Reading Online Novel

Taken by Her Mates(33)

The doctor took a step closer and I leaned back into Nial’s arms, exceedingly aware of the fact that I was naked beneath the blanket.

“Fascinating. And you, you fought in a battle?” the doctor asked, but it was Ander who stepped forward, eager to hear my answer.

I nodded once. “Yes. Many times.”

Nial’s arms tightened around me, but I ignored him as I held the doctor’s gaze, his disbelief evident in his raised brows and thin lips, even before he spoke. “I don’t believe you.”

I shoved at Nial and slid from his lap. If this alien jerk really was a doctor, nothing I was about to show him should shock.

I stood proudly, the red blanket around my shoulders like a royal robe. I reached up and pulled my long hair forward over my shoulder so it wouldn’t get in the way of what I was about to do. “I didn’t get these scars baking cookies.”

Without breaking eye contact, I dropped the blanket to the floor at my feet and spun around so he would see the ugly, ragged edged shrapnel scars that ran from my shoulder to my waist, across my buttock and onto my thigh. Ander stepped closer, his shoulders tense, but Nial held up his hand to prevent Ander’s interference. Nial’s gaze locked with mine as I glared at him with open defiance, daring him to stop me taking the pompous doctor down a notch.

I knew Nial could see the front of me, my breasts and pussy, but I didn’t care. I should have questioned why I transported and arrived naked while Ander and Nial were clothed in identical shirts and pants. I’d ask later, but for now, I had something to prove.

Exposing my body was not to tease and lure the doctor. I heard him move and I spoke to the man without breaking eye contact with Nial. “Do not touch me.”

Silence, then his voice, which held a previously absent note of awe and respect. “And so, it is true. You were wounded and sent home? You are one of the outcasts? The ones you call vet?”

I was going to strangle him. I spun around and lifted the blanket to cover myself. “Our vets are not outcasts. They are cared for and treated with respect. They resume their lives. We try to fully integrate them back into society. Many of them have families to go home to.” At his confused look, I changed to alien speak again. “Mates and children waiting for their return.”

“Your outcasts are allowed to claim mates?” Ander crouched beside me, staring up into my face with awe on his features. I leaned forward and placed my hand atop his scar on his cheek, traced the line with my fingertips as I’d imagined doing, letting him know his scar didn’t make him less attractive to me.

“Some resent all soldiers, but mostly those people are angry about the wars on Earth, not at the soldier who fought. Most of our people treat all soldiers with great respect.” I smiled as he shivered beneath my gentle exploration, and I recognized my actions as what they were, a claiming of my own. “Whether they were wounded or not.”

The silence of the men around me was stifling and I pulled my hand back and cleared my throat. I looked around the oddly shaped room. It was circular, with dark glass of some sort from waist to ceiling. The floor was solid gray and smooth, like marble. I saw no door or exterior views. We could have been on a spaceship or hundreds of feet below ground. I had no way of knowing. “So, why are we here? Why did you bring me to this horrible place?”

The room wasn’t horrible, but from what they said of the Colony, it wasn’t Disneyland. I could only imagine what it was like outside the room’s door.

“Do not worry, mate. We will only remain here long enough to ensure you are well,” Ander promised. He rose to stand next to me, but he was so tall and bent at the waist so he could meet my eyes. “A ship is waiting to transport us to the battleship Deston. But before we leave you must be examined by the doctor to ensure you are well enough for the claiming ceremony.”

I took stock of my body. The buckshot wounds no longer hurt. In fact, I felt as if it had never happened. I had no other complaints, although I did feel a little tender between my thighs. I flushed, thinking about how Ander’s fingers had filled me. Fucked me. Brought me to orgasm again and again. No, that wasn’t all. He’d also put his mouth on my pussy and licked my clit, sucked on it, flicked it, even nibbled on it until I came. The last memory I would have of Earth was being draped across Nial’s lap in the processing center with both of my mates’ mouths on me, making me come.

Oh, God, Earth. I was no longer on Earth. The thought was quick and fleeting because Ander stood over me and Nial moved to press his heat to my back. I was surrounded and I could no longer see the other man in the room. I didn’t miss him. He had irritated me with his attitude, his questions about my abilities solely because I was a woman.