Yes, despite the sound, and the very trembling of the building, it seemed, my brain did go to the fact that just a few inches to the right, and I would have been crushed to death by the blow that vampire walked away from. Not only that, but the vampire had pushed the werewolf body off of him, pushing him back, making all four of his legs stumble with the force and motion created. With one large step, the vampire leaned over and hit the wolf with two hands landing square on his shoulders. These guys took a licking and kept on ticking. It served to point out to me, though, the level of strength and resilience they actually possessed. It was mind boggling.
While the wolf stumbled again, the vamp took to punching, fists landing on the wolf’s muzzle, and then his chest once his head raised, teeth bared. The roar that came next shook me, rattled my teeth like fingers down a chalkboard. Nira clenched and shifted her weight. I understood the sentiment, wanting so badly to defend someone myself. My palms practically burned with the heat of my powers.
As the wolf shook off the last blow, my hands served as a distraction, the light emanating from them catching his eyes before I could shove them back in my pockets. I’d not been aware of when the light had gone out, but it was back and brighter than ever now. The vampire took that moment to hit the wolf again, sending the wolf’s body down to the ground and onto his side. The vampire flew rather than jumped, landing on the wolf, raining down punches on his midsection. I watched the wolf writhe until he shook off the vamp, sending him sprawling to the ground.
When the wolf made it back to all fours, shaky but standing, I was still amazed how much their bodies could withstand. I wanted to cry out. Not sure at what, but the air filled my lungs before I stopped it. Attempting to let it out slowly, then taking a deep breath in, I could never explain the scent that filled my nose, and raised the bile from my stomach to my throat. Between blood and sweat and fur, I don’t know, but it smelled rank, something like what I assumed a dead body would smell like after a few days of rotting in a musty basement.
In a nose dive, the wolf leapt to where the vampire laid on the ground, seemingly stunned. Mouth open, slobbery teeth glinting in the light like icicles made of ivory, his mouth came around the vampire’s side, chomping down. Figuring that to be the death blow, I turned my face into Nira, hiding from the rest of the battle. I suffocated myself in her jacket even as I struggled for breath. Anything was better than watching blood spill and people die. The weight of this battle to save me and the man I loved grew too great to bear.
More hot liquid hit me, making my clothes begin to stick to my flesh. The world spun below my feet, leaving me a quivering mess, having lost control of my body and my mind as fight or flight went into overdrive, and I had nowhere to flee.
Chapter Eight
All I found I could do was to reach out to Lex with my mind. All I felt I had left was our connection, for however long we had here. The win of that true wolf closest to me had shaken me up to my core. I couldn’t see where the rest of them stood, not for the blur of bodies and fur covered in blood. Besides that smell, and my now shallow breathing, there were the sounds of animals and something close to a human crying out in pain along with the continued war cries. The sound of skin or hide being punctured and ripped open was more than my stomach could handle.
In my mind, I saw Lex on a floor, struggling to breathe himself. He appeared so close to death that I feared by the time this battle was over that he would be gone, and there wouldn’t be a Lex to save. I couldn’t, and didn’t want to, live without him. They’d still take me to the Royal Island with or without him, if I survived this, and I didn’t want to live there without him.
Peeking out from Nira’s jacket that I had pulled over my eyes like I was a small child, I got a glimpse of those stairs. I knew I had it bad when, thinking of rushing up them, I’d barely even considered my fear of them or how high up they were off the ground now. If one stair broke, I’d bounce off the next and break something or many somethings before falling to my death. I found I couldn’t care less as my breathing grew shallow enough to match his.
Looking up at Nira, I saw that her fangs were out, her eyes red, and her face held as tight as her body. She glared, and I realized she hissed, as well. She wanted desperately to be in this battle, to help her family. She was a good woman who I was grateful to know. And, while she had an obligation to protect me, I knew how much it cost her. I had been paying my own price remaining here while the one I loved suffered just a floor above me.