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Surrender to the Highlander(Terri Brisbin)(10)

By:Terri Brisbin

Where he rode this day.

She realized she was the topic of conversation when Rurik turned to look  back at her and then shared more words with Sven. Margriet had barely a  few minutes to wallow in her discomfort when Sven returned to her side.

"We will reach a river soon, so you should not worry over using the water to cool your brow," he said.

Caught by her own lying words, Margriet fretted over what to do. The  part of her that was melting in the heat wanted to grab up the skin and  pour every drop of the remaining water over her head. But, the part of  her that usually thought things through triumphed in this and she  allowed him to pour a few drops on the linen, before dabbing her brow  and cheeks with it.

"Many thanks for your consideration, Sven. I admit that this heat is unexpected and a trial."                       


He moved his horse to walk next to hers and took the water skin from  her. The group still moved at the same pace, but 'twas a slower one than  they'd maintained the first two days of their journey. Those days were  lost in a fog, for she could only remember the misery of leaving the  convent behind and the pain of traveling on the back of a horse.

Her journey to the convent all those years ago she did not remember at  all, having only eight years and mourning the loss of her mother. So,  having naught with which to compare, she thought this journey must  surely be the worst of her life.

She waited for the man to speak and when he did not, she fell quiet,  sinking back into her thoughts of the journey ahead and the  repercussions of her fall from grace. Sven drifted back to a place next  to Elspeth and she could hear his words as he stumbled over the correct  pronunciation of the words in Elspeth's Gaelic tongue.

Looking at the rest of the men, she only then realized that they were a  mix of Scots and those from her homeland in the Orkneys. Rurik, Sven,  Magnus and six more sounded clearly at home with both the formal court  language and that of the common people. Four of the others, as well as  Elspeth, spoke only Gaelic.

Rurik was the only one who spoke all three.

Glancing ahead, she watched his silhouette as he guided the travelers  along this road. Tall and muscular, both on and off his mount, he spoke  little and gave few orders, yet there was no doubt that he commanded  this group. Both the Scots and those from Orkney attended to his words  and directions with a quiet acceptance, as one does with an acknowledged  leader, much as the sisters did with the reverend mother.

The other thing she noticed about him was that he remained apart, from  nearly everyone including Sven and Magnus. Those two-she glanced over at  Sven, who was still speaking, or rather trying to, with Elspeth-were  friends of long-standing. She could tell by their easy manner with each  other. They also seemed to have some connection to Rurik, for they spent  time with their heads together, plotting and planning, each day.

But what about Rurik?

As though her thoughts had spoken his name, he turned back and met her  gaze. Margriet touched the linen to her face once more and looked away,  unable or unwilling to face his intense scrutiny. There would be time on  this journey to discover his secrets. Sven knew something about him and  his reasons for overseeing her return and had referred to it while they  walked in camp that first night. Before Rurik interrupted his words …

So, there were secrets here to be discovered!

As always happened when faced with a task, Margriet's mind began to  swirl and plan the best way in which to accomplish it. By the time they  reached the river's edge, she saw all the steps in the path to finding  out who Rurik was and his reasons for taking on the mission of bringing  her home.

The place chosen for their stop that night was pleasant. Looking around  the area near her tent and the central fire, Margriet noticed the  branches of the trees moving in the breezes that soothed her after the  heat of the day. Any relief was certainly dulled by the layers of  clothing she wore, but 'twas still more comfortable than the midday  sun's glaring rays when there was no shade to blunt them.

Now, sitting on a stool fashioned from the stumps of some fallen trees  and eating a surprisingly well-cooked stew, Margriet watched as the men  broke off into smaller groups divided, as near as she could tell, by  language and origin. The Scots sat away from the fire, passing a skin of  ale between them, while those from the north sat nearer.

Rurik did not eat, but paced around the camp, checking horses and  supplies. Seeing an opportunity, she rose and went to the fire. Dipping  the long-handled spoon in the cooking pot, she scooped out a serving of  the food and carried it to where he stood now. His surprise sat plainly  on his face, but he nodded and took it from her.

"You need not serve me, Sister," he said before accepting an eating spoon that she also carried to him.

"I have so little to do, sir. Other than pray, of course. And 'tis the least I can do to show my appreciation."

He ate a few more mouthfuls without saying another word. Sven walked  over with a battered cup and a skin of ale, which he held out to Rurik.  Handing her his bowl and spoon, she watched as he first poured some into  the cup before offering it to her, while he simply opened his mouth and  filled it with ale from the skin. After passing it back to Sven, Rurik  took back his food and ate it in silence.                       


Margriet sipped from the cup as she considered which questions to ask  first. If she were too aggressive, he would back away. Too soft in her  approach and he would wile his way out of answers that would enlighten  her about him and his past.

"Why do you not wish to escort me to my father?"

"Pardon?" he asked, stopping with his spoon halfway between the plate and his mouth.

"'Tis clear to me that you do not want this duty. Why did you agree to  it then?" She lifted the cup to her lips and forced another sip, trying  with all her might to remain calm and pursue her intentions to discover  more about him.

She'd caught him by surprise, she could tell. His eyes widened even as  his mouth stopped chewing the food in it. He tried to swallow then, but  Margriet knew he would choke.

And he did.

When his breath collided with that food, he convulsed with loud coughs.  The plate flew through the air as he leaned over and, with his hands on  his thighs, tried to loosen the blockage from his throat. Without  stopping to think, Margriet ran to his side and began pummeling him on  his back.

A few minutes went by before he stopped choking and she continued  delivering blows until he did. After what seemed to be ages of time had  passed, he waved her off and Margriet stepped back. 'Twas then she  noticed the quiet that surrounded them.

To a person, everyone in the camp stood, mouths agape, staring at them.  No one moved as she adjusted her wimple back to where it should sit on  her head and as she tugged her robes back in place. When she had  regained her composure and her breath, for beating the warrior's back  with her bare hands was hard work, she cleared her own throat and turned  back to Rurik.

"Are you well now?" she asked.

"Now that I can breathe again or now that you have stopped trying to  pound me into the ground?" Sarcasm laced his words and the sting of it  slashed at her.

Humiliation pulsed through her body, making her heart pound in her chest  and bringing the heat of embarrassment to her face. Worse, she felt the  burning of tears in her eyes and her throat, forcing her to look away  from him.

Why had she thought that she could face down a man, and one such as this  one, and get her way? Margriet lowered her head and turned, hoping to  walk quickly to some darkened corner of the camp where she could wait  until the horror of her actions dissipated or at least until everyone  ceased staring. She'd only taken a few steps when his voice stopped her.

"Sister, my thanks for your assistance," he said loud enough for all to  hear. Rurik watched as she stopped, unsure if she would still bolt, as  the look in her eyes declared, or if she would remain. He waited and  then held out his hand to her. "And my thanks for bringing me food."

He stepped closer, though not too close, and glared over her head at  those who still gawped at her, ordering their gazes away with a nod of  his head. Only the little nun still watched, though hers was a look of  concerned observation rather than a curious one.

Rurik had not realized his words were as harsh as they were until he saw  the horror and embarrassment fill her face. 'Twas the tears he spied in  the last moment before she fled that undid him. When she still did not  take his hand, he bent over and picked up the cup she'd been drinking  from and motioned to Sven for the skin of ale. Once filled, he offered  it to her.