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Taken by Her Mates(38)

By:Grace Goodwin

“Begin, doctor.”

The doctor pulled the swollen lips of Jessica’s pussy wide, baring her center to me and I could not tear my gaze from the sight as he prepared to insert a long, thick scanner into her body that would test her fertility and scan for disease. An adjustable secondary attachment was meant to test my mate’s nervous system and reaction to sexual stimuli, but that was not yet connected to Jessica’s sensitive clit. I knew she functioned perfectly, her response to Ander’s mouth on her there all the proof I required. However, the protocols must be met else she would not be accepted as a Prillon bride. She wouldn’t be any Prillon bride; she’d be a Prillon princess.

The doctor pressed forward, the thick device just entering my mate’s wet pussy, stretching her open to accept the sizable probe. Jessica’s soft moan made me go rock hard as the long device, nearly the size of my own cock, slowly disappeared between her greedy pink folds. A data recording station on the wall began to display numbers and other information I didn’t understand, but the doctor scanned the data and nodded with approval before reaching for the second device, which I knew was meant for Jessica’s ass. This one was much smaller than Ander’s cock, and would be used to gauge her readiness to be fucked by both of her mates at once, which was the only way to be truly bonded.

I ran my hand along Jessica’s soft thigh because she needed to know I was with her, and because I needed to touch her, remind myself she was real and she was mine. I needed this exam to be over with as quickly as possible.

We needed the doctor to issue our mating collars, and he wouldn’t do so until Jessica was cleared by her medical exam. Without my collar around her neck, all unmated males on the Colony would believe they had the right to challenge me for her.

And challenge me they would. Already I could hear the warriors gathering, milling around on the other side of the glass watching as my beautiful mate was examined. It was their right to bear witness, and I had no doubt at least one would issue a challenge. The only question on my mind was how many of them Ander and I would have to kill before we got our mate off this planet.

* * *


I was strapped to the exam table, held open and exposed as the doctor inserted a giant dildo into my soaking wet pussy. I didn’t know what else to expect, but Ander’s hold on my wrists had not lessened, and now Nial’s rough hand stroked my inner thigh, up and down, as if he were petting a kitten.

I didn’t understand what had just happened to me, but my bottom was sore, I was utterly humiliated and so desperate for Nial’s touch, for his calm control, that I longed to crawl off the exam table and into his arms. For the first time in days, perhaps weeks, my mind was calm and clear, my fear gone. I felt at peace.

Years of conditioning made me think I should be angry at his treatment of me, of his punishment and demand for obedience. Instead, his touch simply made me hungry for more, made me wish the doctor would leave us alone so I could have Nial’s thick cock in my body instead of the hard probe. I had experienced the bliss of their bonding seed once, and already I craved it with a desperate need that would have embarrassed me were I not dealing with much more humiliating things at the moment. Like the doctor’s finger exploring the tight virgin opening of my ass, and pushing inside with something warm and viscous coating his finger.

I gasped.

I knew what lube felt like, but instead of the cold jelly I was used to at my doctor’s office, this liquid felt like warm oil that flowed into my ass, coating my insides with a substance that made me feel even more sensitive.

As the round head of a second device began to breach my body I realized that holding my eyes closed was poor strategy. Indeed, all it did was make me focus on every single detail, the smallest sensation of the moment could not escape my notice. I could count the speed of Ander’s breath and hear the racing of his heart. Nial’s stance beside me felt cautious and alert, and oddly proud, as if he were showing off my pussy to the masses like a trophy.

The doctor, however clinical, was doing things to me I’d never experienced before. As the strange device slid into my bottom, I clenched my ass, trying to prevent its entry. Fighting it.

Nial slapped my inner thigh with one swift, sharp strike and I gasped with shock as fire raced through my bloodstream. “Stop fighting him, Jessica. Let him do what needs to be done so we can go.”

I opened my eyes to find Ander staring down at me with such raw need in his eyes that I froze, unable to deny him.

“You have a virgin ass, don’t you?” His question was dark and deep.

I blushed and nodded.