Without conscious volition, Jarik’s thumb squeezed the firing trigger.
A red beam shot out, catching the TIE in the middle of its small body.
In magnificent silence, the TIE blew up.
Jarik sat there, staring in shock. Did I do that?
Han’s voice in his ears. “Great shootin’, kid! Let’s go do it again!”
Did I do that? I did! I did it! I can do it!
Jarik “Solo” grinned, felt a wave of satisfaction and pride. “Okay, Han!”
Jarik checked the charges on his gun, then, as the Bria swooped off, began searching their surroundings for more targets …
Aboard the Rimrunner, Salla Zend checked her position, then glanced quickly out of her viewport to make sure her flying partner was in correct position. Because the Rimrunner equaled the Millennium Falcon in speed, she’d been paired with Lando and his odd little droid pilot.
Salla had to hand it to Vuffi Raa. She’s never before heard of a droid that could pilot, but she gathered that Vuffi Raa was some special type of droid, from some completely different part of the galaxy. Obviously not your everyday astromech. From the moment they’d deployed, Vuffi Raa not only had kept formation with her, the droid had occasionally outflown her!
She spoke into her headset. “Any of those skirmish ships on your sensors, Vuffi?”
“Nothing so far, Lady Salla,” the little droid replied. “And my name is Vuffi Raa, please.”
“No problem, Vuffi Raa,” she replied. “So what does that name mean, anyhow?”
“In the language of those who programmed me, it is a number, Lady Salla.”
“Huh.” Salla was doing a visual inspection as she flew through the debris.
No skirmish vessels so far, but her sensors showed a large group of vessels moving through the “cloud” of debris surrounding Nar Shaddaa.
It was only a matter of time. “Lando, stay sharp with your guns. I see Imp slugs everywhere.”
“Right, Saila,” Lando said.
“Rik, Shug? We could have incoming any second. You guys ready?”
“Ready, Salla,” Shug replied.
“We are ready, pretty lady,” Rik Duel said, in a manner that he fondly imagined to be charming.
Salla grimaced and rolled her eyes. “Can it, Rik. Stay sharp. This is no time to get cute.”
“Hey, Salla, I can’t help it if I’ve got eyes!” Rik said, in mock-injured tones. “That jerk Solo doesn’t appreciate you, you know.
You deserve better than that Corellian creep. You are one fine woman, and he—” “Stow the chatter, Rik,” Salla snapped, tiring of the banter.
“And rein in your hormones. Your routine is getting real old.”
“But, Salla—” he protested, sounding very, very injured, “I fell for you the moment I—” “Lady Saila!” Vuffi Raa broke in. “Incoming!”
Salla checked her sensors and ship ID codes. An Imperial Customs Guardian-class light cruiser, the Lianna Guard! She altered her flight path to challenge the newcomer head-on, and was impressed to see how quickly Vuffi Raa followed her lead.
Seconds later the Lianna Guard came zipping toward them, firing its laser cannons. Salla took a minor hit, but the shields deflected it.
The Imp vessel was fast, and as maneuverable as the freighters—matter of fact, the ship was a Customs patrol ship, designed to stop smugglers cold.
Shug took a shot with his quad lasers, but scored a clean miss as the Imp pilot evaded. He’s really good! Salla thought. But we’ll get him. He’s outnumbered.
She’d been so occupied with engaging the Lianna Guard that Salla failed to notice three slug blips on her sensors, all coming in incredibly fast.
Vuffi Raa squeaked, “Lady Salla! TIE fighters!”
Salla took a hit in her bow, but the shields handled it. Shug was shooting steadily now, and so was Lando. One TIE was hit, and promptly exploded.
Salla couldn’t tell who had made the kill.
Evasive! Salla flipped Rimrunner up on her side, but took a hit anyway. Her shields took the brunt of it, but the freighter shuddered violently.
“Get those TIEs!” she yelled.
“I’m trying!” came both Lando’s and Shug’s voices at the same time.
Salla swore grimly. Where’s the Lianna Guard? She’d lost track of the Guardian-class ship in the melee.
The Rimrunner shuddered again. Salla struggled to hold her bucking ship, narrowly missed crashing into a huge piece of space debris.
They’d been hit in the flank, and her shields were weakened back there.
From the strength of the blast, it must have been the patrol ship, not a TIE.
“AWriiiiight!” Lando shouted in her headset, and she saw another TIE wiped out.