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The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match)(59)

By:Victoria Davies

“Chloe, nice to see you again.”

She glanced up at the tall man before her. He stood ramrod straight, his dark hair impeccably styled and his clothes fit to perfection. When he turned his blue gaze to her she shivered, despite the fact she’d met him many times before.

“Lucian,” she said in greeting. “Good of you to come.”

“My mate made it clear if I didn’t, I would be sleeping on the couch for a week,” he said, his lips twisting in amusement. “A wise man does not cross Abbey when she’s focused on a cause.”

“I just saw her over in the corner. I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you.”

The ancient vampire’s gaze was already locked on his errant lover. “Thank you,” he said to her without glancing in her direction.

Chloe watched him move toward his mate as if he couldn’t stand to be away from her for another second. What would it feel like, she wondered, to be that drawn to another? She spent her days waxing poetic about the mating process, but she had no firsthand experience. Abbey looked at Lucian as if there were no one else in the room. When the two of them touched, she could almost feel the love vibrating between them. She wanted that for herself.

Though when she pictured her future mate, he only wore one face.

“Deep thoughts?”

Two words, and her body leaped to life. Turning, she found her own date standing by her side. His eyes were focused on her, humor in their amber depths.

“Just thinking,” she said to Kieran.

“About mates.”

He said the words easily, in no way looking like a man about to bolt for the hills. What a difference a few weeks made.


He nodded, moving closer to her. “Well, since this evening is about romance, we should make a good show of it. Kiss me, witchling.”

People were moving past them, guests she should be greeting, but she couldn’t muster the will to care.

Grabbing his lapels, she pulled him down. Her lips pressed against his in a kiss that was far more decent than she wanted it to be. But they were in public and eyes were on them.

He wrapped one hand around her waist, the other cupping her cheek as he returned the caress. His lips were soft against hers, the touch gentle. It was a kiss that had less to do with passion than it did with companionship. A hello between lovers.

When he drew back, his gaze was locked on hers.

Drawing in a shaky breath, she told herself the kiss hadn’t affected her. It didn’t matter at all that he’d kissed her as if she were important to him.

As if she was special.

“What do you want me to do?” he asked her, his voice soft.

Take me to bed. “Ah.” She swallowed. “Stand here with me while I welcome people. Our were clients will be thrilled to see you.”

“As you wish.” His expression clearly said he’d heard the words she hadn’t voiced. Still, he moved into position by her side, smiling at the people who came through the doors.

Just as anticipated, the gossip about both Lucian and Kieran being present spread throughout the bar. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Abbey and her mate holding court in the corner while most of the single werewolves were eying Kieran.

“You have fans,” she whispered to her partner.

“I didn’t notice,” he replied, equally soft. “I have eyes only for you.”

She snorted at the old line, but even so, warmth spread through her chest. No doubt a month ago he’d be prowling through the bar looking for his next conquest.

White-blonde hair flashed across her vision, heralding Vivian’s arrival.

“Kieran,” she said, shaking his hand. “Good of you to come.”

“Always happy to help, Vivian,” he replied.

Vivian’s cool stare flicked to her. “Look who I found outside.” She gestured to the couple by her side. “I heard there was a blood shortage.”

“I brought all I could,” said her friend as she entered. “I hope it’s enough.”

Chloe accepted the bag from her and glanced inside to see a number of containers of blood. “It’s perfect. Thank you, Melissa.” She passed the package to Vivian who strode toward the fridge behind the bar.

The red-haired vampire grinned. “Looks like a good turnout.”

“Your presence helps with that,” said Chloe.

Melissa’s amusement didn’t fade. “They just want to see how a necromancer and vampire survive without killing each other.”

“Very happily,” her companion said, wrapping his arms around his mate’s waist.

“Tarian.” Chloe greeted him with a smile. “Fair warning, Lucian is in the corner.”

The necromancer frowned. “So much for a relaxing evening.”