Sweet Addiction(56)
“Would you like me to tell your mother where you are?” he asks, reaching for the phone.
I quickly turn away from him and get out of his reach. Well this is just perfect. “I’m at a guy’s house. Can I call you later?”
“A guy? What guy? Oh, hunny, did you meet someone? What’s his name? Can we meet him? Is it serious? What does he do, Dyl? Oh I’m so glad you found a new boyfriend.” “He’s not a democrat is he?” My dad adds and I want to crawl into a hole and die. My mother has been trying to marry me off since I was nineteen. She wants grandbabies and she wanted them yesterday.
“Oh my God, can I please call you back?” Before I can comprehend what’s happening, Reese grabs the phone out of my hand and stands up, placing it to his ear. Oh God, no. My eyes widen and my jaw hits the couch as I slowly watch my world implode.
“Mrs. Sparks? This is Reese Carroll, your daughter’s boyfriend.” I run at him and knock him off his feet, sprawling him out on his back as he holds me at arm’s length. Does the man have a death wish? He seems completely unaffected by my move and just gives me a sly grin. “Oh and Mr. Sparks. It’s so nice to talk to you both.”
“Give me the phone, Reese.” I grunt and try to move around the arm that is holding me away from him. Jesus Christ. Why does every male in my life think it’s okay to take the phone away from me? “Give it.” My efforts are useless, only making me out of breath while he beams up at me like the gorgeous god that he is.
“Yes she is very special, isn’t she?”
“You are never getting laid again.”
“That sounds wonderful.” He laughs into the phone. I glare at him and he winks at me. Jerk. “I’ll tell Dylan to set it up. I look forward to meeting you too. Okay here she is.” He smiles in his minor victory over me and holds out the phone. “Here you go, love.”
Snatching it away from him with one hand, I give him the finger with the other, as I stand up and begin to pace. He stays on the floor, tucking his hands behind his head and follows me with his eyes.
“Hello?” I ask and brace myself for my mother’s rant. I sit down on the arm of the couch and rub my temple with my free hand.
“Oh my. He sounds lovely, sweetheart. And so polite.”
I shake my head. “Well I wouldn’t get too attached if I were you. I’m plotting his slow death as we speak.” Reese stands up and moves towards me, brushing his hand over my chest before he walks down the hallway. I shudder at the contact.
“Oh hush. Anyways darling, since you’re busy with your boyfriend we’ll have to see you another time. Love you lots.” “Love you, sweetheart,” Dad says.
“Bye, love you too.” I press end and slip my feet back into my sandals, walking myself over to the table to retrieve my keys. Great. My parents think Reese is my boyfriend. They’ll want to meet him now. Just fucking great. My head is spinning and it’s officially time to go home before he decides to go through all my contacts and explain our situation to each and every one of them.
“Please tell me I didn’t piss you off to the point of you leaving?” His voice washes over me as I turn and see him walking slowly towards me. His sweats hang loosely on his hips and the tiniest amount of skin is now on display under his T-shirt. Damn him and his body.
“Why the hell would you tell my parents that you’re my boyfriend? Are you insane? Do you have any idea the amount of phone calls I’m probably going to get now? Since Justin, I’ve been able to limit my mother to once a week check-ins. But now, she’ll never leave me alone.”
Stopping in front of me, he pushes the hair back that fell out of my bun and grips my head between his hands. My face is stuck in scrunched up hate Reese mode but it is quickly fading due to his softness, and his hotness, and his overall Reeseness. Stay strong Dylan.
“What should I have said? That I’m casually fucking their daughter and not in a relationship with her? That sounds terrible.”
“I don’t understand why you had to say anything, but fine. Every time she calls me, I’m just going to give her your number and you can deal with her.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I stare him down as he backs up and shrugs his shoulders.
“That’s fine with me. I can dig for some Dylan dirt.” How was he completely calm and collected over this? Why the hell would he want my parents to think that I was seeing him in that sort of way?
Flipping my keys in my finger, I turn towards the door. “Everyone has gone crazy. It’s decided. I’m the only sane person left in Chicago.”