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The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match)(45)

Every eye in the restaurant had been on her when she walked in. More than one man had been smacked by their date as they openly drooled after the succubus. Even Kieran had been unable to look away.

But unlike the other men, he’d fought the attraction long enough to correctly deduce Jessica’s nature. Chloe had never seen that happen before. She hadn’t lied when she’d said Jessica had mastered her gifts. Men simply did not get away from her.

Especially ones not really in love. How had Kieran done it?

Now the pair appeared relaxed, carrying on a conversation as if Jessica hadn’t just tried to seduce Kieran and he hadn’t managed to break her spell. Even for a magical being, this was a weird night, Chloe thought, as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

When the waiter came to take their orders, she automatically picked the first dish off the pasta selection. Food didn’t matter. Figuring out her date and her best friend did.

“You guys are leaving at the end of the week, right?” Jessica asked Kieran, reaching for her wineglass.

“Yes. On Friday, to beat the weekend traffic.”

“Sounds like it will be a fun party.” Jessica turned her way. “Tasha and I divided up your files. Everything is set for you to be spirited away into the forest.”

“That sounds great,” Chloe said.

Jessica whistled. “A couple’s retreat in the woods is pretty intensive. You sure you guys are ready for that?”

Kieran reached across the table to catch her hand. “We’re ready,” he said, pressing his lips to her knuckles before releasing her.

“This is the moon mating thing Tasha is so excited about, right?”

“Mating moon,” Kieran corrected. “I’m sure there will be a mass exodus of werewolves from the city this weekend. Those who can get away will try to, especially the larger packs with territory of their own to go to.”

“Yes, we’re planning for a lighter caseload in the next couple weeks,” Jessica said. “It works well, as it gives us a chance to go through our annual audit. First time in years Chloe won’t be there to supervise, though. She never dates werewolves.”

“Is that so? Who does she usually date then?”

Jessica waved her hand. “A few witches, a few non-predatory weres. I think there was a griffin in there somewhere. And a couple humans.”

“Really?” Kieran’s eyes flicked to her.

“She’s never really had a type. Well, not a species one anyway.”

“Jessie,” Chloe hissed.

Her friend just tossed a grin her way. “What Chloe goes for is on the inside.”

“Ah,” Kieran said. “So am I her type?”

Jessica snorted. “Hardly. Part of the reason I was so concerned.”

“What do you think I’m missing?”

“Well,” Jessica said, eying Chloe. “She likes smart men.”

Kieran arched a brow.

“Yes, yes, on that front you qualify,” Jessica said. “But she also likes honesty. Someone she can trust and laugh with. Someone kind.” She thought for a minute before adding, “Fidelity. That has always ranked high on her list. And you, wolf-man, didn’t seem to fit that bill.”

“Not until I met Chloe,” he said smoothly.

Chloe reached for her wine and drained the glass. “We need more alcohol,” she declared. “Immediately.”

Jessica laughed as Kieran signaled to the waiter. “Am I embarrassing you, darling? That’s what best friends are for. Besides, after months together I’m sure Kieran knows you through and through.” She turned to Kieran and said, “Chloe is terrible at keeping secrets.”

She rolled her eyes behind her friend’s back. If only she knew.

“Do you enjoy working at Fated Match?” Kieran asked, taking pity on her and steering the conversation in a new direction.

“It’s a great gig,” Jessica replied as the waiter refilled their wineglasses. “I love having a job that makes a difference. It’s not like a human dating agency. When we make matches, they last centuries. That’s a pretty awesome feeling.”

“I can imagine.”

“Chloe has a wall of matches in her office. Every couple she’s helped bring together earns a place of honor on the wall. She and Vivian vie to see who can make more matches since they’ve been at this the longest. Though just between us, I think Chloe is the clear winner. Her matches adore her. You should see how many weddings she goes to in a year.”

“A wall of matches, hmm?” Kieran asked her.

“I like to remember them,” Chloe said defensively.

“Plus she’s an utter romantic.” Jessica took a sip of wine and murmured appreciatively at the flavor.