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Sweet Temptation(45)

By:Cora Reilly

I didn’t say anything.

“Your father approached me.” From the change in Faro’s voice, I knew I wouldn’t like what he had to say.

“What did he want?”

“He asked me to talk to you about having a child with Giulia. He thinks you should be prepared for any eventualities.”

“The eventualities being that Daniele’s not my son?” I gritted out.

Faro shrugged. “It is an option, and not an unlikely one at that.”

“I don’t need another child, and I certainly don’t need you or my father to meddle in my business.”

Faro raised his arms. “I didn’t want to meddle. That’s why I told you. But your dad won’t give up anytime soon. He’s worried.”

“If he accepted that Daniele and Simona are my kids, he could stop worrying.”

“You tell him.”

I made my way over to my parents, who were talking to Mia, who was cradling her newborn son in her arms. She looked exhausted.

“Stop it, Father.”

He knew what I meant without me having to elaborate. “I’m trying to think of your future.”

I motioned toward Daniele, who was holding Simona’s hand since she was still a bit unsteady on her legs. “There is my future. End of story.”

Mother touched my forearm. “We love them, but—”

“No but.”

They exchanged a look then nodded reluctantly.

Mia gave me a proud smile.

I hoped this matter was settled once and for all. The more Father kept digging, the likelier it was that word about this would get out.

After everyone was gone, Giulia and I played a round of pool. I needed the distraction, and she’d become quite good at distracting me.

“Tomorrow, you need to take Daniele to a preschool orientation. I made an appointment a few days ago.”

Bent over the table, Giulia froze. Then she straightened. “What? Why?”

“I want him to be around other kids. This preschool only takes in kids from our circles or our business associates. Daniele will be around his future soldiers. He’ll learn to assert himself among the other boys. If he’s only around you, he might become too soft.”

Anger crossed her face. I shook my head. “It’s a fact. You can’t help it. And I only spend the evenings and weekends with him. He needs to brawl and meet unruly boys.”

“Don’t interrupt me. You don’t even know what I was going to say.” Her tone set my teeth on edge. After the thing with my father today, I’d been eager for a fight.

“Then say what you want to say.”

“You should have discussed your plans with me.”

“My decision is made. Daniele needs the change.”

Giulia jabbed her finger against my chest. “Even so, we’re a family. I’m your wife. I deserve to be involved in a decision like that!”

“They’re my kids, Giulia.”

Her hurt hit me unexpectedly.

“No,” she said fiercely. “They are our kids, Cassio. I told you before and I’ll tell you again. I love all three of you.”

I stared, my anger slipping away faster than quicksand. “What?”

She nodded, looking furious. “You heard me. They aren’t just your kids. They are mine too. You can’t call them yours when you see fit. They are always ours, yours and mine. Maybe not by blood, but I’d bleed for them all the same. So don’t talk to me like these two kids don’t mean anything to me when they mean everything. Just like their stubborn, idiotic father.”

It was the first time Giulia had insulted me. The first time she’d gotten loud, almost screaming. Her anger didn’t kindle my own like it had done with Gaia in the past, because Giulia’s words were the best thing I’d ever heard. My thoughts tumbled over each other. Still, a small sliver of doubt remained as if my fucked-up mind couldn’t accept that someone as good, as kind, as loving as Giulia really was mine. Fuck, I loved her, even those bangs I hated in the beginning, even those horrendous sunflower dresses, even when she disrespected me by rolling her eyes. God, especially then. I grasped her cheeks. “I love you too.”

She blinked. Now it was her turn to be stunned. “What… you do?”

“You really have to ask?”

She searched my face with the same disbelief I’d felt only moments before. “Say it.”

“I love you.”


I chuckled. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I kissed her, pulling her close. Eventually, she pulled back. “Are they my kids?”

“They are,” I said.

“Then allow me to decide with you.”

“I didn’t say how many days Daniele is supposed to spend in preschool. They have different options. How about you discuss them with the teachers tomorrow and then we’ll decide together?”

“Deal.” She smiled. “You really love me?”

I kissed her bangs. “Really.”

Faro and I met in my cigar lounge for our weekly check-in. Things in New York had been difficult at best, getting information on the matter even worse.

“Luca’s been particularly volatile these last couple of months. He’s been killing more men. Traitors, bikers, Bratva soldiers. People are worried if they make one wrong move, Luca will end them too.”

“People who don’t have anything to hide don’t have to worry.”

Faro grimaced. “Exactly, but we both know you didn’t tell Luca the truth about Andrea and Gaia. In his current mood, that could be your death sentence.”

“Only you and my father know. Father made sure of it.” Father had killed the cleaning team and Doctor Sal after Gaia’s death without consulting with me. He sometimes forgot I was now Underboss and didn’t need his meddling.

“What about Giulia?”

I frowned. “I trust Giulia.”

Faro shook his head. “After Gaia, you shouldn’t. What if she mentions something to her brother or God forbid her father? Felix will use his chance to either blackmail you or tell Luca so he gets bonus points.”

“Giulia won’t tell anyone.”

“They are her family. She’s a woman. They tend to overlook the shortcomings of their loved ones.”

“A fact we should be grateful for, or neither your nor my wife would put up with us.” Shortcomings didn’t even begin to cover my faults. Giulia accepted them. From the first day of our marriage, she’d taken care of Simona and Daniele selflessly, despite her young age.

“Talk to her,” Faro insisted.

A knock sounded and Giulia poked her head in. “I’m sorry for disturbing you, but Christian is here and says he needs to talk to you.”

“Okay,” I said slowly. “Send him in.”

Faro gave me a meaningful look.

Christian stepped in. “Faro. Cassio, can I have a word alone with you?”

“As my Consigliere, Faro will stay.”

Since the incident in December, I didn’t trust Christian anymore. We’d never been friends, but he’d been a good asset. It was unfortunate that our work relationship had suffered because of my unreasonable jealousy. I wasn’t a man who apologized, and I doubted Christian would have accepted one.

Christian nodded. He didn’t come farther into the room. Instead, he stayed close to the door. “I talked to Luca…”

Faro cut me a sharp look, but I didn’t get swept up in his panic. I still didn’t think Giulia had told her brother anything. Maybe Christian had his suspicions, but he knew better than to spread rumors that weren’t based on solid proof. I was in good standing with Luca. It would take a lot to convince him otherwise.

“I’m going to work in New York under him in the next few years until I take over in Baltimore.”

Fury raced through my veins, but I held back. “You didn’t consult with me first?”

“I’m not really one of your soldiers, Cassio. I’m the son of an Underboss. Only Luca can give me orders at the end of the day. He agreed to have me work under him.”

“Did you tell him why?”

“I said that we both have too strong of personalities to work well together.”

I narrowed my eyes, wondering if that was all he’d said. He’d been clever about contacting Luca first. That way he could make sure I wouldn’t get rid of him. Not that I would have ended him. I’d done enough damage in the past and wouldn’t risk Giulia’s love by killing her brother. “Good luck with your new endeavor. Just remember that Luca doesn’t hesitate killing those he considers a threat.”

Christian’s smile was tight. “I think you and him are very similar in that regard.” He inclined his head then left.

Faro shook his head, frowning. “This isn’t good.”

“You’re reading too much into it.”

“The truth has a nasty habit of getting out. You should have told Luca everything from the start.”

My phone rang. It was Luca. Faro looked like he considered booking us the next flight to Colombia to disappear. “Luca, what can I do for you?”

“I assume Christian talked to you?”

No bullshit talk as usual. Luca always cut to the chase. “He did. I always assumed his work under me would be temporary. Now that he’s my brother-in-law, things only became more complicated.”