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Taking Her Turn(2)

By:Alexa Riley

A song comes on about a father and his son and so my thoughts drift to babies. I can’t wait to have a family with Mina. She’s going to be such a great mom, and I want a baby with eyes just like hers. I never thought I’d be the kind of man that daydreams about kids and playgrounds and family vacations, but it seems it’s the only thing taking up room in my head right now and I can’t ignore it. I’ve got baby fever something fierce. Maybe it’s because it’s another way to bring Mina to me, but it doesn’t feel that way deep down. In my soul I know that she’s my other half and I’m ready for us to have it all. The house with the white picket fence, a mess of kids, and my wife on my lap.

What more could a man ask for?

I’m almost home and I can feel my blood pumping in my veins. I’m close to her, and my cock knows it. I reach inside my center console and pull out the pair of panties I stole from her this morning. She slept in them last night, so they smelled so good when I pulled them off of her. I picked them up off the floor before I left and tucked them into my pocket. I had to leave them in my truck today, because I didn’t want anyone else catching the scent.

We’ve got a lot of land that surrounds the big warehouse we call home and the place is pitch black. I pull up on the back side where it’s deserted and turn off my truck. I wait a few moments just to make sure no one is around and then put the panties to my nose. I inhale deep as I free my cock and start to stroke myself.

My mouth waters as the aroma of her sweet little pussy fills my lungs. I think about all the dirty things I’d do to her if she were here in the truck with me as I pump my cock up and down. I’d make her bend over the console and stick her ass in the air while she sucked me off. I’d push my finger into her tight little asshole and make her moan as my cock went to the back of her throat. I’d flip her over and eat her pussy until the windows fogged up, then fuck her until the frame shook.

I take her panties from my face and rub them on my balls as I cum. Visions of her riding me and clawing at my chest fill my mind as the thick cum rolls down my shaft. The orgasm is quick and dirty and not as good as the real thing. It’s cold out here as I clean myself up, but I feel more in control then I did before. Now I won’t go inside and take her like some animal. Now I can go in and make love to my bride.

I miss her in my arms and I’m about to go fix that.

Chapter Three


“Fuck, I’ve missed you,” I hear as he kisses my neck.

I feel King’s rough hands running all over my body, his gruff beard scratching my soft skin as his mouth works against me. I breathe in his scent, letting it surround me. God, I missed him.

I go to wrap my arms around him but get nowhere. “King,” I moan, knowing what he did. My eyes flutter open and the light on the nightstand gives me a clear view of him looking down at me.

His deep blue eyes are intense, making me instantly wet between my legs. He looks tired and keyed up all at the same time. “Untie me.” I try to push against his weight, but he has my lower half pinned to the bed.

“Can’t have you touching me right now,” he grunts out before his mouth takes mine.

He kisses me hard, like he’s starved. I feel him take a deep breath as if he’s trying to get himself under control. All he does is kiss me and he doesn't take it any further for a long time.

“Soft,” he mutters against my lips when he finally calms.

I know he’s not talking to me but to himself. His mouth grows tender over mine right before his tongue licks across my lips. I open my mouth to invite him in, and he accepts. I try to deepen the kiss, wanting to have hard, rough sex, but King keeps it lazy and sweet.

“Miss me?” he asks against my lips. I nod, trying to take his mouth again, but he’s in control. “I couldn’t breathe until I walked in this door.” His lips move down my neck. “Always such a good girl. Doing what I tell you.” I know he’s talking about me sleeping in his shirt. Maybe I do it because he tells me to, but I also do it because it reminds me of him. Smelling him around me while I sleep when he’s gone is the only way I can sleep without him.

He grabs for the shirt, ripping it easily from my body and tossing it to the floor. He kneels between my legs and I see he’s completely naked already. My eyes go to his cock, sticking straight out. It’s tight and angry-looking on the tip as cum leaks down the head of it. I lick my lips. I want to take him into my mouth, but that’s something he’s never let me do before.

