Reading Online Novel

Tangled in Divine(Divine Creek Ranch 14)(35)

Teresa took hold of Gwen’s free hand. “You. Stop that. I’m sorry I reminded you. You cannot help that the timing was so close and I don’t hold it against either one of you. The last thing Joaquin expected was to fall in love at first sight the very next day.”

Knowingly, Grace said, “I think that phenomenon is something that the three of us all have in common.”

Gwen frowned. “I’ve known Julián a long time. We’ve always had a thing for each other, I think, but I wouldn’t call it love at first—”

Grace gently broke in. “I’m not talking about Julián. I’m talking about that big, sweet, sexy hunk of man sitting next to him, looking at you like you hung the moon just for him.” Gwen glanced back and saw the truth of Grace’s words—about both men. They spoke quietly to each other but never took their eyes off of her.

“How can you know that? Chris has hardly said two words to me all night.” What if she’s right? I wonder if Julián knows that. “And what about Julián?”

Grace rolled her eyes and looked like she wanted to pat Gwen on her little head and tell her she was pretty. “They look like they’re on the same page to me. Look at their body language. Damn, that’s sexy. They both want you. How can you not see that?”

Making no secret of observing them, Gwen could plainly see what Grace was talking about. They sat side by side on the couch, their posture relaxed and mirroring each other. Even their expressions were the same as they watched her watching them. They sat straight with both booted feet on the floor and their knees slightly parted. She couldn’t help but notice the sexy bulges at their groins. Not noticeably hardened but full of potential. Her pussy responded with an ache that surprised her because she wanted both of them too.

Through the buzz of growing desire in her head, Gwen heard Teresa snicker and say, “Grace and I know that look because we’ve seen it before. Julián is giving Chris a chance to find a place for himself in your world. Angel did the same thing for Joaquin. You may not know this, but I dated Angel for six months before I ever met Joaquin. He was attracted to me on sight but he would’ve backed off if Angel had told him to. I’m very thankful that Angel didn’t because the attraction between Joaquin and I was mutual. I also think Chris is being quieter than normal because he’s trying to avoid offending you. He’s not usually this quiet when I’ve been around him.”

“Yeah,” Grace said. “Normally he’s a flirt. He’s not the most suave and debonair guy I know but he certainly gets points for trying. And he does succeed in charming the ladies.”

Gwen glanced at Chris to find him still watching her, until another partygoer approached him, interest in her eyes. The young woman, who was reasonably attractive, smiled at him, twiddling a lock of her long brown hair around her finger, her stance obviously flirtatious. He smiled back, his eyes twinkling, and spoke with the brunette. Julián was busy talking to Wes and Evan again and seemed to not notice. The knot of possessiveness that rose up inside Gwen made her breath catch in her throat.

“Hell,” Gwen said softly, surprised by the sudden clench in her chest, as she turned away. The realization that he was sincerely attracted to her, combined with her reaction to seeing another woman flirt with him, created a painful turmoil inside her. “He was being so quiet. I honestly didn’t realize what was happening. But when he touched my hand…crap.” The timing couldn’t be worse, either, because her stay in Divine was temporary.

Teresa patted her shoulder, while watching whatever was happening across the room. “You three just need time and privacy to communicate. I was a little deer-in-the-headlights when Angel finally leveled with me too. You’re entitled to how you feel.”

A disgusted look appeared on Grace’s face as she watched whatever was happening over at the couch, and waved at Ethan to get his attention. When he came over, she whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek. Gwen knew she was up to something when Ethan grinned and squeezed Grace’s ass.

He left the kitchen and Grace stopped Gwen from turning around, when she was unable to stand it another second. She had to know what was going on between that brunette and Chris—“Gwen, honey, this isn’t my first go-round at this rodeo and you need to follow my lead. You own both those men over there and I’m about to prove it to you.”

Gwen turned anyway and watched the brunette settle her skinny ass in Chris’s lap and stroke his enormous biceps admiringly. When she tilted her head, the girl’s long, dark hair blocked Chris’s face from Gwen’s view but she thought she saw him smile up at her as he gently grasped her arm.