Sable laughs. "You guys are the boringest old married couple ever. It's eight o'clock."
"Um, Tank?" I hear Adam in the background.
"Hey, little dude," Colton says. "Are you having fun?"
"Yeah, dad," Adam yells. "But my stomach kind of hurts."
That's followed by the unmistakable sound of Adam retching.
"Yeah, that's puke," Sable groans.
"We'll be there in ten minutes."
Five hours later, I'm lying on the bed in my sweats and one of Colton's old jerseys. The kids have some kind of stomach bug, but they're not puking anymore. I reach over and push James' hair off his forehead, since he always gets itchy when it falls on his face. Then I touch my hand to Adam's forehead. No fever.
On the other side of the bed, Colton snores so loudly that he jerks awake. Rubbing his hand across his face, his eyes lock on mine and he wrinkles his forehead. "Go to sleep, Cassie," he whispers. "Get some rest."
"I will," I promise him. I don't get the words out before he's fallen back against his pillow, snoring loudly.
This is our happily ever after. It's not wild and exciting like the lifestyle of the professional football players that you see on TV, but it's ours. And that's all I need.