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Sunsets at Seaside(12)

By:Addison Cole

“Oh, Sky, you should let him,” Jenna said. “I love my studio, and Blue’s going to put in even more cabinets so that I can organize it.” She spread her fingers, palms out, and her eyes widened. “I’ll organize my paints, brushes, tarps…I can’t wait.”

Pete pulled her closer and kissed her cheek. “She’s already organized everything in our house and my father’s house. I’m ready to set her loose with Blue at the Kennedys.”

Blue laughed. “Their staff wouldn’t know what to do with her. They have their own way of doing things, and I’ve seen the inside of their cabinets. They’re neat and organized, but not Jenna organized.”

Jamie and Jessica’s eyes connected again. He shifted in his seat. Jamie lived in Boston, and although he had a hectic work schedule and cared for his grandmother, he still found time to date. He had a handful of women he enjoyed spending time with. Women he was sure weren’t after his money, of which he had more than he could spend in three lifetimes. He lived like an average Joe, because if there’s one thing Jamie learned from a very young age, it was that life was short and what really mattered wasn’t what he had, but how he chose to spend his time. Hobnobbing with the wealthy would never bring him happiness, but hanging with the friends who knew and loved him always did. And he hadn’t realized until just now that what was missing was a woman whom he could actually share his life with—and his friends.

“Hey, we have fresh strawberries. Anyone want strawberry margaritas?” Jenna jumped to her feet and reached for Bella’s hand. “Come on.”

“I have a beer.” Bella held up her bottle.

“So what! This is Jessica’s first bonfire with us. We need to initiate her.” Jenna reached for Sky’s hand next. Joey lifted her head, then used Jenna’s escape to stand between Pete’s legs and beg for more attention.

“I’m in!” Amy jumped up, too, as if they’d both swallowed Mexican jumping beans. “Come on, Jessica.” She pulled Jessica to her feet.

“Sounds good to me, but I’m a lightweight. I never really drink,” Jessica admitted.

Jamie and Tony exchanged grins. Not that either of them would take advantage of a woman when she was drunk. They never competed for women, either. Of course, neither had ever dated the women who rented here. Even so, Jamie sensed a hint of friendly competition…Game on.

He watched Jessica walk inside trapped between Jenna and Amy and knew that before the summer’s end, she’d be considered one of them. The question was, would he be on the outside looking in, or the one sitting beside her by the fire?

JENNA’S ONE-BEDROOM cottage was nowhere near big enough for the five of them. The kitchen was about five feet long and wide enough only to open the refrigerator. The counter barely had enough room for the five shot glasses Jenna was filling with tequila. When Bella reached above Jenna and pulled down the blender from a high cabinet, she squished Jenna against the counter.

“Hey,” Jenna protested.

“Oh, hush. You wanted margaritas.” Bella set the blender on the coffee table in the living room, where there was a little more room as long as Sky, Amy, and Jessica remained sitting on the couch.

“Come on, girlies.” Jenna waved them over and they huddled next to the kitchen while Jessica stood a few feet away, watching them. Jenna handed a shot glass to each of them, then poured salt onto a cutting board while Amy squeezed past her and sliced lemons. Each of them sucked on the webbing between their finger and thumb; then they put salt on their wet skin and grabbed a lemon from Amy.

Having never done shots before, Jessica’s stomach was all kinds of nervous. Sky took her hand and pulled her over to the counter.

“Just do what we do.” Sky licked the webbing of her own hand, eyes wide, and nodded at Jessica, encouraging her to do the same.

“Um…” Jessica’s pulse quickened.

“I think we have a virgin with us.” Bella draped an arm over Jessica’s shoulder.

“I’m not…” Oh my gosh. You’re talking about my virginity?

Bella smiled down at her. “Good to know, but I meant the tequila.”

Jessica let out a relieved sigh. Oh, thank goodness.

“To Jessica. The first victim of Thong Thursday.” Jenna sucked back the drink and drew in air between clenched teeth. “Woo! Go on, girls.”

Jessica watched as each tossed back her head and sucked down the tequila like they did this every night. Maybe they did, but Jessica never had. Not once. She rarely even drank wine. With her orchestra friends, drinking was never a part of their evenings out, and when she was by herself, she never had the desire to drink. Watching the girls, she realized again that she had been moving in a very small and sheltered circle. She stuck her fingertip in the tequila and sucked the alcohol off of it. It had a strange taste, not at all pleasant. She wondered what the excitement was all about.