Reading Online Novel

Tangled in Divine(Divine Creek Ranch 14)(64)

“Her place in Colorado?”

“I want her to be happy. I think we can make her happier than two hundred acres of land. I know it’s her legacy and maybe she’ll have it back again but I still want to be a permanent part of her life.”

“I do too. What would you suggest I do if she asks us for a ménage tonight?”

“You could offer a compromise. Baby steps. We go anal first.”

“You do, maybe,” Chris replied.

“But you know she’ll ask you because she wants you to feel included. You could always tell her no for now but that you will, if she’ll prepare herself to take you.”

Chris looked ready to crawl under the table. “Julián, she’d need butt plugs the size of bowling pins!”

Julián burst into laughter but quickly quelled it when he saw the slightly queasy look on Chris’s face. “Chris, you’re not that big. Tell me this, what happens when you use a muscle? When you warm it up properly, and stretch and contract it?”

“It becomes stronger.”

“The sphincter is a muscle.”

“Yeah but that’s still a delicate spot. One wrong move and I’d make her bleed.”

“Not if she’s prepared and you used plenty of lube. Would you deny her if she asks you?” Reluctantly, Chris shook his head. “This way you aren’t telling her no. At every turn she’s wanted you. She’s never turned you down. Think of it this way—you’ll be distracting her from her worries about the ranch and her horse. She’ll be using her butt plugs and be thinking of us which will help her and make it harder for her to leave, when we give her what she wants.”

“I’m still not comfortable with the ménage. That’s a lot of cock in a really tight place. As it is, I’m worried that her pussy will never be the same.”

“You do recall that women are built to give birth, right? How many siblings do you have?”

Chris chuckled halfheartedly, realizing that Julián had him. “Fourteen.”

“Any C-sections in the bunch that you know of?”


“Do you still believe that the stork delivered all of you?”

“Very funny, Julió.”

“My pleasure, Guido. You were the last one she delivered. Did you just fall out? Oh, wait—that explains a lot—” Chris grinned smugly as he laid a heavy fist down hard on Julián’s shoulder. “Ow! Fuck! Did anyone ever tell you your fists are like boulders? Damn,” he groused as he rubbed his shoulder. “Answer the question, fucker.”

“No. As far as I know, Ma had me the usual way. And no, I didn’t fall out on my head, fucking comedian.” He fought a smile the whole time he spoke.

“Think about your mom.”

“Force of nature that she is,” Chris supplied with a smile.

“She’s like a gracefully aging Sophia Loren. She looks pretty damned happy with her life to me anytime I see her.”

“Dad does dote on her.”

“She’s had fifteen kids. She’s not a delicate little flower, despite how your dad spoils her. She’s in good health. Resilient. Now, I’m not saying I want to have fifteen kids with Gwen. We’re way too early in the game to be talking about kids at all. What I am telling you is that healthy, active women are resilient like your mom. Look at Gwen differently now. She understands her limitations but she also knows how to push against them.”

“Okay, Dr. Julió,” Chris said, roughly rubbing his face and raking his hands through his wavy black hair, making it stand up a little.

“Let’s accommodate her in every way we can, and defer the ménage until she’s gotten used to the butt plugs. I don’t want to hurt her either. And as far as making love to her one-on-one…”


“Let her set the pace. You’re so busy trying not to hurt her, you may not be reading her signals right. If she wants you to let loose a little, I think you should. It would make her happy.”

“Her happy with us makes it more difficult to leave.”

“Now you’re catching on.”

“That’s pretty manipulative, isn’t it?”

“I prefer to view it as outcome management.”

They discussed the mechanics for a bit longer until Chris seemed to have grown more comfortable with that eventuality. Once the steaks were done, he pulled them off the grill, along with the corn, and they carried the food back into the kitchen.

Julián frowned as they listened to the voices in the living room. Not one man, but two. Roger must be involved in the conversation. He knew that Gwen saw Roger as the savior of the family ranch, but Julián wondered, not for the first time, what Roger’s angle was.