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Taken by Her Mates(24)

By:Grace Goodwin

I would have her, my proud warrior bride.

I just needed to treat her like what she was, an aggrieved and distressed creature who feared the strong hand of a dominant mate. This was blatantly obvious to me, even in the short time I’d known her. She argued and fought, debated and cursed, but that was all an act, a fierce front to protect herself. She’d needed to build this hard exterior dealing the men of her world, but she didn’t need it with me. Human men were obviously fools who had abused her trust. My arrogant father had added insult to injury.

None of that mattered as she lay weak and trembling on the table, clinging to my arm. I had to take this need she had to hold on to me as a good indication that she knew, perhaps deep within, that I was her mate, her safe place. I had to feed this gentle beginning of our bond carefully and gently.

Even though she was no longer wounded, her body completely healed, her pale eyes were round with anxiety. Her gaze darted around the room with nervous energy and she licked her lips as she stared up at me, unsure of what I would do next. The fact that she clung to me was a good sign; however, I knew she also believed herself to be untouchable right now, as she was simply waiting for the warden to return with her camera.

“Stay still, Jessica.”

I took her silence as assent and was pleased as I walked to a sink on the opposite side of the room. I filled a strange bowl with warm, soapy water and grabbed a soft gray cloth from a stack of them in one of the cabinets.

The ReGen wand had healed the worst of her wounds, but I could not abide the sight of so much blood on her soft skin.

I returned to the table and dipped the towel in the water.

“I know you are overwhelmed. So much has happened to you in the past hour. It is a large adjustment. For now, you must at least sense that I mean you no harm. You are safe with me. I will let no one touch you, much less hurt you again. Will you allow me to tend to you?”

She looked at me, her eyes roving over my face, lingering on the silvery sheen of my skin, her gaze darting from my golden eye to my silver before coming to rest on my mouth. As if she realized her gaze lingered there, her focus jumped, full of guilt as her eyes met and held mine, first questioningly, then with consideration, and finally, resolve. She nodded and I helped her to sit up, the examination table covered in her blood as well.

I rolled a small, wheeled stool to the side of the table and pulled her foot forward into my lap as I began to wipe off the blood that had run down to the lower part of her leg.

My method was not perfect, but I cleaned her the best I could with slow, gentle strokes. She was allowing me to see to her, to offer her the attention and care of a mate. This wasn’t sexual, but it would make the bond between us all the more powerful.

I washed her leg, then thigh. Blood had run down her back to the curve of her ass and I stood, leaning her toward me, resting her forehead on my chest so I would wash her shoulder and back. I traced the elegant line of her spine and wondered if the shiver that ran through her was the result of the water’s chill as it evaporated, or if they were caused by my touch.

Warden Egara walked in with the camera just as I wrapped my mate in a new, dry blanket, lifted her into my arms, and sat down in the room’s sole chair. I happily settled Jessica onto my lap. Compared to the warden, she was not a small Earth woman, but she fit perfectly. She was soft and curvy and warm and just right. She was not dainty as the warden was, and I was glad of it. I did not wish to fuck her gently and I knew that that was not what she needed. We would not have been matched otherwise.

Fortunately, Jessica continued to be compliant, which told me more than anything else how vulnerable she was feeling. Healed, yes, but still frail. The ReGen didn’t return spent energy. Only time and rest would resolve that, just as it would prove to her that she could trust me, that she would be safe with me. I’d seen the fire in her eyes when she’d been chased by the Hive scout and knew this quiet kitten in my arms was not her usual way.

My mate lifted her head as the warden walked in and set the camera down on the counter.

“Thank you.” Her body relaxed, melting into my embrace and my cock grew hard once more as her heat molded to mine. She sighed, then spoke to the warden. “Do you have a computer I can use? I need to download the photos I took today and send them to the police.”

The warden’s curious gaze helped me hold my tongue as she asked what I, myself, wanted to know. “What photographs?”

With her head leaning against my shoulder, Jessica answered, “I staked out the Café Solar this afternoon.”

“Oh, my God. Are you insane?” The warden, who had settled her hip against the counter, leapt to attention and Jessica tensed in my arms. A reaction I did not care for in the least.