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Tangled in Divine(Divine Creek Ranch 14)(17)

By:Heather Rainier

She murmured unintelligibly and shook her head, her hair getting twisted up inside her Elmer Fudd hat, which looked adorable on her.

From talking to Julián, Chris knew that she had been friends with Teresa, Angel, and Joaquin for a few years, and had known Julián on the rodeo circuit for several years. Chris had competed in rodeo before screwing up his left knee, but he’d never encountered her before, at least not that he could recall.

Angel released her and walked over to him as he put the spare on and began screwing on the first lug nut. “I’m glad you found her, Chris.”

Chris shook his head and smirked. “Nearly ran over her is more like it. She needs ice on her elbow, where she smacked it against the front grill of my truck. Her hands are bleeding too.”

Angel squatted down beside him, a knowing smile on his face. “You okay? You don’t sound like your abnormal self.”

Chris shot him a single-finger salute and kept working. Normally his Jersey ancestry would take hold by that point but he couldn’t think of a single insult to utter. His brothers would be shocked. In his family, the delivery of insults was an elevated art form.

Angel cocked his head and studied him until Chris gritted his teeth. “Why don’t you come over for supper tonight? Teresa is already cooking, even though I’d rather she was sitting down and relaxing. She plans to invite Julián as well.”

“Nah, man. I don’t want to intrude.”

“Bullshit. I recognize the look in your eyes.”

“Whatever. I got stuff to do at the ranch once I get done here.”

“Fine. Bring her rig and one of the ranch hands can drive you back here to pick up your truck. But you’re going to disappoint Teresa. In her present state…”

Chris hated the thought of upsetting Teresa. She needed to be calm, not all up in the air about everything. But he also didn’t want to torture himself, watching Gwen with Julián. Pretending he wasn’t feeling something pretty strong for her.

Fucking sucks. Story of my life. She wouldn’t want to spend time with me anyway. I set her off with every word I say.

He looked back at her, standing by the truck, gathering her personal belongings from the cracked bench seat. The truck had to be at least twenty years old, and must’ve had at least five hundred thousand miles on it, if not double that amount. She wrapped her scarf around her neck and turned to look his way. Their eyes met and held, and his heretofore carefree world narrowed in focus until he only needed the answer to one question. “It depends on if Gwen wants me there or not.”

I’m so fucked. Julián is gonna kill me.

* * * *

Angel grabbed the handled paper bag from the seat. “Want to bring this with you?”

Gwen nodded but she was held by Chris’s gaze. “Yes, I found some things for the boys while I was on the road.”

Angel smiled and took the duffle bag she pulled from the bunk space inside the trailer. “So you were planning on coming to Divine?”

She rubbed her arms to warm them. “I suppose I did.”

“Teresa is cooking. She’s invited Julián to supper. Is that all right with you?”

“Sure. I’m her guest. I’m not dictating who she invites although it sounds like you’ll be front and center for the butt-whooping Julián plans to deliver.”

“I sincerely doubt that, but I think you’ve definitely earned it. We care a great deal about you and you’ve had us all sick with worry.” Angel leaned close with a knowing smirk on his handsome face. “I think you have yourself another admirer.” He tilted his head toward the big man changing the tire.

Gwen made a disgusted sound that she hoped was convincing. “Bullshit. He’s Julián’s friend. Buffoon nearly ran over me. I hardly think that constitutes an admirer.”

“Good, then you won’t mind if he’s there tonight too. But mark my words”—he glanced at Chris—“I know that look.”

She mouthed, “Whatever,” and poked Angel in the ribs.

She turned to Chris, who was focused on his work, and reached out with her keys in her hand. “Thank you for helping me, Chris.”

“It’s a pleasure finally meeting you, Gwen,” he replied as he looked up at her, the twinkle back in his eyes. “I’ll be along with the truck directly.” His hand was huge compared to hers as she placed the keychain in his palm.

“Be careful, sometimes the gas pedal linkage breaks or comes off and the pedal goes to the floor.”

Both men groaned disgustedly and Chris said, “And what do you do when that happens?” He may have asked the question but he didn’t look like he really wanted to know.