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Tangled in Divine(Divine Creek Ranch 14)(38)

By:Heather Rainier

“’Kay. Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas.”

Still squatting down, she smiled when Eleazar patted her shoulder as though he’d been waiting his turn.

With her hands outstretched, Gwen said, “See you tomorrow, Eleazar?”

“Uh-huh, Gwen-baby,” he replied enthusiastically and wrapped his arms around her neck and hugged her. She kissed the top of his head, enjoying his sweet toddler scent. When she released him, he puckered up just as Teresa called his name, gently communicating her silent message with a raised eyebrow. He grinned, nodded and then turned Gwen’s face so he could lightly kiss her cheek instead of her lips which he’d been aiming for.

To reaffirm Teresa’s message, Gwen whispered, “I like your gentlemanly manners, Eleazar.”

Teresa had told her earlier that Eleazar was likely following in his fathers’ affectionate footsteps and they were teaching him to respect the boundaries of others, especially the ladies. He hugged her one more time and then ran off to play.

Julián helped her with her coat and the two of them walked her out to his truck. Without a word, Chris opened the passenger door and then lifted her effortlessly into the front passenger seat. That was the second time she’d been lifted in a man’s arms and the sensation was unnerving. Even more unnerving was the thought that she could easily get used to it.

After closing her door, he climbed into the seat directly behind her. She sensed his massive presence as he went through the motions of buckling up while Julián climbed into the driver’s seat. Surrounded by them in the truck, she felt small and vulnerable. She’d had her occasional hookups over the years while on the road but leaving with two men who both made it clear they wanted her was a first for her.

What am I doing?

Julián caught her eye as he started the truck and smiled at her reassuringly but said nothing. He clasped her hand in his on the center console and drove away from the Divine Creek Ranch.

The tension was palpable in the truck and she was acutely aware of how quiet Chris was. Grace and Teresa had both claimed that he looked at her like a man who’d fallen in love at first sight. Was that why he’d sat there in the drive-thru, staring at her?

He’s being quiet because he’s afraid of screwing things up! He doesn’t know what to say…or how to say it. That’s why he was so quiet when we were sitting together on the couch. He’s paralyzed. Why?

Acting on a hunch, she turned in her seat and he leaned toward her when he saw her movement.

“Can I ask you something, Chris?”

“Sure,” he replied, his face hidden in shadow. The hesitation in his voice made her heart ache.

“When that girl sat in your lap, you didn’t immediately make her move. You said you didn’t want to hurt her feelings.”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

“Do you know what it’s like to be embarrassed in a social setting like that?”

“Yes, in more ways than you can imagine. If you knew my family you’d understand how that’s possible.”

He didn’t offer any other reply so she forged on. She wanted him to know she understood and she wasn’t trying to make him feel worse. “You said Grace tried to matchmake for you. What happened?”

“Grace set me up with a girl she used to work with at Stigall’s. She had issues with…my size…and my personality.”


“What happened?”

“I thought we did okay on the first date, though she seemed to cringe a lot when I talked. She was pretty timid but I liked her well enough to ask her out on a second date, which she agreed to. At the end of the evening, I didn’t ask to come inside her house or anything, but I didn’t think I was out of line hoping that she might let me kiss her good night.” He leaned close enough that she felt him brush against her seat. “Darlin’, just so you know, I hate talking about this sh—stuff. It’s embarrassing.”

She reached back and encountered his solid shoulder, which she patted in understanding. “What did she do?”

He sighed, sounding reluctant to go on. “When I made my move, on her front porch, she cowered from me, with fear in her eyes, like she thought I was about to attack her. I backed off, she apologized, and ran into her house and slammed the door. She cancelled our second date by calling Grace and asking her to call me. So, while I didn’t want that gal in my lap tonight, I know how it feels to be rejected, both publicly and privately. I’m not doing that to anyone if I can avoid it. She got up and left on her own but I wished she’d done it a whole lot sooner. I hope you understand.”