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The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match)(57)

By:Victoria Davies

Which was a damn complication.

A couple more weeks. If they could just survive a little longer then…

Then what? He’d try to date her like a normal man?

The wolf inside him growled. It didn’t want such a temporary arrangement.

Too bad. You are not in charge here.

Grabbing his own glass of water, he joined her at the island.

“So,” she started, eying him carefully. “If you’re in a good mood, I have a favor to ask.”

Anything. “What do you need?”

“It’s a work thing. We’re having a mixer for our members and Vivian wants me to bring you.”

He blinked. “Go to a work event?”

She nodded. “Two of our other high-profile couples are coming, and it would be a coup for the agency if you came, too. I know it’s not really up your alley. But hey, a room full of sexy singles. You might find someone you want to pursue after the mating moon is over.”

He growled, not liking those words at all. “Chloe,” he reproved.

Green eyes flicked up to his before she let out a long sigh. “Sorry,” she said. “I’m on edge.” Rubbing the bridge of her nose she tried again, “Will you come with me? Please? My friends expect me to bring my lover, and if you’re not there it will raise questions I’d really rather avoid answering.”

“This is important to you?”

She nodded. “I love my job and mixers are a great way of bringing people together.”

Yes, thanks to the previous night he understood a little more why she did what she did. Chloe took pride in her work. It was part of who she was. If she was asking for this favor after the awkwardness of last night, then he was sure this was important to her. “I’ll be there.”

Surprise showed on her face when she looked back up at him—surprise that slowly melted into a true smile of pleasure. How could anyone deny her anything when she smiled like that?

Unable to help himself, he reached out to run a finger down her cheek. “There’s much I’d do for you, Chloe, if you’d just ask.”

Stay with me. The words were on the tip of her tongue. But of course, that was not the type of request he meant. No, Kieran would want her to ask for sexy times in the shower or bouts of sex in the bedroom.

She looked down at the delicious food she’d barely tasted. “Thanks,” she said. “It will help to have you there.”

Picking at her food, she searched for a way to get back to the easy camaraderie they’d enjoyed before yesterday. For all Kieran’s teasing and taunting, she’d never been this nervous with him before. She wanted to ask what he’d meant about his vow of seduction. She needed to know—if she yielded, would she get more than a couple of nights.

But there was no easy way to frame such a question.

Deciding avoidance was the better part of valor she pushed her half-eaten plate away.

“I’m not very hungry tonight,” she said by way of explanation. “I think I’ll turn in early. I need to research harpy etiquette. I’m signing up a pair tomorrow, and they are not a species you want to annoy.”

“I’ve met a few in my time. Let me know if you need any firsthand accounts.”

“Thanks,” she said, conscious of the fact she would have picked his brain had they had this conversation two days ago.

Hopping off her stool, she headed for the door.

“Oh, Chloe, just a moment.”

She turned to see he’d followed her.

“Did I forget something?”


Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her tight against his chest and claimed her mouth with his.

Chloe gasped, surprised by the sudden kiss, and he took full advantage of her dropped guard.

He kissed her with a passion that awakened an answering need within her. Even knowing it was a mistake, she twined her arms around his broad shoulders and tilted her head to give him better access.

Together they waltzed backward until she hit the wall. Kieran crowded into her space as his hands slid down her sides to rest on her waist. She wanted more, wanted his hands to run all over her body. His lips slanted across hers, sending all the sensitive nerve endings into overdrive. Rising to her tiptoes, she tried to get closer to him.

Then as suddenly as the kiss started, it was over.

Chloe blinked, her arms still wrapped around him.

“Much better,” he purred.

Ripping herself from his arms, she spun on him. “What the hell was that?”

He leaned against the wall, arms crossed, and a lazy smile on his lips. “That,” he said, “was on both of our minds.”

“Is this how you seduce your lovers?” she taunted, drawing a hand through her hair as she tried to catch her breath.