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The Billionaire Secret 2(10)

By:Alicia Beckton

"Daddy, Momma, this is Blake Hanley, my-" she paused and he saw her  finger run over the ring finder he'd try to claim. "Boyfriend," she  finished a little lamely. Was that regret he saw on her face for a  second?

"It's nice to meet you Blake. I'm Theresa and this is my husband,  Richard." Blake set down the bag in his right hand and shook hands with  Theresa before he turned his attention to the man who looked like he  would never smile.

"It's nice to meet you Theresa, Richard," he said as he held out his  hand to Aiyana's father. The man took stock of the billionaire standing  before him pulled his hand out of his pocket, only to return it with a  quarter in his grasp. He grunted once before he turned away to sit down  with Aiyana's entourage.

"He hasn't had his afternoon nap," Theresa tried to explain with a  polite smile as she ushered Aiyana and Blake through the front door. The  foyer had gleaming hardwood floors and the off-gray paint showcased the  mahogany coat rack to his left. Blake didn't notice much else as he was  led up the stairs lined with family photographs and to the right where  he was promptly told he would be staying, and then Aiyana was led away  to her own room with her bag in hand.

Blake hadn't expected separate bedrooms, but he wasn't too shocked after  meeting her father. He figured he'd be shot on sight if he was standing  outside her bedroom door at two in the morning. With a heavy sigh and a  hand wiped across his face, he sat down on the edge of the bed and  wondered what he'd gotten himself into. It had been many years since  he'd allowed himself to be dragged along to a woman's parent's home.

But she's worth it and more, he reminded himself as he pulled out his clothes and hang them in the closet.

"Bet you're not used to hanging your own laundry," a rough voice stated  with a hint of derision. Blake turned to the voice, suspecting as much  that it was Richard standing in the doorway.

"I tend to my own clothes," Blake told him serenely as he unzipped the  bag that held his toiletries. Richard pointed at the door on the  opposite side of the bed and Blake disappeared into the bathroom to  deposit his belongings. He wanted to make it well-known that he planned  on staying the entire trip, and there was no amount of perpetual  frowning that could get him to leave. He briefly noted the dual sinks  and the jetted tub before he returned to the room.         



"Dinner's in ten," Richard said before he disappeared from the doorway.  Blake didn't bother to close it as he zipped up the empty suitcase. He  heard the sound of feet tiptoeing down the hallway and smiled when  Aiyana peaked her head around the door frame. Her fingers gripped it as  she looked him up and down.

"You should change," she whispered sweetly.

"You should help," he whispered back as he advanced on her, about to  stake his claim on her in a house full of her kin. Besides, he needed  the reassurance.

Aiyana pulled back and giggled as she jumped out of his reach. She put  her finger to her lips to hush him, but he had her in one swoop of his  arm and pulled her into the room. Blake had a second to close the door  gently before he pushed her against the wall and ran his tongue over her  upper lip. She shivered beneath his touch as his hands roamed down to  pull at the button on her jeans. Aiyana tried to push him back  playfully, but he wasn't budging.

He silenced her futile protest with a long kiss, dipping his tongue in  and out of her mouth as he pushed his hand up her shirt, gently pulling  away the cup of her bra. Aiyana moaned into his mouth as his other hand  pushed down into her pants, finding her hot and swollen. His palm slid  across her clit as he dipped his finger into her, stroking her from the  inside as his palm moved gently over her nub. He could feel her legs  beginning to weaken and her breathing quickened as her tongue found his  to dance.

Blake knew he should be walking a fine line in her parent's home, but he  couldn't help the way it felt so good to stroke her until she shuddered  against him. He pinned her against the wall to keep her from falling  and milked her until she was breathless and her cheeks were crimson. A  wisp of her hair clung to her forehead and she pulled it away with  shaking hands as she buttoned her jeans and fixed her top.

"You're going to be in so much trouble if they ever find out about  that," she whispered to him harshly, but the smile on her lips told him  it was well worth it.

