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The Billionaire Secret 2(3)

By:Alicia Beckton



He knew he shouldn't. They'd be late, after all, but he slipped through  the door and closed it behind him. He got a whiff of her tantalizing  perfume, saw her leaning over the sink counter as she applied a little  mascara to her already dark eyelashes, and when their eyes met, he felt  electricity shoot through him. He knew he was in love, but he didn't  know it could feel like a tidal wave crashing over him.

"We'll be late," she whispered, but he was already stepping out of his  suit pants, then his boxers, and finally unbuttoning his white shirt. It  slipped to the floor with the rest of his clothes as he maintained eye  contact with her in the mirror. He caught the tiniest catch of her  breath as she continued to apply her mascara.

He waited patiently, his hand caressing his hard length as he throbbed  for her. By the time she was finished, he had it all planned out. He  rolled on a condom, one of the ones he kept in his wallet lying on the  counter, and gently slid down the black, silky material that hid her  want for him. Blake watched her put away the mascara, saw her pop her  lips as she evened out her lipstick, and stalked up behind her in a true  predatory fashion.

"No, don't bend over," he told her as she proceeded to rest lazily on  the counter with her elbows, watching him stalk her like a lion hunting  the gazelle.

"Why not," she asked him lazily, breathily as she stood back up.

"Because I want to see every inch of you while I fuck you," he whispered  as he came up behind her, letting his hard member rest against the  small of her back. "Put on your heels," he demanded as he stepped away.

Aiyana did as she was told, walking daintily over to pick up her black,  strappy heels with the glitter on the sole. She bent over, giving him a  tantalizing view of her behind, the perfect curve of her womanly ass,  and her glistening, swollen lips. Her feet slipped into them and she  allowed him to pull her back in front of him again. This time, he knew  he was right where he needed to be. He bent down at the knees,  positioned himself, and slid into her.

She throbbed around him and gasped and he spread her legs a little  further, gaining him more access. "Oh," she strung out the word in a  whisper as his hands reached forward. He placed them on her flat stomach  and felt her muscles clench when he drew back and thrust in.

"Don't move," he told her when she tried to bend over to support  herself. He wrapped an arm around her waist, and used his free hand to  massage her right breast until the nipple turned rock solid beneath his  palm.

Aiyana could feel the way his hand shake when he moved it to her other  breast, teasing the nipple into a hard peak. Her lips parted when he  reached between her legs, still not moving inside her other than the way  his cock pulsed and throbbed. "I want you to come for me," he  whispered, his hot breath sliding across her earlobe and making her  shiver.

"I already did, remember?" she asked him teasingly as she looked up to  find his gaze in the mirror. His eyes had gone from the steely color  they usually were to a much darker color. His pupils were going to  eclipse his irises soon and his whole being was concentrating on her.

"Again," he demanded of her, finding her swollen clit and touching the  sensitive flesh just above it. Her breasts swelled and her jaw slackened  gently as she sucked in a deep breath. He knew he wasn't playing fair,  demanding that she come while he was inside of her, not moving, but he  enjoyed the way she submitted to him.

Her breath caught in her throat and he knew the moment he was about to  feel her pulsing around him. It felt like a lifetime before he pinched  her clit and rode the wave of her climax with her, thrusting in and out  of her at the pace of her orgasm. "Oh, oh," she repeated and he allowed  his arm to slacken as she leaned forward, her hands grasping the counter  for support.

Blake positioned his warm hands on her hips as she pulled her back to  him, driving into her as hard as he could. When he was sure she was on  the brink of her second orgasm, he pulled out of her fully and slid back  into her, leaning his chest into her back as he held onto her.

"Please, yes, please-" she screamed and he watched her face contort as  she came around him hard. He reached between her legs from the front and  felt the slick wetness of her on his fingers. He ran them down her  labia, teasing the swollen, wet flesh and keeping her aroused while he  waited for her to be ready again.

