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Tangled in Divine(Divine Creek Ranch 14)(19)

By:Heather Rainier

Teresa caressed his cheek with her palm and replied, “That’s okay, baby. I know you’re just excited.”

Assured that he wasn’t in trouble, Michael turned to Gwen and cocked his head, his sweet brown eyes twinkling, and said, “How you doin’, pretty cowboy lady?”

Gwen crouched down and wrapped her arms around his little shoulders. Tears suddenly flooded her eyes at the use of his distinctive endearment for her. Despite her private pain, she answered from her heart. “Never better, little mister cowboy man. I’ve missed you.” She swiped the tears away so that Michael wouldn’t see them.

Joaquin and Angel shooed them all into the house out of the wind. Gwen smiled when she saw the colorful decorations Teresa had put up around the room and the gaily festooned Christmas tree in the corner of the living room.

Joaquin took Teresa by the hand and led her to the double recliner located near the lit fireplace. “You’ve been on your feet long enough, sugar. Relax and talk, and we’ll handle things in the kitchen from here.” Joaquin helped her into the recliner and slid a pillow beneath her knees as he whispered to Michael, who kissed his mom, waved at Gwen, and left the room.

“All right. The timer should go off in—”

From the kitchen, Angel called, “We’ve got it, beautiful. Just relax for now. We’ll listen for the timer. Gwen, I’m getting your coffee now. You relax too.”

Gwen sat down in the other half of the recliner and Teresa smiled at Joaquin as he left the room. “They’re spoiling me.”

“And hovering like mother hens. What’s got them worried?”

“I had some spotting and cramping the other day and Emma asked me to take it easy for a few days. I haven’t had any reoccurrences since then but they’re still worrying. I’m about eight weeks along. I see her later this week for an ultrasound.”

“I hope everything will be all right.”

“Emma said not to worry. It’s not unheard of, and I feel just fine. I’m staying hydrated like she asked me to.”

“I’m really sorry to add to your worry. I really didn’t mean to.”

Teresa smiled and patted her hand. “Sorry I cussed at you. You should’ve seen Angel’s face when I let loose earlier. He shot out of here like a rocket.”

“He knew you were really serious.”

“Guess so.”

“Here’s your coffee, Gwen,” Angel murmured as he held out the steaming mug. Joaquin joined his brother and they both took seats on the couch opposite of the recliner. “We’re all ears if you want to tell us what happened.”

When she was done relating the tale, Teresa handed her a tissue and squeezed her hand. “Have you spoken to your dad since you left?”

“No. I’m not exactly mad at him, even though I know I have a right to be. I honestly don’t care how he feels right now. What’s happened is on him, and now the burden to fix it is all on me. I couldn’t stay on at Roger’s place knowing what was happening right down the road.”

“You’ve got at least a couple of months of downtime before you can do anything. What will you do about a horse, if you plan to compete?”

“I need to find work and a place to stay until March and I put in a call to Abigail and Caughlin McIntyre to see if they could help me get a line on a horse. I’ve known them since I was a little girl and they may know someone. It’s a long shot but it’s my only chance. They must be on vacation because I haven’t heard from them yet.”

“I may know of someone who can help, Gwen,” Joaquin said. “And you know you’re always welcome to stay with us.”

“Sure. Thank you.” She’d been dealt so many bad cards lately and she didn’t want to get her hopes up but appreciated Joaquin’s efforts.

The doorbell rang just then, followed quickly by the sound of a firm knock on the door. Teresa grinned and covered her laugh with her hand. “Wonder who that could be?”

Angel went to the door and opened it, revealing Julián Alvarez standing on the porch, looking like sin in a black felt cowboy hat.

Teresa prepared to get up to greet Julián and whispered aside to Gwen, “There ought to be a law against men as handsome as these. Get ready for the testosterone levels to shoot through the roof, my friend.”

Angel spoke quietly to Julián as he let him in, and Julián held out his hand. “Stay where you are, Teresa. You shouldn’t be on your feet right now.”

Teresa cast a quick glance at Gwen. “See? Next, they’ll have me eating bonbons.”

Angel winked and smiled. “We try. You won’t let us.”