"Who's ever going to tell?" he asked as he quietly opened the door and  allowed her to slip through the crack. He heard her tiptoeing back to  her room and assumed she was going to freshen up before she went down to  the dinner table. Blake went back in to wash his hands and comb his  hair. He took stock of his suit and figured it wouldn't hurt to change  into something more comfortable.

He pulled out a pair of dark green slacks and a gray shirt. It was the  most colorful he'd gotten since he'd been with Aiyana. He only hoped her  folks could appreciate the effort he was putting in. Blake took stock  of himself in the mirror and put on a pair of dark brown shoes.

Chapter Nine

"Hanley, catch!" The football was whizzing directly for his face and for  an instant he wondered if they thought of him as soft because he had  money. He'd been reluctant to accept the invitation to the game because  he hadn't a pair of jeans in his wardrobe, but Row had been nice enough  to lend him a pair that was too long for his taste. They actually fit  pretty snug on Blake, and he noticed the way Aiyana kept staring at him  as he played with her brothers.

The previous evening's dinner had gone well, if well meant a few grunts  from Richard and endless chattering about the neighborhood from Theresa.  Aiyana's sister hadn't shown yet, and her third brother was still  missing in action from the previous afternoon, but no one seemed too  concerned about it. It must have been a common occurrence.

Blake caught the spiraling football and took off down the right side of  their makeshift field, the back yard. He skirted the edge of the pool  and heard the slap of his sneakers on the concrete as he leaped over one  of the lawn chairs and tumbled on the other side. He almost lost his  grip on the ball, but he knew he was safe as soon as he heard the  cheering from the sidelines. Aiyana was smiling as her hands game  together in front of her and Row was cheering about a touchdown as he  helped Blake to his feet.

"You alright? You took a bit of a tumble there," Row stated between  chuckles. Allen leaned on his knees and tried to catch his breath.  "You'd better let him get in the last touchdown," Row said under his  breath as he turned away from his brother and looked out at the hedge  leading to the neighbor's house. "Allen's a bit competitive."

"So am I," Blake stated as he stood up and dusted the grass off his jeans. "Sorry about the pants. I'll replace them."

"It's not a big deal. They're just pants," Row shrugged it off before loping off to see if his brother was up for another game.         



Aiyana sashayed up to him while pulling her hair back with a hair tie.  "You'd better watch your back," she told him as she picked up the ball.

"You're going to play?" he asked her skeptically. She looked at her fingernails with a raised eyebrow and shrugged a shoulder.

"I'm pretty quick on my feet." He felt a fluttering in the pit of his  stomach when she looked up from beneath her eye lashes and smiled at  him.

Aiyana tossed the ball to her brother and they squared off in the center  of the yard again. Blake was keenly aware of the way Theresa and  Richard were watching them play, but he was more concerned about Allen  standing in front of him with a sneer on his face. "Gonna take you  down," he said real low.

Aiyana called it and Allen tossed the ball between his legs back to his  sister. Blake knew as soon as the ball left Allen's fingertips that they  were going to end up in a tussle, so he ducked to the left and prayed  he was right in his assumption. Allen brushed past his right and fell to  the ground, grunting as he did. Aiyana was already halfway across the  yard, almost to her goal, but Row was right behind her. It seemed he had  no qualms about tackling his sister as he took her down to the ground.  Her hand reached out and she tried to tap the goal area with the ball,  but she was too far away. She rolled over and came up laughing as Row  helped her to her feet.

"Again," she demanded as they took their positions. This time, Aiyana and Row square off in the center, taking their turns.

Blake prepared himself for a full contact hit to the chest, but he  managed to duck, avoiding Allen's groping. He caught Aiyana around the  waist before she was able to get very far. He spun her around in a  circle and felt her breasts push up against him as he pulled her in  close. They stood with their faces mere inches apart, their breath  intermingling as they stared at each other. He knew she'd missed him  last night, but he wasn't sure if she'd missed him half as much as he'd  missed having her beside him.