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Taken by Her Mates(34)

By:Grace Goodwin

“I am well. I do not need to be checked by a doctor.”

“You do,” Ander countered. He straightened and moved to a table several steps behind Nial where I had not noticed it before. Ander placed his hands upon the hard surface. The doctor, still present, began to retrieve strange objects from shelves that lined one wall. As I looked around for the first time, I realized we were in an exam room and they had every intention of looking me over. All three of them.

This wasn’t a take a look at the scars on my back kind of thing. This was a doctor’s exam.

From the way Ander was staring at me, he wasn’t going to change his mind. I tilted my chin to look up at Nial instead, hoping he’d see reason. “I’m fine. Really.”

His lifted his hands to cup my face, tilting my head up to face him. “You were shot, Jessica, and healed by a decades-old ReGen wand. We should have waited to begin the bonding process, but we could not anticipate how strong your reaction would be. We gave you no chance to recover from our seed and transported you across the galaxy. We do not know if you were harmed in transport. I do not trust the ReGen wand that was used to mend your flesh or any internal damage that isn’t visible. Also, we need to know the extent of your other injuries.”

“What other injuries? I’m fine.” I narrowed my eyes. What the hell was he talking about? I didn’t have any other injuries.

“You carry many scars, my warrior bride. I do not know if you were completely healed from your war wounds. We need to know if you can safely carry a child. If we can fuck you the way we would like. You have accepted the seed placed upon you. The bonding has begun, but your reaction was very…” his eyes darkened with a look of desire I already recognized in my mate, “…extreme.”

“Is that bad?” I asked, confused. They didn’t like a woman who was passionate?

“We knew your body’s response would be unique, but the sensations you experienced when we rubbed our essence into your skin will pale in comparison to the intensity of you will experience once we place our seed deep inside your body.”

God, I’d have a freaking heart attack if it got much more intense. The thought made my breasts grow heavy and knew my mates would find a wet welcome between my legs.

Ander breathed deeply and nearly growled from across the room. He could smell how wet I was, damn it. How could they do that? I clenched my legs together, but it was futile, I knew.

“Sometimes we will take you more than once.”

I shook my head, trying to make sense of everything that had happened to me in the last few hours. I remembered Nial holding me, touching me. I remember the shock of seeing Ander’s mouth on my pussy, the heat of their seed as they’d taken their cocks in their own hands and drenched me with their primitive claim.

After that… things got fuzzy. I tried to remember which one of them had grabbed my thigh, which had sucked my nipples, whose hand had been in my hair and whose fingers in my core… but it all blurred into one thing… pleasure so intense I couldn’t breathe. I’d been lost, drowning in it, drowning in these men. My men, if I believed their claims. My mates. I looked up to find Nial watching me closely.

“You still feel our connection, mate. Do not attempt to deny your desire. You screamed in my arms, your hoarse cries of pleasure still ring in my ears. And while it pleases me to know you are so… overcome by our connection, your reaction was not expected of a Prillon bride.”

I flushed hotly. I could feel the heat of my blush coloring my face and neck. I didn’t need to be reminded that I’d loved what they’d done to me. I’d loved every kiss, every caress. But to be told that my reaction was not normal confirmed what I already suspected. I was not princess material. If I couldn’t handle the intensity of their alien seed on my skin, they should look elsewhere for a bride. I’d lost control and… I must have lost consciousness for I remembered nothing else. And they hadn’t even fucked me!

They’d given me orgasm after orgasm and it had been so intense, I lost myself completely. I had forgotten where I was, and hadn’t cared. I’d been out of control, and that was dangerous. I would have let them do anything to me.

Anything. I probably would have even begged them for more.

“That doesn’t mean I should be looked at. It just means you’re good,” I ground out the last, admitting the way he and Ander affected me. If I were going to be looked at, it should be by a shrink. No woman should feel so strongly attached to two men she’d barely met. No woman should have allowed them to do what they’d done to me. No, not allowed. Begged for more.