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The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match)(47)

By:Victoria Davies

“It’s just the mating moon,” she said instead. “I’m nervous about meeting the family.”

“Honey, you don’t need to be. They’ll love you. Just like he does. I know I wasn’t the biggest fan of this match when I first heard it, but I think I was just upset you hadn’t trusted me.” The succubus frowned, looking down. “And truth be told, maybe a little jealous. I’m far older than you, and I’ve never gotten so close to finding my mate.”

“But you don’t want to be tied down,” Chloe said, surprise coloring her words.

“I don’t,” Jessica agreed. “I love my life, my independence. But you’ve seen the same stats at work I have. Our kind usually either find mates early or late in life. I missed my chance at early, and lately I’ve been wondering if I’m one of the unlucky ones who has to wait centuries to find their matches.”

“Of course you’re not,” Chloe said. “Matches just show up when you’re ready. You know that.”

Jessica sighed. “I do. But being wanted for just my body is starting to grate, for all that I need the energy to survive.”

“If you want to seriously start looking for your mate I can help you,” Chloe offered. “We’ll revamp your account tomorrow if you want.”

Jessica smiled. “I’ll think about it. But for now we need to get through tonight. What can I do?”

“So you approve of him now?”

A small embarrassed smile curved her lips. “I changed a dozen times before meeting you tonight trying to decide if I wanted to come as the friend ready to support you no matter what you were walking into, or as—”

“A sex goddess ready to do battle on my behalf and reveal my date to be a player with no morals?”

“Yes. But he didn’t want me, Chloe. Sex is my arena. I can sense lust a mile away, and what my magic inspired in him can’t hold a candle to what he naturally feels for you.”

Chloe drew a shaky breath. That was good for their cover, bad for her willpower.

“I like him. He’s not who I would have picked for you, but maybe that’s for the best. You need a little shaking up.”

“He’s definitely doing that,” she murmured.

“Just tell me my boundaries, and let’s go back to our meal.”

“No more revealing stories,” she said. “You can talk about work, what’s in the news or yourself. No more spotlight on me.”

“Scout’s honor,” she promised. “And if I say anything untoward just kick me under the table.”

Jessica looked so serious Chloe had to smile. Reaching out she dragged her friend into a tight hug.

“Thank you for looking out for me,” she said.

“Come on,” Jessica said, stepping back. “We’re not exactly being subtle. Let’s go back to your man.”

My man.

If only.

Chapter Eleven

“Do we count the evening as a success?” Kieran asked as they entered the penthouse.

“Jessica liked you,” she replied, kicking off her heels next to the door. “She’s no longer worried you’re impressing me with your paycheck.”

“Excellent.” He watched as she drifted toward the living room instead of retreating to bed. For once, he wasn’t annoyed a partner wanted to string out their evening. Extra moments with Chloe never seemed to grate.

She collapsed onto the beige sofa as she waved her hand in the air. A handful of the dimmer lamps flared to life, bathing the room in a cozy, soft glow.

“You had an eye-opening meal,” she said.

“I did,” he agreed, moving toward her with careful steps. “But you wish I hadn’t.”

Her eyes followed him as he grew closer. “I don’t like you knowing intimate details about my life that you don’t need to be privy to.”

He nodded, remembering how he’d reacted the first time she’d tried to pry into his past. “Except this meal made me realize the exact opposite,” he mused. “There were points in the conversation where I should have known things about you, things a real lover would. We were saved due to the brevity of the interaction, and Jessica being worried about rocking the boat with you. Neither condition will occur at the retreat.”

She shrugged. “What’s your point?”

“My point is the same one you made the night we went to the gallery. You said we needed to know each other better. Know inner workings and secrets.”

“Yes, I did. Then you shot me down.”

“I was wrong.” The words stuck in his throat. Had he ever uttered them before? If he had he couldn’t remember. He was used to always being in the right. Even if others disagreed, few voiced their displeasure as Chloe had a penchant to do.