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Tangled in Divine(Divine Creek Ranch 14)(31)

By:Heather Rainier

Julián smiled and rolled his eyes. “I kind of doubt that. But do not pull that shit on Gwen. She’s been on the road for ten years and knows how to defend herself. I’ve seen her bust a guy’s nose so badly he needed surgery, just for doing that very thing—sneaking up from behind and grabbing her—to surprise her. She felt terrible but he deserved it for startling her. Seriously. Don’t do that. She’ll hand you your nuts, after she’s smashed them. Plus, I honestly don’t think ladies appreciate that very much.”

“No? Okay. I’ll remember that. No goosing, either?”

Julián rolled his eyes again in disgust. “Were you listening?”

“Sorry. No tickling. No goosing. And soon…no talking.”

“And when the urge to be cute or tease comes over you just stop and do whatever the opposite of that is.”

Second-guessing himself all night didn’t sound like fun, and that must’ve shown on his face.

“Chris, I used to smoke two packs a day. I used to be an adrenaline junkie. I thrived on conflict and chaos on Wall Street.”

Chris’s jaw nearly hit the floor as he stared at his friend, the absolute epitome of the laid-back North American cowboy. “What the fuck?”

Laughter burst from his friend and he reclined in the chair as he nodded his head. “See? People can change. Yeah. I had a talent for making money with a brokerage firm and eventually started a venture capitalist consortium. That’s when I discovered I had a talent for making the fucking big bucks.”

Chris raised an eyebrow. “Still got that dough?”

Julián gave him a sideways grin. “You could say I’m comfy.”

“That’s why you don’t head to town to cash your paycheck first thing every week. Why you let them sit for days before you deposit them.”

“All of it is safe in investments. I make a comfortable living. My point here, though, is that while I was good at making money, I’d developed some really bad habits. Bad eating habits. Barely sleeping. Poor choices in friendships. I wound up in the hospital on a couple of occasions with angina. Doctors finally told me that I had to change my life or die. Lemme tell you, that’s a wake-up call to get when you’re twenty-five fucking years old.”

“Holy shit. What did you do?”

“I left New York that week. Took a sabbatical and tried to find myself. Returned to the ‘bosom’ of my family and embraced my Hispanic heritage. In the process, I rediscovered a second gift I had, one I’d originally rejected when I went away to college. My talent with horses. I hit the rodeo circuit. That’s where I met Angel and Joaquin.”

“I always wondered, but you seemed pretty closemouthed about your past. I got that, so never asked.”

Julián shrugged. “I did well on Wall Street but it’s not a happy time in my life that I want to talk a lot about. I guess I was a cowboy, of sorts, there too. Riding the venture capital bronco. Making a name for myself. Riding roughshod over people too, including a lot of women, for which I’m not proud. Comparatively, rodeo was easy. The angina went away. I’ve never had another episode since I left New York and I like who I am now.”

“So, I guess what you’re telling me is that I should suck it up and make the big changes too?”

“Pretty much.”

“I’m gonna open my mouth and insert my foot. You know that, right?”

Looking very amused, Julián replied, “I’m counting on it. Have to get my jollies somehow.”

Chris laughed with him and landed a punch with his meaty fist on Julián’s shoulder that had him whimpering in pained laughter until they heard the front door open.

The woman of his dreams walked out onto the front porch, looking left and right. Her long, soft, golden blonde hair flowed in waves around her as she moved. Her smile as she located them at the end of the porch made fizzy things happen in his chest as she walked in their direction, sexy hips swinging. She centered her gaze on Julián at first but then looked at Chris and smiled. His brain filled with static.

Just smile. Don’t talk. Don’t pop off. Just sit here and smile and look socially acceptable. Say nada.

Chris watched Julián, praying for pointers by example and making mental notes. His smile was warm, and as she came close, he reached out for her as though he just expected she’d come to him. Chris was dumbfounded when she did and even more surprised when he smoothly directed her into his lap and she went willingly like she’d done it every day.

Julián, you are one smooth motherfucker. Call me Grasshopper.