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Taking Her Turn(6)

By:Alexa Riley

I’m worried to tell him the news I found out this morning. Normally if he got a call to go into work on a Saturday I’d go with him. Today I faked being sleepy. What I really wanted to do was take the pregnancy test I had hidden under the sink. I wanted to be sure before I gave him the news.

I knew he would be excited about the pregnancy. It wasn’t that. He wants a big family and so do I. Plus, with the way my King likes to mark my body and show everyone I belong to him, I’m guessing a big baby belly and a kid hanging from one of my legs is on his list of ways to mark me as claimed. I was worried that he’d go back to only sweet, soft King. I couldn’t bear having only a part of who he really is after having had all of him. It would break my heart.

King sits me down on the bathroom sink and pulls off my tiny pink dress. It’s one I’m only allowed to wear in the house. He tosses it to the floor and I run my hands up under his shirt, dragging my fingers along his chest hair. His body stiffens under my touch.

I look up at him. His eyes aren’t on me as his breath picks up.

“King?” I ask, wondering what’s wrong. His deep blue eyes come back to mine. His mouth parts, but no words come out. He shuts his eyes for a moment as if he’s pained.

“Honey? Tell me what’s wrong.” I rub my hands up and down his body, hating that he still has his shirt on. I want to be able to comfort him better, and my touch does that for him.

“Did I ever tell you that you’re my whole world? You mean everything to me,” he says, opening his eyes. His words are deep and filled with emotion. I smile at him.

“Every day,” I say instantly. Because he does. My husband is always giving me sweet words. He might look like a gruff caveman at times, but he isn’t shy about telling me how much he loves and needs me.

“I’ll never be able to give you what you give me. I don’t know what I did in life to get something as precious and giving as you.”

“King.” My eyes start to water. “I could never want more than what I have with you. You’re precious to me, too.”

“Not like you.” His hand comes to my stomach and my heart skips a beat. He knows. He must have seen the test. Crap. I left it on the shelf in here after I took it, planning to tell him right when he got home today. “Every day you’re giving me something else. Filling something in me I didn’t know was empty.”

I lean in and kiss the place over his heart, knowing he’s talking about his family. While growing up, he thought his family was normal, but they were cold and distant. Everything was about work and nothing more. No one spoke of feelings or showed them. I ripped that to shreds for him when he pulled me into his life and claimed me. I claimed him right back.

“It’s not just you, King,” I remind him. “I didn't know what passion was before you. Didn't know what was underneath my shyness. You brought me out. Woke me up. Gave me more than I could have ever dreamed of. You made a queen out of me.”

He drops his forehead down to mine.

“Say it, Mina. I want to hear it.”

“I love you, King, and I’m going to have your baby.”

I barely finish the words and his mouth is on mine. He takes control of my body, lifting me from the counter. Lost in his deep kiss, I don't realize he’s moved us into the shower until warm water start to rain over me.

My eyes flutter open as he pins me to the shower wall. He’s still fully dressed as he licks and sucks at my neck. I gasp when he pushes his cock into me in one full thrust. I didn't even feel him free himself.

“This is going to be rough and fast. I need you,” he growls against my skin as he pounds into me with rough dominance.

“King.” I dig my nails into him as he owns my body and takes what he wants.

“You better get used to being pregnant,” he grunts. My pussy clamps down at his words.

“I want as many as you’ll give me,” I tell him. “Oh god,” I moan, and his body stills. I groan, needing him to move. I’m so close to cumming.

“What did I say about that shit? Only my name.”

“King, please. I’m sorry,” I tell him, trying to move on his cock.

“Oh, you’ll be sorry by the time I’m done with you,” he grunts as he starts to pound into me again.

The only thing that I was sorry for was that the water turned cold in the shower before he was finished with me. I’m not sure my legs will be able to work tomorrow, but I know my King isn’t holding back ever again.



Ten years later…

“You can’t control her,” Mina, says and I roll my eyes.

