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Tempting Evil (Riley Jenson Guardian #3)(15)

By: Keri Arthur

“Don’t try. Do.” He paused. “Why didn’t you finish off those vamps?”
“You want them dead, you kill them.”
“We have, but that’s not the point.”
No, the point was he wanted me to kill on order. I might have acknowledged the need to become a guardian—if only internally—but that didn’t mean I had to happily dive straight into the killing bit.
“The card she gave me has her personal address, not that employment agency she and Starr have been using as a front.” I looked left and right, then crossed the road, heading for the shops on the other side. Coffee and chocolate were in order—they might not actually ease the ache in my head, but they’d at least make me feel a little bit better.
“It’s not a front, but a registered agency.”
“Has she ever used her house before?”
“Given we’ve only been following her for six weeks, it’s hard to say.”
“So she could suspect something?”
“She didn’t sound suspicious.”
“No.” I hesitated. “I’ve just got this feeling she knew more than what she was saying.”
“She’d be naturally suspicious of anyone—which is why she does a check on them first.”
“Maybe.” I pushed open the door of the 7-Eleven and helped myself to coffee—they didn’t have hazelnut, so I compensated with a hazelnut chocolate bar—then I headed around to grab some Panadol. Off-the-shelf painkillers mightn’t be the strongest available, but they were better than nothing. Once I’d paid the man, I headed back out.
“What did you make of her saying, ‘You will save us’?”
“A slip of the tongue, perhaps?”
“She didn’t seem the sort to do anything by mistake.” I sipped my coffee, wincing a little at its bitter taste. “There’s something going on here that we don’t understand.”
“It’s natural to feel that, given we know so little about her or her relationship with Starr.” He paused. “But be careful all the same.”
Like I wasn’t going to be? “How thorough a background search did you do?”“Very. We don’t send people into dangerous situations willy-nilly, you know.”
I grinned. “I’m mighty glad to hear that. So what now?”
“You go find a room at an appropriate hotel and catch some sleep.”
“Then we see what tomorrow brings.”
“Meaning, lots of things are happening, but you’re not telling me just in case things go wrong on my end and I blab details.”
He chuckled. “Rhoan’s right. For a girl, you’re pretty damn clever.”
Meaning, as I’d suspected, he’d been watching and listening in to our training session. “If I was clever, I wouldn’t be standing here on a deserted St. Kilda street, freezing my butt off, but in New York, or Paris, or even London—somewhere they couldn’t give a damn about what my DNA could do for them.”
“I’m not interested in your DNA.”
“No, just what I could do for your new guardian squad,” I replied dryly. “So how in the hell do I get to Dia’s place from here?”
“Catch one of the trams that run along Malvern Road, and get off at Kooyong Road. Huntingfield is halfway between Malvern and Toorak.”
“So either way I’m hiking.”
“It won’t kill you.”
“Says the man who wasn’t beaten to a pulp by Gautier yesterday.”
“I feel obliged to point out that you weren’t, either.”
Only thanks to the fact he’d intervened. “Night, Jack.”
“Night, Poppy.”
I snorted and flicked the button behind my ear. The slight buzz of energy that had been teasing my lobes died, but the ache in my head didn’t. I popped a couple of the Panadol, swilling them down with the bitter coffee, then munched on more chocolate to take away the aftertaste.
After strolling along for several blocks, I found a dingy-looking hotel that had rooms for rent at cheap rates. Just the sort of place someone like Poppy might settle for—though if I wasn’t playing her part, I certainly wouldn’t have gone near the place. The hotel sat next to a bar, so not only did it stink of sweaty humanity, but of booze as well. The raucous laughter coming from inside the bar suggested heavy patronage—which in turn meant little sleep. I blew out a breath, reminded myself it was only for one night, and headed inside.
The reek was worse within the four walls, and the rooms more dilapidated than the outside. The bed itself looked older than Methuselah, and had obviously seen more than a few couplings on it. I screwed up my nose and glanced at the floor. The carpet looked no better, but at least the floor didn’t have a disastrous sag in it. 
