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The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match)(42)

By:Victoria Davies

And boring.

Swearing under her breath, she pulled the shirt over her head and tossed it into the closet. She never took so long to think about what to wear to meet Jessica. The succubus had been her best friend for years, knew all the secrets she shared with no one else. Had Kieran been her real boyfriend, she would have looked forward to introducing him to one of the most important people in her life.

Instead she was trying to find an outfit that could outdo a sex demon.

“This is useless,” she grumbled as she pulled on a different blue shirt. This one was far more form fitting and boasted a deep V that accentuated her cleavage. Twisting before the mirror she nodded her approval. Better. Still, something was missing.

“Hair,” she said, waving a hand before her face. Her clipped-up, sleek hairdo disappeared, replaced by bouncing curls that cascaded over her shoulders. Definitely sexier.

Deciding she was as ready as she’d ever be, Chloe grabbed her purse from the bed and rushed downstairs.

Kieran was pacing before the door, looking perfect as always, this time in a charcoal suit. He looked up as she reached the ground level, and the appreciation in his gaze chased away some of her nerves.

“Wow,” he said.

Chloe tucked a curl behind her ear. “Jessica will expect me to make an effort,” she said. “Since you are the first guy I’ve taken the time to introduce her to in ages.”

It was as good an excuse as any for why she’d felt the uncharacteristic need to compete against a succubus. Kieran wouldn’t let any attraction he had for her friend show, but she was still introducing him to the exact type of woman he preferred. Jessica was, of course, every man’s fantasy.

“Well, you look amazing,” he said, pulling her close and pressing a kiss to her temple. “We need to rush, though, if we’re going to make our reservation.”

Chloe let him usher her out of the apartment, trying not to think too deeply about the small touches and caresses he’d been showering on her since the soccer game. He’d said she needed to get used to him touching her more intimately before they showed up at the retreat on Friday. His people would expect them to be a lovey-dovey couple, and for that, she had to be comfortable being close to him.

But every time his lips brushed against her skin she had to stop herself from stepping closer, from pressing their bodies together and lifting her face for a kiss she knew he’d give her.

“Jon is waiting,” Kieran told her as he guided her out of the building toward his town car. He kept a hand on the small of her back as they walked and the thin material of her shirt was no match for the heat radiating from his palm.

Ignore it, Chloe scolded herself. Focus on surviving the night.

“Hello, Jon,” she said as she reached the waiting driver.

“Miss.” He inclined his head as he held the door of the car open for her.

As gracefully as she could, she slid into the seat and shimmied over to make room for Kieran.

The spacious backseat didn’t feel small until Kieran took his place. When Jon shut the door behind him, Chloe was acutely aware of the intimacy the dark space created, especially with the divider up.

“So tell me about your friend,” Kieran said as the car pulled out into traffic. “What do I need to know?”

“I met Jessica soon after I started at Fated Match. We hired her to man the front desk.”

“An old friend then.”

“My oldest,” she replied. Technically she’d known Vivian longer but she wasn’t sure anyone called the siren a friend. “Jessica is older than me, of course. She’s far better at using her gifts than I am.”

“Which are?”

“Men,” she answered drily. “She’s an expert on reading men so whatever you do, don’t give her any reason to be suspicious.”

“I will act thoroughly in love with you,” he replied, looking out the window.

Staring at his profile, Chloe wished she were with a man who didn’t have to “act.” She was barely a century old. Far too young to be thinking about forever. But this time with Kieran was making her realize she liked coming home to another person. She enjoyed hanging out with him in the kitchen while he cooked, or in the living room where they’d watch a movie in companionable silence. After decades of being alone, she liked having someone else she could depend on.

Maybe that was the problem. She might be young, but she’d never had the life others her age had. They’d been part of families, covens, or packs. They’d had people to turn to for support.

But she never had. Oh, she’d had friends and lovers she cared for. None of the men in her bed had ever made her feel like she wanted a life with them. They’d been a way to push back the loneliness, and she’d never heard any complaints, but now she wanted more. She wanted…a partner.