Reading Online Novel

The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match)(53)

“Don’t I know it.” A growl rumbled from his chest but she didn’t mind in the least. Other women might find looking up into the eyes of a wolf unnerving, but she liked his inner animal just as much as she liked the man.

“I’m right here,” she purred against his ear. “Asking you to take me.” Her fingers stroked him as she spoke.

“You are making it damn hard to do the right thing.”

“Our opinions of ‘right’ differ.”

He grabbed her hands and pulled them up, trapping them against her chest so she couldn’t touch him. “You’re drunk.”

“So are you.”

A grin flashed across his face. “Maybe. However, I’m sober enough to know you’ll hate me in the morning if this continues.”

“I don’t care about what happens in the morning.”

“But I do, sweetheart.” His forehead dropped against hers. “I’m not taking advantage of this situation.”

She let out a growl of her own. Using a touch of magic, she reversed their position until he lay beneath her. Chloe pressed her hands against his chest as she sat astride him. “I’m not some innocent miss unsure of what she’s getting herself into. I know exactly what I’m asking of you.”

He gripped her upper arms and drew her down toward him. “Can you promise me you won’t regret this tomorrow? Won’t blame me for it?”

She frowned. No, she couldn’t. But what was worse was the knowledge she was half naked in front of him and he was still pushing her away.

Where had she gone wrong? He’d wanted her just a few minutes ago. His tongue on her body hadn’t been an illusion.

Had he decided she didn’t have enough experience for him? God knew he outnumbered her when it came to past lovers. Maybe there was something about her he found wanting.

“You don’t have a noble bone in your body,” she said, dropping her hands from his chest. “Why are you holding me off, when I’m offering exactly what you’ve wanted from me since we met?”

His breath hissed out between clenched teeth. “I want more from you than a drunken tumble.”

“Who are you and what have you done with Kieran Clearwater?”

“I told you,” he said, pulling her close. “I’m not looking for another Candy.”

She looked down at him, seeing the gold bleed from his eyes. Here she was, all hot and bothered, and his lust was cooling.

Shame spiraled through her. She was begging a man who didn’t want her.

Idiot, she berated herself. Fool. They’d shared some alcohol-fueled confessions and she’d made them into more than they were. He’d said himself he hadn’t known what he wanted from her. Well, it seemed pretty clear that he’d figured it out.


Not even her body.

“Bastard,” she hissed, pushing herself off of him.

“Because I’m saving you from a decision you’ll make us both regret?”

She rounded on him. “Don’t ever think you can make decisions for me, wolf. I can take care of myself. Far better than you will ever believe.”

“Chloe, I’m not rejecting you—”

A harsh chuckle escaped her. No, it wasn’t rejection. He was doing this for her own good. Maybe he even believed it. But she knew he was doing it because his interest had cooled and he wanted an exit that wouldn’t hurt their partnership. Couldn’t have her storming out two weeks early, could he?

Holding out her arms, she twirled in a slow circle. “Hope you enjoyed the view,” she said, snapping her fingers. Her shirt flew over her arms and buttoned itself up. “Because you will never see it again.”

She scooped her bra off the floor and strode from the room.

“Chloe,” he called after her.

She didn’t pause as she raced up the stairs. Didn’t hesitate when she threw herself into the shower to wash away every trace of his touch.

And she certainly didn’t think twice about the tears trailing silently down her face.

Chapter Twelve

She was right. He was a damned idiot.

Kieran sat in his chair, staring at the files on his desk that required his attention, and couldn’t summon the will to throw himself into work. Oh, he’d tried. But after catching the last of many calculation errors, he’d admitted defeat.

Work was not going to erase the memory that haunted him.

He pushed out of his chair, pacing the length of his office. Never before had he had a problem separating his personal and professional life. Whatever drama he got into stayed outside the office. This was his haven. A world he could command and order as he pleased.

But Chloe’s face refused to leave him. The look of pain and disappointment in her eyes continued to slice through him half a day later.