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The Crimson Campaign(The Powder Mage Trilogy)(54)

By:Brian McClellan

Taniel paused, a fork halfway to his mouth. "From?" he mumbled around a mouthful of quail's egg.

"Colonel Etan."

Taniel tossed his fork down and snatched the letter. He tore it open and ran his eyes over the contents. When he was finished, he pushed his chair back and took a deep breath. He wasn't hungry anymore, not even for Mihali's food.

"What is it?" Mihali asked.

"None of your … " Taniel swallowed his retort. Mihali had come all this way from the front with a full meal, and delivered a letter that would likely not have reached Taniel otherwise. The chef deserved his thanks, not his anger. "I asked Colonel Etan to pull the quartermaster records regarding black-powder use in the army."


"He also pulled requisition orders. They don't match up. The army has requisitioned three times as much powder as they've used, and nearly twice what has actually reached the front line."

"It's getting lost somewhere?" Mihali asked.

"More likely stolen. Corruption's not unheard of in any army, even ours, but Tamas cracks down on it hard during wartime. These records"  –  he tossed the envelope on his bed  –  "mean that the quartermasters are in on it. And at least one member of the General Staff. Someone is making millions off this war."

"As you said," Mihali responded, "it's not unheard of."

"But powder …  we'll run out quickly at this rate. The whole country, and then it doesn't matter how much better our troops are, we'll be ground beneath Kez's heel. Damn it!" Taniel drummed his fingers on the silver platter in front of him. He wanted to throw it across the room, but there was still a bit of beef left. "Can you get me out of here?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't think so," Mihali said with a sigh. "As I told you before, the General Staff doesn't listen to a word I say." Mihali patted his belly. "Tamas  –  now he has an ear for good sense, even if he is mistrustful of the person giving it. These generals can't see past the ends of their noses."

Taniel leaned back and sipped his wine. Something about Mihali's steady tone and unruffled attitude helped calm his nerves. "They're some of the best in the Nine, believe it or not." To his surprise, there was no grudge in his tone. "Though I can't say that speaks well for Adro, or against the rest of the Nine."

Mihali chuckled. "That certainly explains why we haven't lost yet. Despite being so heavily outnumbered."

"How is it going on the front?" Taniel asked. "I mean, I can see … " He gestured out the window, the memory of the wagons full of dead and wounded still fresh. "But I've had no real news for two days."

"Not well. We lost almost a mile yesterday." Mihali's face grew serious. "You were about to change things, you know. Stopping that advance last week gave the men their first victory in months. They had heart. I could sense it. They would have charged after you, right down Kresimir's throat."

"Pit. I have to get out of here. Back on the front. And I need to find out who's profiteering off our black powder."


"I'll strangle every quartermaster in the army until one tells me. You're sure you can't get me released?"

"Most of the General Staff doesn't even believe I'm a god. To them, I'm a mad chef. The only way you'll get out of here, Taniel, is if you apologize to Major Doravir."

Taniel stood up and went to the window. "Absolutely not."

"Don't pit your pride against General Ket's," Mihali said. "That woman makes Brude look humble."

Brude. One of the saints  –  er, gods. Taniel watched Mihali down a fourth glass of wine out of the corner of his eye. It was easy to forget what Mihali was. After all, one would expect a god to look, and act, as grand as any king. Not dribble wine out of the corner of his mouth and then clean it up with a shirtsleeve.

"What can I do?" Taniel asked. He wondered if Mihali had given advice to his father. He couldn't imagine Tamas soliciting advice from a chef, even if he did believe that Mihali was a god.

"Apologize to Doravir."

Taniel blew air out through his nose.

"I can't see much," Mihali said quietly, looking into his wineglass. "The future is always moving, always blurry, even to those with the vision to see it. What I can see is that if you stay in this room, we'll continue to lose ground every day. The Kez will push us out of the valley and surround us, eventually forcing a surrender. Or we'll run out of powder, and the same will happen."

Taniel scoffed. "I'm just one man. I can't make that much of a difference."


