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Tangled in Divine(Divine Creek Ranch 14)(26)

By:Heather Rainier

“We’ll see.”

“I was talking with Angel and Joaquin earlier and they think they may have a line on a job to tide you over until you can rejoin the circuit. It might even be an ‘in’ for a horse, if you’re willing to offer a little horse training. That’s right up your alley anyway.”

“You know of a horse that needs training?” The eagerness in her eyes warmed his heart. She loved competing in barrel racing, but Gwen’s heart was truly in training horses.

“We know of a rancher, Wilbur Wilson, who has some special circumstances. He wants to take a sabbatical for a couple of months so he can visit his daughter who is a medical missionary in Brazil. He eventually wants to join her there permanently.”

“He owns a ranch?”

“Yeah. Beautiful place. It’s about one hundred acres. He’s been reducing his herd, and he has just the one horse. All the animals are well cared for and healthy and the place is in good repair. He’s just moving into a different season in his life and wants to dedicate himself to service of others. Joaquin also told me that they’ve taken on a ‘project’ horse here at the ranch. I’ll bet they’d like it if you spent some time with her while you’re in the area. He mentioned that she’d been traumatized somehow.”

Interest and empathy was obvious in her eyes, and Julián wondered if she realized that her dream wasn’t necessarily tied to a place so much as it was to a species of animal. He kept that thought to himself.

“By the way…”


“If it works out and you decide to stay for a bit, make sure and send your post office a forwarding order.”

“Why’s that? Dad usually holds all my mail and sends it to me when he knows where I’ll be for a while.”

“There’s a special Christmas gift that probably arrived in your post office box today, from me…and Chris,” he added, figuring he might as well test her reaction. I guess we’d better work fast.

“Really?” she asked, a quizzical grin on her face. “What is it?”

“It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you. Chris helped me pick it out.”

She looked almost doubtful but replied, “Like you said, if it works out with Mr. Wilson, I’ll send the forwarding order. And thank you. I’m sorry, I didn’t bring you anything.”

Oh, yes you did. You brought me a chance to be with you, to win you over. Judging by the look on Chris’s face earlier, you’ve already won him.

“Let’s go call Mr. Wilson and arrange a time for you to meet him.”

“Sure,” Gwen replied. “I need to call my dad first, though. He must be worried to death.”

Chapter Six

Gwen climbed from Julián’s lap, reluctant to leave the warm comfort of his embrace and exquisite awareness of the still very rigid cock pressed against her backside. She’d been tempted to reach out and caress him, to acknowledge the desire growing between them. Her longing for Julián wasn’t in question, despite her confusion regarding Chris Potter.

His soft groan as she slid from his lap made her smile with womanly satisfaction. She kept her thoughts to herself as she bent over to retrieve her phone from her coat pocket. A breath rushed from her as he slid his hand up the back of her thigh until he reached the top and came oh-so-achingly close to cupping her derriere. Her cunt clenched with his touch and she bit her lip as her clit throbbed with the need for him to touch her, to stroke her, to bring her to orgasm.

The Doppler effect of a playful little boy giggle as it moved down the hallway past the closed door to the den brought her out of her fantasy. You’re in Teresa’s house right now. Quell your lusty thoughts at least until you’re alone with him.

Julián must’ve had a similar reaction because he removed his hand. “How about I give you some privacy to talk to your dad and I’ll call Wilbur for you. I might even put in a good word for you,” he murmured with a chuckle as he stood and faced her, slight discomfort showing on his face as he discreetly rearranged his burgeoning cock.

“Sorry about that,” she whispered, not feeling a bit repentant, a giggle leaving her and making her feel more normal than she had in a while.

“No you’re not,” he replied with weak amusement. “But that’s a conversation we’ll save for a little later this evening.”

“Promise?” Just like that, her panties were drenched with hot, liquid desire.

“Yes, when you come home with us.”

“Us?” Her body suddenly went tight with heightened awareness, and heat flooded her cheeks as her cunt throbbed in excitement.