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Tangled in Divine(Divine Creek Ranch 14)(140)

By:Heather Rainier

She kissed him and said, “We’re going to lose sleep worrying over this. Surely we’ll know something in the morning.”

“I’m sure we will.” Chris squeezed her and grinned. “And don’t call me Shirley.”

Gwen raised her head and looked at him, smiled and chuckled before she laid her head back on his chest and squeezed him hard.

I love you too, darlin’.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Gwen waved at Wilbur as he drove up the driveway with a big smile on his face and pulled his truck to a stop near the barn. When he climbed from the vehicle he looked like a new man, tanned and refreshed, as though he’d just come from a life-changing experience. He even appeared younger.

“Welcome home, Wilbur,” she said as she held out her hand. “Brazil must’ve agreed with you.”

Wilbur smiled and nodded. “It was incredible. I’m definitely planning on going back. My daughter got me set up with the right people and I helped to do some rebuilding on a hospital and helped to build a clinic in a rural community. It was…amazing. The people—I don’t know what I expected but the people were so welcoming. Heck, I could go on and on about it, Gwen.”

He looked around the backyard and took in the view from the hilltop on all sides.

Softly, he said, “This place needed you.” They took a walk around and she filled him in on all the happenings, and then they went out to the back pasture and she called Tutti who came running like her tail was set on fire.

Wilbur scoffed and chuckled. “Well now, that’s a change right there.”

“What do you mean?” She smiled at him as she put on the halter and attached the lead rope to Tutti without her moving an inch.

“And there’s another. Care to share with me how her barrel racing training is coming?”

Gwen grinned, so happy that Wilbur was pleased with things so far. “You don’t have to ask us twice. We haven’t had our session yet this morning. Let me get her saddled.”

“I can’t believe she came to you so easily. She’s always been a bit tricky for me once she’s out in the pasture, especially this bigger one.”

“Doesn’t want to come out?”

“You got it.”

“Tutti likes her running room, that’s for sure. I’ve just been riding, training, and caring for her on a schedule. Once she understood that I’m dependable and consistent, she agreed that I’m the boss…or at least I was, I think…”

Wilbur turned a curious eye on her as they walked into the barn to the tack room. She tied Tutti’s lead rope off. “You heard about your horse yet?”

“Not yet and it’s starting to worry me.”

“Well, don’t let it, at least as far as you going out on the road is concerned. The offer of Tutti and her trailer still stands, sweetie. You’ve taken damn good care of this place, even gone above and beyond,” he added as he inspected the inside of the pristine barn. “There’s not a hair out of place in here. You put me to shame and I’m a stickler for cleanliness.”

Gwen nodded. “Me too.”

With the horse saddled, she led her through to the small arena outside the back of the barn, pleased that Tutti never pushed Wilbur once the whole time they talked as they slowly walked into the enclosure. Wilbur repositioned the barrels for her while she warmed Tutti up and then took her through several runs.

Tutti seemed to know that she was being observed and maybe the competitive spirit in her wanted to show what she was capable of. She moved with Gwen like they were joined together, lending her energy and her willingness to the challenge. Looking very pleased, Wilbur came out into the arena again as Gwen cooled Tutti down and then took her back into the barn to comb and brush her down. Tutti’s coat gleamed with good health and proper care.

Wilbur ran his hand along Tutti’s neck and chest then put his right shoulder against her left foreleg and leaned just a tad against her as he grasped her ankle. She willingly lifted her hoof for inspection and Wilbur gave it a thorough going-over. He quietly moved in a counterclockwise pattern, checking each hoof while Gwen waited.

When he was finished, she asked, “How do they look? As good as you expected?”

Wilbur chewed his lip for a second, removed his hat to rub his forehead, and then put the hat back on his head. He gestured with his thumb at the horse. “Never once have I been able to get her to willingly let me check her hooves, much less let me clean them.”

Gwen blushed with pleasure at his slightly awed tone. “I never gave her the option. It’s part of what I do for any horse in my care. I’ll bet she’s cost you a mint in farrier bills just for simple checks, hasn’t she?”