to concentrate on the view  behind the house. Front porches were welcoming, and he didn't give a  shit about welcoming anyone. In fact, he preferred people left him the  fuck alone when he was at home.

After tossing his empty beer bottle in the trashcan, he grabbed a hammer  out of his toolbox. As he returned the nail in the porch's floor to its  rightful place, he couldn't help but think of Santana's roof and that  damned blue tarp. Didn't she have a boyfriend or someone who could help  her keep up the house? The place had always been a shithole, but from  the look of it, he was amazed it was standing at all.         



Weighing the hammer in his hand, he considered stopping by and helping  out. Although Smash's betrayal had gutted him, Stake knew it wasn't  Santana's fault, Ellie's definitely, but no way was that sweet girl  guilty of anything.

Tormented by the thought of Santana living in the crappy house next door  to Gordon, he swung the hammer and put a quarter-sized dent in the  porch floor. "Fuck!"

"Come on, Mama, just two drinks, and I'll leave you alone," Santana  pleaded. She held the glass to her mom's lips and waited for her to take  a sip. The fact that it wouldn't be long before her mom was gone was  really starting to sink in. Dr. Braverman had told her that once Ellie  stopped eating, she'd only have a matter of weeks. Well, it was the  third week of forcing the vitamin drink down her mother several times a  day and it was getting harder each time.

Ellie pushed the drink away from her mouth and pressed her lips together.

Santana sat back in the kitchen chair she kept beside her mom's bed. "Oh, mama."

"Go," Ellie croaked, her voice so dry and weak Santana barely understood her.

How many times had she wished she could do just that? Unfortunately, her  heart was stubborn, and no matter how much she wished she didn't love  people who were incapable of loving her back, she did. "Can I come back  before I go to bed and try again?"

Ellie shook her head in reply.

Trapped somewhere between hurt and pissed, Santana stood. She left the  room without turning off the bedside lamp. Yes, it was a childish thing  to do, but she allowed herself the satisfaction after the day she'd had.  Seeing Stake after so many years had really fucked with her emotions.  While her heart sang when he'd run to her aid earlier, the rest of her  resented him for witnessing the truth of what her life had been reduced  to. It was harder to accept kindness when you knew it could be snatched  away at any moment. So, she'd resorted to using the defense she'd honed  over the years. She'd never have the strength to physically challenge a  man, but she'd sharpened her tongue after years of practicing on those  in town who thought to keep her down.