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The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match)(56)

By:Victoria Davies

He’d put her needs first.

“Do you believe me?”

She chewed her lip. “I want to.”

A chuckle sounded through the phone. “Chloe Donovan, I swear to you on my pack that I want you with a goddamn need I haven’t felt in decades. If I had my way, we’d be having this conversation at home right now, and once you believed I only stopped because of the alcohol in your system, I’d carry you to bed. Hell, we probably wouldn’t make it that far. Not that I’m opposed to bending you over the table and introducing you to such pleasure you wouldn’t remember your own name, let alone your reservations.”

Heat flooded her cheeks. “I believe you,” she hissed. “Stop that.”

“Good. Then believe this, I’m done trying to separate business and pleasure. You can try to resist, my witch, but I’m going to do my very best to seduce you.”

Her mouth went dry. “I was clear about what I wanted, Kieran. That hasn’t changed just because I’m in possession of all my faculties now. I don’t do temporary.”

“I know. Hurry home tonight, Chloe. I’ve been dreaming of kissing you again.”

The line went dead.

She stared at the phone in her hand. What did he mean, he knew? Knew she wanted a mate and was happy to ignore that fact, or knew and still wanted to pursue her?

“Damn the man,” she breathed, returning the phone to its cradle.

Kieran on his best behavior had been hard to resist. How was she supposed to survive the next two weeks with the wolf turning every ounce of charm and determination he had on her?

“I’m in trouble,” she said, dropping her forehead back to her desk. Last night might have gotten her the secrets she wanted, but it also gave her a taste of what she was missing.

A taste that just made her crave more.

He heard the door close as he pulled the meatloaf from the oven. Chloe was right on time. As he portioned out dinner on to two plates he listened for her movements. Usually she kicked off her heels and made a beeline for food. Tonight, she lingered in the hallway.

A grin curved his lips as he walked the plates over to the island. Looks like she wasn’t as sure of her self-control as she wanted him to believe.

Even after their phone call he’d been haunted with memories of her half naked and spread out beneath him. He deserved a bloody medal for having the self-control to turn her down. Not that she’d thanked him for it.

Just as she wouldn’t thank him for seducing her if he didn’t want to keep her.

He went to fish out some utensils from the drawer as he thought about that quandary. Chloe wanted something real, something long term if not forever. And he…

Lisette had broken something in him. He wasn’t sure he could handle the kind of relationship Chloe would need to thrive. Wasn’t sure he wanted to find out if the man he’d been with Lisette was still buried somewhere inside him.

But Chloe was worth the effort to find out, wasn’t she?

His wolf let out a happy whine of approval within him.

“I know you like her,” he whispered to himself. The damn beast had been overjoyed last night. Kieran couldn’t remember a time when the two halves of him had been so in sync, so focused on the pleasure of one woman. His wolf wanted to keep her. It was the man holding them back.

“Smells great.”

He turned to see Chloe slip into the room, her back pressed against the doorjamb.

As always, she looked good enough to eat. Her dark suit complemented her curves, even as it gave her an air of professionalism. How did her male clients manage to sign up for Fated Match without trying to catch her eye?

“Long day?” he asked, crossing his arms.

She shrugged. “Vivian had me on grunt work.”

He eyed his partner, noting how she hugged the doorway. Did she think he’d pounce if she got too close? A wolfish smile tugged at his lips. Probably. He wasn’t even sure she was wrong. Still, Chloe would bolt if he moved too fast, and though he’d always run from commitment, he didn’t want to chase her away.

A mess of contradictions aren’t you, Clearwater?

“Hope you like meatloaf.”

“Yeah.” She stepped forward, moving toward her usual chair.

As she did, Kieran grabbed the teapot off the counter and headed toward the mug beside her.

“I figured you wouldn’t want wine tonight,” he explained as he poured her a cup.

“Smart man.” Chloe wrapped both hands around the mug and inhaled the earthy aroma, closing her eyes in pleasure.

It was her favorite oolong. That he knew that fact had surprised him. Usually he never noticed such small, personal details. But with Chloe he knew which tea she preferred, what chair she liked to curl up in, what food made her sigh in delight. Necessity might account for learning more in their brief time together than he normally would have, but not for the desire within him to know her. Her likes and dislikes, her motives and fears. He wanted more than just a bedmate.