Mom was there when I got to their place, Delia had barely come around, and was groaning like she was fucking dying.I'd yell at her later for sneaking out and following me, she could've put herself in danger, as it stood she'd taken a hard shock to her system and before the day was out she would face more.
How did I feel about the fact that I'd slept with one woman and married her daughter? Not good, but fuck it, it's not like I'd set out to do it, I refuse to be held accountable for something I had no control over, Delia's the one that worried me, she was already so wounded what was this going to do to her? How was I gonna fix this cluster fuck? I had to tell my family, I didn't expect them to feel any differently about it than I did, but it had to be put out there. This was my doing not theirs, there was no shame, not for me anyway, but Delia I know would be a different story.
"Bring her inside Chase I've got your old room all set up."
I carried her up the stairs and asked mom to leave us. Before I talked to anyone, I had to settle this with her, I didn't want her dwelling on this shit and hurting herself, fuck that, they'd taken enough from her already, I'd bear the brunt of whatever came from this, but not her, she was the only innocent in this whole fucked up fiasco.
Laying her on the bed. I pulled the covers up over her, it seems like I've been doing this a lot lately.
"Talk to me baby." She was barely aware that I was there it seems, having shut herself down, that couldn't be allowed, it wasn't good for her, and it wasn't good for the baby.
"Delia, I said talk." I used my forceful tone, the one I used while dominating her, or when I wanted her to know I meant business.
"I don't understand, help me understand please......"
I took a deep breath before I began, had to tread carefully here this shit was a minefield and though I didn't believe that Vito had raped anyone something had obviously happened, why else would they use his name?
"Okay, from what your.....Joann said, it seems that Celine had you when she was very young......I'm not sure about all the details as yet but I promise you that I'll find out....."
"If she is my mom, then I....." She covered her mouth with her hands and fled the bed.
Fuck.....shit.....I followed her and brought her back when she was done. She held her body stiff and I knew this was it, this was the moment that will either make us or break us.
"I slept with you and you were going to marry my mother, what does that make me?"
"You, didn't do anything, I did......we didn't know, how can we be held responsible for what we didn't know?"
"I can't, I can't, I can't......"
"What can't you do?" There was no point in getting angry, she had a legitimate reason for feeling the way she did, it's fucked, but it's true; but I'd be double fucked if we were gonna lose each other over this, no way I was letting them fucking win. She's mine, she's gonna stay mine.
"I did a bad thing."
"Okay Delia, listen to me now, the fact that Celine might be your mom, does that change the way she treated you your whole life?"
"But I ruined hers....."
"Would you treat peanut this way, for any reason?"
She quickly covered her stomach with both hands.
"Of course not, I would"
"So there was no excuse for the way they treated you, get that through your head okay, now there's something you need to know."
How the fuck did I do this?
"The man they're accusing of being your my godfather." She started again, body flinching, face losing color.
"Listen to me Delia, as soon as I'm done here I'm gonna call him, and we're gong to get to the bottom of this, he's not that type of man, he'd never molest an underage child, so either Celine lied about who fathered her child, or something else is going on here entirely."
'Do I have to see him?"
"You don't have to see anyone if you don't want to, all you need to do is rest and take care of yourself and peanut, you haven't done anything wrong, I promise you this, there's nothing for you to be ashamed or scared about."
I brushed her hair away from her face, at least she didn't flinch away from me that time.
"Do you believe me?" She nodded her head as her eyes began to close.
"Do you still love me?" I held my breath waiting for her answer.
She pulled my head towards her and kissed my lips. It wasn't a blazing passionate kiss but it was enough for now.
"Look at me Delia, I will take care of this, we will be fine, nobody's going anywhere, I don't care if Celine is your mother or sister, it makes no difference to us, the only one who should feel guilty about any of this, is me, I'm the one who went after you, you understand? You have nothing to feel guilty about, please don't beat yourself up about that." I said it but I knew she would, that's why I had to get all the answers.