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The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match)(23)

By:Victoria Davies

“Niall,” Kieran greeted, holding out his hand. “So you truly gave up that dinner of yours.”

The other man shrugged. “Told you I would. Besides, wouldn’t do to miss snapping up a painting by the next Van Gogh. I’ve made that mistake too many times in the past.” His eyes had not left her despite his words to Kieran. “I didn’t realize you’d be bringing a date tonight.”

“Chloe Donovan,” she said before Kieran could. “And I’m not here only for the evening.”

“Nice to meet you,” he nearly purred, claiming her proffered hand in one far larger. “Chloe, you say?”

She hesitated, knowing what she should do. The plan had been simple. All she had to do was pretend they’d been found out by mistake. Chloe was to twirl her hair, act like she didn’t have a brain in her head, and smile like any of the other women to have temporarily grace Kieran’s arm. That was the plan Kieran had drilled into her head. That was the woman he wanted her to be.

But looking at the keen eyes of the man before her, she realized that plan would never work. He’d see right through her, and Kieran’s jig would be up.

Two options. Smile coltishly and feign anger that Kieran had been hiding her away. Or, brass it out and be herself without pretense.

Here’s hoping Kieran wouldn’t be too angry at her change of plans.

After all, the man did have the power to grow wicked fangs and claws.

“Don’t worry,” she said, shaking his hand. “None of your pack has heard of me. Doesn’t mean I don’t know a great deal about you.”

Niall’s brows arched even as Kieran tensed behind her.

“And why would that be, Ms. Donovan?”

“Because I’m in love with your alpha,” she lied. “Have been for months.”

Shock flashed across the man’s face as his eyes lifted to Kieran. “I feel like I’ve missed a few steps here,” Niall said.

“Enough, Chloe,” Kieran growled. “We’re leaving.”

“So you can hide me away again?” she demanded, rounding on him. “I’m tired of being your guilty secret. It’s time you told your pack about us. If you’re so ashamed of having a witch on your arm then we’ve got bigger problems than your family finally knowing the truth.”

Understanding flickered in his dark gaze but, unfortunately for her, it was coupled with an emotion that looked a great deal like rage. “You know I’m not ashamed of you,” he said, sliding into his role.

“Then you won’t have a problem introducing me to your friends. Why else did you think I insisted on coming with you tonight?” She glanced at Niall and shrugged. “I’m not a huge art fan.”

“Well, I for one am grateful you showed up,” Niall said, taking her hand and threading it through the curve of his arm. “Come, let me show you some of the sights, and we will see if we can inspire an interest in these paintings.”

“Niall,” Kieran warned with a rumble.

“I’ll take excellent care of your lady. Never fear.”

With one last look at the thunderous alpha she was leaving behind, Chloe allowed Niall to whisk her away.

On her own, she prayed she’d made the right decision. Without her partner by her side, she stood a great risk of revealing the limited knowledge she actually had of him. Pasting a smile on her lips, she followed Niall across the gallery to a wall of paintings.

“You’ve truly never heard my name before?” she murmured as they stopped before a watercolor.

“No,” Niall replied.

She nodded, lifting her chin as if the truth hurt. “He warned me we had to keep things quiet. I guess I always hoped I meant enough to him that he’d tell his friends.”

“How did the two of you cross paths?”

A sardonic smile twisted her lips. “You mean, what’s he doing with a girl like me?”

The large wolf offered her a guilty smile. “His tastes have never been subtle.”

“True,” she said. “But everyone grows up eventually.”

A rough chuckle escaped her escort. “So after hundreds of years you think he’s finally ready to settle down?”

Hundreds of years? She lost her step before ensuring none of her shock showed on her face. Kieran was a strong were, and age and power tended to go hand in hand, after all. It shouldn’t be a shock that he was far older than her.

Except they were already on such uneven footing. Every time she turned a corner she discovered something else that moved him further and further from her reach.

“I’d like to believe that, yes,” she replied.

“You said you’ve been dating for months?”