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The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match)(74)

By:Victoria Davies

“Tell me about it,” Trevor agreed. “I heard my parents wondering if you were good for the alpha but from what I can see, you’re brilliant. This past month it’s been like a knot in my shoulders has just vanished.”

The other wolves nodded in agreement.

“What?” Chloe asked, blinking in surprise.

“It’s a pack thing,” Kate said, looking to the others as if to seek help explaining. “Weres are pretty connected to each other.”

“And the alpha is at the head of everything,” Sasha put in. “When he is anxious, we all feel it. When he’s happy, we feel that, too.”

“You mentioned a month,” she said to Trevor.

“Yeah. I know you guys have been dating for longer but it was a few weeks ago when it really clicked for all of us. Like a weight was just…gone.”

Shock spiraled through her. Their relationship was having a direct effect on Kieran’s people? That sounded…

Like something that happened between mates.

“I’ve slept better this past month than I have in years,” Kate said, carrying on the conversation.

“That’s why most of the pack is on board with the two of you,” Chad said. “We haven’t seen the alpha so happy in”—he looked at the group—“ever? Definitely not in our lifetimes.”

“What about Lisette?” Chloe asked.

The group shrugged. “The way I hear it, she helped a bit but she didn’t provide the same support to the pack that you have. You guys are made for each other,” Trevor said.

“Are you going to declare your relationship at the moon?” Kate asked. “I know Kieran said you wouldn’t, but why not? Surely you know by now whether you’re meant to be.”

“I…” Chloe didn’t know what to say. Part of her wanted to argue it was too early. No one could know in a month if they were mated. But another part of her argued that mates always knew. It was instinctive, uncontrollable. If she and Kieran really were meant to stay together, they would know by now. Wouldn’t they?

“Leave her alone, Kate,” Rachel cut in. “You’re so pushy.”

“Like you weren’t wondering the same thing,” the other wolf replied. “It’s the question on everyone’s mind.”

It was? Had anyone mentioned it to Kieran? The thought made her a little queasy. He was just getting used to the idea of a real relationship again. If someone mentioned eternity, who knew how he’d react.

“We haven’t discussed it,” Chloe said.

“Well, you’ve got time,” Chad said. “That’s the nice thing about immortality. Tons of chances to get things right.”

He had a point.

So why did she feel like her time was quickly running out?

Kieran stood at the window of the main cabin, looking down at his lover chatting with the younger wolves. As usual, she was a mix of contradictions. One minute she’d stare down pack members hundreds of years older than her, and the next she seemed young and innocent enough to fit in with his weakest packmates.

Crossing his arms, he leaned against the sill, unwilling to take his eyes off her.

The padding of footsteps alerted him to Niall’s presence before his friend appeared at his side. Together they looked down at the small group.

“You’ve got no intention to take a mate this week, hmm?” Niall said, breaking the silence.

“Witches and wolves. You know the complications.”

The man he’d known since he was a cub let out a soft laugh. “I also know they don’t matter if you love her.”

“Of course I do,” he said, the words coming automatically.

“Do you?” Niall asked. “That’s rather fast.”

Tearing his gaze away from Chloe, he examined his friend. “We’ve been together for months.”

“Have you.” It wasn’t a question.

“What are you implying, Niall?”

“After the gallery, I did some digging,” the other man said. “Six months ago you were lip-locked with a woman named Candy, and Chloe was seen dating a griffin.”

A growl built in his chest he had to force back. “We were taking a break. Couples fight. It wasn’t serious.”

“Do you remember what it was like to be a member of the pack instead of the alpha?” Niall asked, shifting gears. “How in touch you used to be with our leader?”

“Of course.”

“I don’t think you do.” Niall ran a hand down his face. “Your parents were happily mated when you were a packmate. Their stability was the bedrock of the group. You’ve never known what it feels like to follow an alpha you can feel slipping away.”