"One man always makes a difference. Sometimes it's a small one. Other times, he tips a war. And you …  you're not human. Not anymore."

"Oh? Then what am I?" Taniel asked. Mihali made less and less sense as he continued to speak.

"Hmm," Mihali said. "I don't think there's a word for it. After all, you're the first of your kind. You've become like Julene."

Taniel heard his own sharp intake of breath. "I'm not a Predeii."

"No. Not precisely. You're not immortal, after all. Then again, neither is Julene. She's just ageless. I don't think your sorcery would ever let you become ageless. Even with Ka-poel's help. But you're the powder-mage equivalent of a Predeii."

"This is ridiculous. Where is Ka-poel?"

"Hiding. I offered her my protection  –  with some reservations, of course. That girl makes my skin crawl. She didn't accept it. I might need her help at some point, though."

Taniel rubbed his temples.

"Another glass of wine?"

"I think I've had enough."

"Suit yourself." Mihali poured himself another one. His cheeks were flushed, but other than that there was no sign he'd drunk seven glasses. The wine bottle, Taniel noted, was still full.

"You said that you can see a little of the future," Taniel said. "If I apologize to Major Doravir, what then?"

Mihali stared into his wineglass. "Motion. That's what I see. It's a small event, but it stirs things up. It makes the certain uncertain. And right now, the certain does not bode well for us."

Taniel snatched a quill pen and took the back of Etan's letter. Quickly, ink smudging the page, he scrawled out a note. "Can you get this to Ricard Tumblar?" he asked. "I can't send it regular post. If someone on the General Staff is profiteering, they'll have eyes everywhere."

"I can send one of my girls," Mihali said, taking the letter.

"Thank you. Do you know where can I find Major Doravir?"

"As it happens …  yes."



Tamas watched the sunrise over the Adran Mountains to the east and wondered if it would be the last he would ever see.

The Kez dragoons had caught up with them late the day before. They made camp over a mile into Hune Dora Forest. He'd spent half the night watching their campfires flicker in the night and listening to them sing cavalry battle hymns. Every so often a gunshot would punctuate the distant sound as one of their scouts got too close and met a powder mage's bullet.

Now, the world was quiet but for the sound of the swift river on the rocks behind him. Tamas lay on the ground, leaning against his saddle about a hundred paces from the river. He held a powder charge in his hand, kneading the paper between his fingers.

In his mind he could see the dragoons climbing from their tents, stretching in the crisp morning air and preparing Fatrastan coffee over their cookfires. They'd be unhurried. Restful. They knew that their heavy cavalry wouldn't be here for some time yet, and that Beon wouldn't attack before he had his full force.

"Where are the cuirassiers?" Tamas asked. His breath fogged as he spoke. Despite the heat of the summer days, the mornings were still chill this close to the mountains.

Gavril stared sullenly toward the tree line as if he expected the dragoons to appear any moment. "Not more than a few hours away. I'd expect them here by noon."

"They'll be in formation by two o'clock. One, if Beon's generals are organized."

"Not long to get ready."

"Long enough. Olem."

The bodyguard stirred from his lookout position a few paces from Tamas's side. "Sir?"

"Pull our pickets back from the forest. Are the rafts done?"

"Aye, sir. Three big ones."

"Begin ferrying troops across the river. Start with the wounded, then the greenest troops. Take your time at it. I expect the Kez to attack between one and two o'clock. I want about a thousand of our men across the river by then. Enough to be convincing, but not enough to destroy our ability to fight."

"Very good, sir. Anything else?" Olem's tone was crisp. Ready for battle.

"Does everyone know where they are meant to be when the fighting starts?"

"Yes, sir. We drilled them half the night."

"Make things chaotic. I want lots of milling about. Fistfights. If you have to ‘lose' one of the rafts in the river, so be it. This has to be convincing."

"I spoke to Colonel Arbor last night, sir. His men are going to hide their kits and rifles. Make like they've abandoned them."

"Good. Dismissed. Wait. Find me Andriya and Vlora."

Olem flinched at the mention of Vlora's name. He saluted and was off.