His breathing is heavy, his chest puffing in and out. I pull at the ties around my wrists. I’m desperate to touch him. I’ve missed him so much and I need to feel him against me. I want to close the space between us and wrap myself around him. I want my hands on him, but he hardly lets me touch him when we have sex. Hence the bindings he installed on the bed. If he isn't pinning me down under him, he’s got me tied down in some way.

I know why he does it without even having to ask. It’s all about control. It’s what he always has to have. He’s scared that, with me, it could break at any moment. I have a feeling I’m the only person who’s ever tested it. I like that, but what I like more is when it cracks. The reminder of the one time it happened has me lifting my hips and begging him to fall on top of me and brand me in every way, to leave little marks on my skin like the last time so I feel his passion on me for days. See it any time I look into the mirror.

He gazes at the spot between my legs and this time he’s the one licking his lips.

“King, sweetie, please let me go.” I wiggle my hips more. His big rough hands grab them to stop me from moving anymore.

“Never,” he growls. His blue eyes look darker, then his mouth is on me.

“Ahh!” I cry out as he goes straight for my clit, sucking it into his mouth. His hands keep me in place as he pushes me quickly towards an orgasm. I’ve been on edge since he left, so it only takes a second before I go off. The pleasure rushes through my body as I cry out, but King doesn't stop when I jerk against him. He keeps licking and sucking, pushing me towards another orgasm. He’s trying to wear me out. He’s been doing this since I’ve been testing his control.

“Give it to me,” he demands, and I do.

I cum harder than the last time and chant out his name as he wrings it out of me. He softly licks me a few more times before finally pulling back. My whole body is lax, and I don’t think I can move.

“I love you so damn much, baby.” He crawls over me, and I look up at him with heavy eyes.

I feel his big cock slip inside me and then I’m wide awake. I watch his jaw clench, and I wish I could touch him there.

“I love you, too,” I tell him.

He takes a deep breath before pushing further inside me.

“Be still. Let me make love to you.”

I want to tell him to fuck me. I open my mouth to say so, but I hesitate for a moment because I don’t think I’ve ever even said the word fuck before.

Just when I’m about to, he kisses me again, leaving me breathless. I taste myself on him as he moves slowly and softly in and out of me. I try to meet his thrusts, but one of his hands goes to my hips, pinning me down.

“Be a good girl and let me.”

I don't want to be a good girl. I want to be bad. I want to be used by him. The thought has me clamping down on his cock.

“You like being my good girl?” he asks.

“I do,” I admit, but I like being other things with him, too. I want to be everything.

He picks up his speed a little as his grunts fill the room.

“Never get enough of you. My little precious girl.” His sweet words send me over. I moan out his name as his warm release fills me. He buries his face in my neck and I feel his teeth lock down on my shoulder. I lean my head back, giving him all the room he might need, but he doesn't bite down.

Moments later he kisses the spot, then unwraps my wrists and rolls us over so I’m lying on top of him. His cock is still hard inside me. I wiggle, trying to sit up, excited because I’ve never been on top before. But he sees my plan and wraps one arm around me so I can’t move. The other strokes my back.

“Sleep, baby. Let your pussy rest. I don’t want to hurt you.” I roll my eyes but keep my face buried in his neck. After a few moments, his breathing evens out and I snuggle into him. The strap from the bed catches the corner of my eye and I smile, hatching a plan.

It’s time to take my own turn with my King. Tomorrow.

Chapter Four


I wake up with the feel of my Mina on top of me. I must have been so tired last night that I passed out right after we made love. It’s Saturday and we get to be lazy this morning. Maybe I can surprise her with breakfast in bed, then we can go to that little antique place she’s been talking about. But before any of that happens, I need to taste her pussy. I can’t start my day unless I get to kiss her between her legs and show her how special she is to me.

My cock aches and I stretch, ready to roll her over and wake her up slowly. As I flex my arms, my eyes pop open and panic takes hold.

“Mina?” I ask as I pull on my arms and feel the wraps tighten around my wrists. I tug at my legs and they’re wrapped as well. “Mina, what did you do?”