With a sigh, I hauled off the blankets—which at least looked and smelled clean—and made myself a bed on the floor. Then I stripped off, shifted shape to hurry along the already healing scratches on my arms, and settled down to sleep.
Surprisingly, and despite all the noise and odors, I did sleep, not waking until the hotel’s manager banged on the door the following morning.
With a groan, I rolled onto my side and stared blearily at the clock on the bedside table above me. Eight. Time to get some breakfast and head on over to see Dia.
After stretching out the kinks and giving my face and arms a quick wash down with cold water, I dressed and headed back out to the street. Unfortunately, trams didn’t run as regularly on a Sunday, so I grabbed a couple of McMuffins from McDonald’s to munch on while I waited at the stop.
It was well after nine when I hit Toorak. I climbed off the tram at Kooyong Road and pressed the disk behind my ear.
“Heading for Dia’s now.”
“Keep the line open.”
“Will do.”
I strolled up Kooyong Road, admiring the million-dollar houses and wondering what it’d be like to live in a place that practically screamed money. Personally, I’d be afraid to move lest I break something.
Huntingfield Road came along, and I turned left onto it. Many of the houses here seemed more ornate, making me feel even more out of place. A feeling that grew when I stopped to press the intercom button to one side of the huge, wrought-iron gates that guarded Dia’s house.
To say the place was amazing would be an understatement—though the house itself wasn’t as ornate as some of its neighbors. It was an old, early-twentieth-century design that reminded me greatly of the grand old English mansions often shown on TV. Though this was painted a warm, soft gold, ivy crept over the brickwork and sprawled across the roof, giving the impression the house had been here forever. The lawn that stretched from the side gate to the porch was a rich carpet of green—so lush my feet suddenly itched with the need to run through it—and the pines that lined the boundary gave the whole property a feeling of isolation. I’d never been envious of anyone else’s living conditions in my life, but I couldn’t help thinking how amazing it would be to live in a place like this. A little bit of luxurious heaven, and yet with everything you could ever want or need within walking distance to your doorstep.
The intercom crackled, then Dia said, “Yes?”
“Poppy Burns, accepting your invitation.”
“Ah. Good.” The gates buzzed, then clicked open. “Come in.”
I walked through the gates, and somehow resisted the urge to take off my shoes and run through the grass, instead following the herringbone-patterned brick path. Dia Jones opened the door as I approached. That surprised me. Surely someone who lived in a pad as plush as this would have a servant or two running around?
Her hair was no longer brown mixed with silver, just a pure whitish-silver, and with the long, flowing white dress she had on, she looked almost ethereal. Except for her eyes. They positively glowed with the power that shimmered across my skin like little zaps of lightning. I stopped, staring into her blind eyes, again struck by the sensation that this woman knew far more than we wanted her to.
“Come in, come in.” Her smile was as charming as her voice was warm. “The house won’t bite, and neither will I.”
Obviously, she was taking my reluctance to enter for awe at her surroundings rather than her, and that was just fine by me. I stepped past her. The hallway beyond was huge, as was the chandelier that sprayed rainbows across the soft gold walls and carpets. A redwood sideboard was the only piece of furnishing in the entrance hall, and on it sat a vase filled with blood-red gladiolas. Two rooms led off the hall, and a staircase clad in a deeper gold carpet sat at the end, undoubtedly spiraling upward into more richness.“Just head into the living room on your left,” she said, as she closed the door.
The living room turned out to be another filled with gold and creams. Though the room was huge, there wasn’t a whole lot of furniture—just two large sofas, a marble coffee table, and a matching white marble fireplace. The chandelier that hung above all this elegance was smaller than the one in the entrance hall, but not by much. A bright, modernistic painting held pride of place above the fireplace, adding a much needed splash of color.
“Please, sit down.” Dia waved a hand at one heavily brocaded sofa even as she felt for the sofa nearest her with the other. Odd, considering she’d seemed so sure of her movements last night.