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The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match)(35)

By:Victoria Davies

Her knees turned to jelly when he touched her with such care. Stiffening her spine, she refused to melt just because he looked a little contrite. She was made of stronger stuff.

“I learned my lesson last night, Kieran. We were blurring lines that can’t be blurred for this deception to succeed. I’m not your lover and won’t ever be.”

“I’m sorry for last night.”

She shook her head. “Some things you can’t take back. Not with thoughtful gifts or gentle touches. You don’t respect me. And beyond my body, you don’t see me as something you need in any way.”

“Wrong.” The word was rough as he jerked back far enough to meet her gaze. “You are not an employee, you are a partner. One who hasn’t had many qualms about reordering our story to fit your standards. If I didn’t respect that, Chloe, I would have tried to stop you at the gallery.” He reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “As for needing you, it’s true I want to get you in bed as soon as possible.”

“Any woman would do—”

“No,” he cut her off. “No other woman fills my thoughts the way you do. No other woman would cause me to take the afternoon off to track down tea flavors I didn’t even know existed.” His hands clenched as if the words were paining him to say. “No other woman makes my wolf sigh in contentment every time our skin touches,” he finished, his voice rough.

She blinked. Really? His wolf liked her? She’d heard weres’ inner animals were incredibly picky about who they chose to relax around.

“And we’re not strangers. I know you have a spot right behind your left ear that makes you shudder in pleasure.”

“Doesn’t count,” she denied.

He smiled. “I know you are stubborn and moral. You believe in right and wrong and do your best to walk in the light. You love your job, and it’s not because it’s a paycheck. It’s the helping you crave. The knowledge you’ve contributed to someone else’s happiness.”

She swallowed hard. “Paying attention, wolf?”

“You fascinate me,” he replied, and she couldn’t pick up any mockery in his words. “I’ve never met a woman like you, Chloe. In fact, I’ve actively avoided women of your ilk.”

Bristling, she’d opened her mouth to cut him down when he laid a finger on her lips. “Women like you are far too complicated to be easily ignored. You pull at me until all I can think of is you.”

The fight went out of her in a rush. “You can’t say things like this, Kieran.”

“Why?” he breathed.

“It makes it too hard to…” To remember he wasn’t hers. To remember she was on very limited time and when the clock struck midnight, her fairytale would turn to ash.

“To treat this as a job?” he asked.


He nodded in understanding. “Then maybe stop.”

Her eyes flicked back up to his. “I can’t. Not ever. Because if I let myself lose track of what exactly it is you want from me, I’m going to get hurt.”

His expression darkened. “I would never hurt you.”

The words sounded like a vow he was making to himself more than to her.

She shook her head. “Not intentionally, maybe. But you’re not the man I need and we have to remember that. Thank you for the apology. I appreciate the gesture. We can work together as a team for the rest of this contract.”

Kieran looked like he wanted to argue but couldn’t find the words. Patting his cheek, she forced herself to duck under his arm and escape.

“What’s for dinner?” she asked, walking toward the stove.

A beat of silence rang behind her before he replied, “Roasted chicken and herb potatoes.”

“Excellent. I’m starving.” For more than food. Mentally, she shook her head at the thought.

Kieran watched her for a moment before sighing. When he moved toward her, his easy smile was back in place. “Grab the plates while I carve the bird.”

Turning to follow his instructions, Chloe told herself she wasn’t disappointed by his quick capitulation. Tonight had been the best possible outcome. They repaired their rift and were moving forward on more equal footing. Partners in crime, as it were.

There was no reason to feel upset that he hadn’t pushed her toward more than a professional relationship. That he hadn’t argued he could be the man she dreamed of.

Most of all, there was absolutely no reason to regret that she didn’t have an excuse to crawl into his bed. Keeping her heart safe was the right choice. She wasn’t missing out on anything.

Her inner voice snorted in derision.