When she thought he was finished and he'd finally come inside of her, they were already half an hour late.

The two of them didn't walk into the party until well past ten in the  evening, and Blake couldn't seem to keep his hands from finding innocent  ways to brush against her back or her thighs throughout the night.         



Chapter Three

"If you reach that hand up any higher, there's going to be a scandalous  event at your party tonight," Aiyana whispered in his ear while she  lifted her champagne glass with her right hand. They hadn't had a drink  since Christmas, either one of them, but it was New Year's and she'd  needed something to help her cool down.

"I'm hoping there might be," he whispered back to her as his pinky brushed against the inside, upper part of her left thigh.

"Blake, you were supposed to be here an hour and a half-" Julia stopped  as soon as she realized she'd interrupted something and for the first  time in his life, Blake saw her blush crimson just on her cheekbones.  She swallowed and got herself back under control.

"Aiyana, this is Julia, my business partner." He told her politely as he  stood, waiting for Julia to take a seat. She did, rather unladylike as  she plopped into a chair and reached her hand across the table.

"We've met, it's nice to see you again," Aiyana said as she reached  across and took it. Both women seemed to eye each other up a bit before  they released their handshake and smiled politely.

"And you," Julia said before she snagged a glass of wine proffered to  her by a waiter. "Anyway, you're late, but I think I can guess why." Her  lip curled up into her infamous, Cheshire cat grin. Blake frowned as he  wondered if Aiyana would be offended, but she seemed to take it all in  good cheer.

"Blake had a wardrobe malfunction," Aiyana offered warmly before she  took a sip of her champagne. It was her first glass and they'd been  there for a while.

"Hah, that's a good one," Julia complimented before she turned her gaze  on Blake. "I like her, you should keep her. I suppose she'll stay unless  she finds out about that weird hobby of using a day planner." He  supposed that was the best he was going to get from his partner and  stifled an inward sigh. "Or the glass you installed that goes from clear  to not so clear. Did you ask about that yet?"

"No, I haven't heard about it."

"Well, this is a really funny story-"

"Julia." Blake stated serenely as he raised one eyebrow.

"Blake." She responded as the grin came back.

"I think Aiyana can be spared the gory details of my work life." He said after two heartbeats.

"Oh, no, darling. I'm afraid I'm terribly interested about the magic  glass." He felt his resolve weaken as she leaned her elbow on the table  and rested her chin on her hand.

Blake sat back and listened to the women chat about his nonexistent,  scandalous love life at the office. Aiyana laughed at some parts, seemed  defensively angry on his behalf at others, and seemed to honestly enjoy  talking with the woman across the table from her. At least he could  cross that one off the list. He wouldn't leave the woman he loved  because of Julia's disapproval, but it was a relief to know she did.

"Let's dance," Aiyana said as she stood up and finished off her first,  and most likely only, glass of alcohol for the evening. He understood  her reserve considering it was more than just them, and he appreciated  that she didn't want to get sloppy drunk in front of his employees.

"It'd be my pleasure," Blake told her as he stood and held out his hand  to her. Julia had turned towards her left to chat with one of the men in  accounting who had sat down next to her. She seemed to be having a  candid discussion with him about paper clips, and Blake wasn't about to  intervene.

He swept her onto the dance floor with more grace than he thought he  had, and tried to remember the simple dance lessons he'd learned when he  was a child. When he saw his dance partner smiling when he looked up,  he realized he wasn't doing that fine of a job at it. "Don't tell me you  can't dance, Blake Hanley."

"I'd be telling you a lie, then" he told her as he swung her around and  tried to dip her. There were too many people in the way, so she was only  a few inches away from him. The lights were dim, but he could see the  twinkle in her eyes as if it were a bright, sunny day. She was inwardly  laughing at him, and he felt embarrassment well welling up. There were  things even a billionaire wasn't good at, and not enough money on the  planet could turn him into a man who could sweep a woman off her feet  just by dancing.