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Taken by Her Mates(26)

By:Grace Goodwin

“She was injured, but will recover. Did you find the Hive ship?”

“Yes. The last scout is dead. I sent the ship on a collision course with Earth’s star.”

“Did you crack their core processors?” I ran my hand up and down my beautiful mate’s spine as I spoke. She had frozen in place, once more listening to my conversation with her second.

“With great pleasure.”

I chuckled at that. To reach the core processor he would have had to tear their bodies in half as the special units were usually placed along the inside of the cyborg’s spine, behind the heart.

“Why were they here?”

“Their orders were simple. They were after Jessica.”

Shock and protective fury rose to a slow burn in my chest. “How is that possible?” I growled.

“Because she’s yours. Their prime objective was to lure you into a trap so they could return you to the Hive for continued processing.”

“I’ll die first.” Those machines would never touch me again. I would not join their Hive mind and become one with them, murder and destroy my own people.

“I think they are aware of that now. That’s why they were after her.”

So, the Hive leadership was more diabolical than I had envisioned. I would never surrender, forcing them to kill me rather than be taken alive again. But for the woman in my arms? My mate?

I’d barely tasted her kiss and I knew I would do anything, sacrifice anything, to protect her. Evidently, the Hive knew it, too, and she was now a liability for me. At least that was what the Hive believed. What they didn’t understand was that a Prillon mate was anything but a liability, and that they would simply be dealing with one Prillon warrior, but his second.

Had I come alone, the danger to her would have been twice as great. I would not take such risks with her life again. The role of a second mate was sacred and necessary. I would not second-guess the need again.

“Return here at once. She’s not safe on Earth.”

“Agreed. Ten minutes.”

Ander disconnected and I looked to Warden Egara. She was already backing toward the door. While she had not heard Ander’s response, she took one look at my expression and reached for the door handle.

“I’ll go let him in.”

“My thanks.”

As soon as she was gone, Jessica returned her attention to her task. No more than two minutes later, she sighed and leaned across me to place the tablet and her camera back on the counter closest to us. Her Earth tasks were important to her, but were only temporary, for once we transported back to the battleship Deston, nothing would follow her. These small men and their crimes would be part of her past, an ugly part that would never touch her again. The closure would assist in her adjustment to her new life, knowing that she’d completed whatever was required before she left Earth behind and became completely mine.

“Are you finished, mate?” I continued to rub her back through the blanket, content that she allowed me to hold her. For now. Soon I would do much more than that. Soon I would make sure the bonding chemicals in my seed touched her once more. I enjoyed her quiet trust and acceptance of my touch, but longed to feel her fire once more. I needed to bond her to me in every way possible. I needed the connection between us to be frantic and unbreakable. I needed her pussy wet and empty, aching for my cock. I needed her aching for me.

“Yes. And I hope those motherfuckers rot in prison.”

I placed one hand beneath her chin and lifted her face so I could look into her eyes. So much passion and fire. I simply needed to redirect all that power and energy in my direction. The temptation to rub my seed on now was nearly too strong to resist.

“Such foul language from such a beautiful mouth.” I stared at her perfectly soft, full pink lips and listened to her heart race. She licked her lips and I returned my attention to her eyes, looking into their depths, trying to figure out the mysterious combination of strength and fragility, fire and tenderness that was my mate.

“Why are you really here?” She spoke as if I were a puzzle to be solved and she couldn’t quite believe the truth.

“I came for you.”

“That doesn’t make sense. You came here, all the way to Earth, just for me?”


“If that’s the truth, you’re insane. I’m no one, just one more piece of ass out of billions around the galaxy.”

I shook my head. “You are unique and irreplaceable, the only woman in the universe matched to me.” I traced her lower lip with my thumb, remembering her taste. “You felt it when my essence touched your skin. Your reaction to the bonding essence in my seed is a sign of our bond, proof of a strong connection between us. If you would rather believe in technology instead of raw animal chemistry, you can just ask Warden Egara of the success rates of the matching program. Whatever you choose to believe, know this: I am your mate and you are mine. I will always come for you. I will always protect you. I will always desire you. As will Ander, your second.”