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Tangled in Divine(Divine Creek Ranch 14)(36)

By:Heather Rainier

Unreasoning anger flared in her chest, followed by embarrassment and hurt. She’d only just started to think he wanted her there. How stupid am I?

Grace locked arms with her. “Stop overthinking, give him the benefit of the doubt, and follow me, cowgirl.” Music began to play in the family room off of the living room, where the furniture had been moved to the side and the area rugs had been rolled up to clear a floor for dancing.

The song had a simple guitar rhythm that quickly morphed into a funky combination of blues and country. Grace winked at her as Gwen recognized “I Ain’t Your Mama” by Maggie Rose. Gwen glanced in the direction of the living room and saw that the girl was looking very comfortable in Chris’s lap, and was halfway over Julián’s, as Julián spoke sharply to Chris and he made eye contact with her.


She bit her lip and turned away as Rachel Wolf joined the three of them on the dance floor. The music got louder and she moved halfheartedly with the beat as Jayne Carter also joined them, followed by several other guests.

Rachel smiled at her and moved close enough to say, “It was either join you girls for a dance or kick that skank’s bony ass. There’s kids around so here I am.”

I have no right to be jealous. But I am. He may not have said anything to me but I haven’t said anything to him either. Don’t even bother getting mad.

But she was mad.

Grace bumped hips with her. “Do you want him, Gwen?”

This is it. Do I? “Hell yes!”

Grace looked at her with challenge in her sparkling blue eyes. “Prove it.”

Something came over her, something primitive and powerful…and confident. The girls were right. He hadn’t orbited her all night just to give up on her now. She didn’t give a fuck what desperate cunt sat in his lap. He was hers. She was leaving there with both of them, and any other woman thinking to lay a claim to him, or Julián for that matter, would be disappointed.

She danced shamelessly with the girls as a sizzling sensation tingled all over her body, and she pictured her men watching her, desiring her. Her men. Her own arousal and wantonness skyrocketed as she imagined going home with them and dancing naked, driving their lust higher and higher.

“Go, girl,” Rachel cheered. “Their tongues are practically hanging out of their mouths. The bitch got pissed and left because Chris was ignoring her. Give ’em a little grind and let ’em know you care.”

Gwen didn’t look at Chris or Julián but she rewarded their attention, sliding her hands over her torso and grinding her hips as the song came to an end. Several of the men cheered for their ladies, and there were even a few wolf whistles as the next song began to play and several of those men claimed their women for the next dance.

Appearing pleased, Grace looked over Gwen’s shoulder and said, “That ought to just…about…do it.”

A split second later she was spun and grabbed up against a big, broad chest, the toes of her boots barely touching the ground. She gasped as she peered up into Chris’s brown eyes which had gone so dark they seemed black as he loomed over her. Given his size, she should’ve been intimidated, especially since she’d claimed he was intimidating before, but nothing could’ve been further from the truth. She held all the power in that moment and that awareness made her bold.

“You’re mine,” she growled, keeping her tone quiet so only he could hear her.

As though someone had just flipped his “smart-ass” switch, the mischievous twinkle filled his eyes, a teasing grin split his craggy face, and he growled right back, “Yes, ma’am.”

Holding her securely around her waist and shoulders, he dipped her back and kissed her, branding her lips with his own until her heart pounded and she saw stars. She was vaguely aware of cheering and clapping all around her.

She tried to cling to his shoulders but was unable to get a grasp because they were so big and hard and finally settled for fistfuls of his shirt. As she relaxed in his arms, his kiss gentled and she parted her lips for him, welcoming his stroking tongue inside her. She yielded, going warm and pliant all over. Her pussy went hot and wet in a flash.

Overexcited tremors raced through her as he explored the recesses of her mouth, an appreciative groan escaping his throat. She eagerly kissed him back, giving him full access, letting him know she wanted what he gave her. Her heart pounded as he caressed her tongue and her lips until she finally wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed in pleasure. She might’ve only just told him that he was hers, but now she, and everyone else in the room, knew she was his too.

He gradually stood her upright again, holding her to him as though she were delicate porcelain. The errant thought made tears spring up in her eyes.