“Like hell I can’t.”

She takes a sip of her coffee and gives me those eyes like she knows she’s right and there’s nothing I can do about it. And I’m mad as hell because she is right and there’s nothing I can do about it.

We’re at our favorite coffee shop having our early Saturday morning date. Mina’s parents come over on Saturday’s to have breakfast with the kids, so we get the time to have some alone time and I take my wife on a date.

She reaches out, taking my hand, and of course I melt at her touch. But I’m still aggravated. Our oldest daughter Amy is having a spring dance at their elementary school, but she didn’t tell me about it. Instead she told her mom and kept it from me. Mina told me about it that night and asked me to keep it secret. She thinks Amy is being shy and that she didn’t want me to give her a hard time.

“I should be able to go, that’s all I’m saying,” I pout. I know I’m being ridiculous, but I’m in a house with four females. I don’t have a choice.

We’ve had three girls so far and I’m trying to talk Mina into one more. I’d love a boy, but I’d love a girl just the same. I’m not done with babies yet, but Mina says we’re blessed to have three healthy girls. Although she doesn’t put up much of a protest when I’ve got her under me.

“Kingsley,” she says and narrows her eyes. When she calls me by my full name I know she’s being serious. I let out a huff, but I don’t feel better.

“She’s my baby. Why wouldn’t she tell me about the dance?”

“Maybe because of the way you’re acting,” she says and gives me a soft smile. “You know how Amy is. She’s a little shy, a lot like me before I met you.”

“Well, she’s never getting married then!” I say, a little too loudly, and some people from the next table look over at us.

“King, she’s eight,” Mina says and rolls her eyes. “And parents are not allowed to attend. The teachers will be there, and they’re all just awkward kids anyway. They’ll bounce around and do the cha-cha slide, then we’ll go pick her up.”

“Or maybe I’ll just wait in the parking lot,” I grumble.

“It’s her first dance and she’s really excited. I’m sure she’ll tell you when she’s ready.”

“And what if she’s never ready?” I say, sulking.

That’s the real problem. That my little girls might think they can’t come talk to me. I know I’m possessive of Mina and my daughters, but it’s because I love them so much. They’re my whole world. I don’t want to be on the outside of their bond and I’ve got to figure out a way to fix that.

“She’ll tell you, sweetie,” she says, leaning over and kissing me on the cheek. “Finish your coffee, we’ve got to get back in time to take Lexi to soccer.”

I take our cups over to the bin and drop them in. Mina waits on me and I take her hand as we walk to the truck and I open the door for her. Once she’s inside I go around and get in. I’m quiet on the way back home, but I hear Mina humming along to the radio. It’s easy for her to be in a good mood, she’s not the one having secrets kept from her.

When we pull up to the house, Mina puts a hand on my thigh. “Remember, just be patient and she’ll come around. They always do.”

She leans over and gives me a kiss. I hold her there, deepening it. Her hands move up my thigh and to my cock and she cups me.

“Save this for me and meet me in the shower,” she whispers, then winks and jumps out of the truck.

We go in the house and she giggles as I spank her ass and she runs up the stairs. “I’ll be up in ten,” I say.

“Don’t be late,” she warns as she goes.

I walk back to the kitchen where Mina’s parents are cleaning up breakfast and dancing with the girls.

“How was your date?” Lexi asks as she twirls.

“Any time I get to spend with your mom is the best,” I answer, grabbing her hand and spinning her again. “You’ve got soccer in an hour.”

“Got it,” she says, giving me a high five and running out of the kitchen.

I talk with Mina’s parents for a second, telling them what field the game is on so they can come. Then I kiss Amy and our youngest, Beth, on the head before I go to join my woman in the shower.

“Daddy?” I hear just as I’m walking out of the kitchen. When I turn around I see Amy coming down the hallway.

“What’s up, pumpkin?” I ask, reaching out and tugging her ponytail. How can my little baby be so big? Where did the time go?