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The Alpha's Temporary Mate(22)

By:Victoria Davies

Shouts of triumph rose from the women as they gave each other high fives that would have broken a human wrist.

Chloe laughed at their success as she drew in some deep breaths.

"Looks like you won," Kieran said, jogging up to her side. "This time."

"Bring it on, wolf. We'll always take you down."

His expression was open and happy as he chuckled. "We'll see about that, witch."

She wiggled her fingers, but after three hours of being bested by her,  he was ready. Wrapping his arms around her, he dragged her to the ground  as he fell, rolling so he took the brunt of their impact.

"Cheat." She laughed as he rolled her back onto the grass, rising over her.

"I told you," he replied. "I can sense when you use magic. And this game has been a useful training session."

"Think you're unraveling all my secrets, hmmm?"                       


His eyes gentled as he looked down at her. "That would take lifetimes."

The smile slipped from her face as she stared up at him. A new awareness  spiraled through her. One that whispered she was lying under him in a  very compromising position.

"I'm not so complicated," she whispered.

"Oh sweetheart, I beg to differ." His lips came down on hers.

As always, she melted under his touch. Whereas before he'd kissed her  with fiery passion, this time was different. The caress was light,  tender. He kissed her as if she were special. Not just another nameless  woman in the crowd.

Kieran's lips slanted over hers, deepening the kiss. Wrapping her arms  around him, she was more than willing to give whatever he wanted.

Cheers split the air, and Chloe jerked back. The young wolves howled  their approval. Heat flooded her cheeks as she looked back up at Kieran.

"Audience," she said.

"Lucky for you," he whispered into her ear. "Someday I'll get you alone when you have no excuses to make me stop."

A shiver ran through her. "Not on your life, Clearwater."

With a grin, he rolled off her and stood. Reaching out, he offered her a hand up.

"Thanks," she said, brushing off the leaves and grass clinging to her shorts.

Their teammates descended on them with some good-natured teasing. Chloe  grinned at the girls as she tried to remember the last time she'd  enjoyed an afternoon as much as this one. She had her Fated Match  friends, of course, but rarely did she ever let loose so completely.  Maybe it was an age thing. Other than the very mortal Abbey, she had no  friends under a century, and for the first time she wondered if she was  missing out.

"You going to come out next Saturday?" Chad asked her.

"None of us will," Kate replied for her. "We'll all be at the retreat. You're coming, right Chloe?"

"Yeah, I'll be there."

"Awesome," one of the boys put in. "We can have a rematch and not have  to worry about prying human eyes. We'll see who wins then."

"Any time," she shot back.

"Let me get your number," Sasha offered. "Then we can meet up during the retreat."

"Sounds great," Chloe said.

Phones appeared in hands as numbers were exchanged and saved. She'd even  agreed to a coffee date with Sasha and Rachel after the retreat, before  she remembered she wouldn't be around to keep it. As soon as the mating  moon was over, she'd have to disappear from this life. Staying friends  with Kieran's pack would pose too many complications.

Her eyes flicked to Kieran's and she saw the answering resignation in  his gaze as he realized the same thing. They were from different worlds.  When time was up, she'd have to go back to hers.

Waving good-bye, she headed off with Kieran back to the apartment. They  walked in silence until they were far enough away from the other wolves.

"I enjoyed today," she said to break the silence. "Thank you for suggesting it."

"You fit in perfectly," he replied. "They all took to you more quickly than I'd thought."

She chuckled. "That's only because they couldn't believe I had the audacity to stand up to you."

"Not many do."

"Your lovers must be able to."

He glanced down at her before looking away.

"Seriously? What, do you pick them for their ability to stay as far out of your way as possible?"


She blinked at the response. "Then what's the point?" As soon as the  naive words were out, she wanted to take them back. "Right," she  muttered. "Sex. Duh." She rolled her shoulders back and told herself to  toughen up. "Well, don't worry. Another couple weeks and you'll be back  to your carefree bachelor ways."

"And you'll go back to Fated Match."

"Yep. Exactly. Easy peasy." She'd forget about him and his built-in  family. She'd stop dreaming about his kisses. Stop getting lost in a  fantasy life she'd never have. Easy freaking peasy.

"As fun as today was, we should probably try to avoid mixing our worlds unnecessarily."

Pain stabbed through her. Keeping her expression serene, she forced  herself to breathe past the hurt that again accompanied the reminder she  wouldn't be welcome in his life after the full moon waned. "Right," she  agreed. "We should have thought about that before coming out today."  She didn't need yet another prompt that her only value was as a  disposable commodity.

He ran a hand through his hair. "Yes. But I just wanted … "                       


When he trailed off she shot him a questioning look. "What?"

"You were sad," he said as if that were an explanation.


He glanced her way. "So I wanted to see you smile."

Not mine, not mine, not mine, she forced her heart to remember. Because  if he were hers, those words would have made her love him.

"Thanks for the thought," she said, her throat uncharacteristically tight. "I appreciate it. I had a blast today."

"And the news will travel to their parents and their friends. It won't be a complete waste."

She looked away, the barb finding a home. "I know you're a busy man. I'm  sorry I took up your time. Not that it was my idea, I'd like it noted."

He stopped, catching her arm to slow her as well. "I misspoke."

"But you're not wrong." She caught his hand. "Really, thank you for  today. And I know I won't be able to contact those kids again after we  go our separate ways. It will be easier, I think, if we remember that  going forward. I don't want to make relationships that will hurt to  leave behind."

Like the one growing with you.

She would never say those words, but still, they hung in the air between them.

His gaze dropped to her lips as she tried to think of anything to say to  break the intimacy she'd unintentionally created. One arm wrapped  around her waist, pulling her up against his hard chest.

"This is what I'm talking about," she whispered, pressing her palms against his muscles despite herself.

"You want distance."

"Yes." No. Too bad she had no intention of letting her emotions rule her.

"Are you sure?" His head dropped until his mouth was a breath away from  hers. It would be so easy to close that distance and lose herself in his  arms. There were no witnesses this time. No one needed to know about  her momentary weakness.

Her legs trembled before she locked her spine and stepped back, batting away his arms.

She ran a hand through her curls as she walked forward. Focus, she thought. Think of Fated Match and not tangled sheets.

"Since we were talking about exposure, there's one more hoop we have to jump through."

He fell into step beside her, slightly too close for comfort. "Which is?"

"My best friend wants to have dinner with us tomorrow, to vet you and make sure you're good enough for me."

He arched a brow.

"She's another woman who won't be impressed by the size of your bank account. You have been warned."

"All right. Let's go out to meet her. We can use it as more evidence of our public relationships. Two birds, one stone."

"I made reservations at Celeste's so there should be an audience. You'll  have to make a good impression. Jessica is protective and if she gets a  whiff that this is a fake relationship she will eat both of us alive."

"I can be charming when I want to be."

"Good," Chloe said. "Remember that tomorrow when you meet her."

When she introduced the man who melted her with his kisses to a gorgeous  sex demon. Her step faltered, and for the first time, she wondered if  more was at stake tomorrow evening than merely keeping their cover.

Chapter Ten

"Chloe, we need to leave."

"Be down in a minute," she called through the open door. Running back to  the mirror, she twirled around to inspect the black slacks and red  blouse she was currently wearing. It looked nice and professional.