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Stray (Shifters #1)(40)

By:Rachel Vincent

We paused on the landing at the top of the stairs, where he pinned my hips to the wall with his body while he pulled my shirt off, tossing it to the floor. His motions were hurried, frantic, and I understood the reason. If we hesitated, we’d have to think, and neither of us wanted to think. We wanted to feel, to lose ourselves in something all-consuming, something powerful enough to block out reality, and the pain and fear it would inevitably bring. And together we were explosive.
Before, that had been part of the problem, but now it was the solution. It was the fireworks-in-the-sky, forget-your-own-name, can’t-feel-your-toes solution to all my problems. At least for the moment.
We stumbled past the bedroom Vic usually shared with Jace, and I barely registered the sound of slow, sleep-regulated breathing. By contrast, Marc’s breath was hot and fast, almost a pant. His room was at the front of the house, the last one we came to, and he was impatient by then. He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, rounding my spine so I could reach his ear with my tongue. He moaned as he carried me into his room, barely pausing to kick the door shut before setting me gently on the floor.
The hardwood was cool against my bare feet; it acted as an anchor, tethering my body to the ground as my head floated far above my shoulders. I closed my eyes, concentrating on the feel of his hands running all over me, ridding me of the encumbrance of my shorts, the restriction of my bra. Dropping to his knees, Marc wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my stomach as he clung to me, trembling silently.
I gasped to feel him lift my breast, bringing as much as he could into his mouth. He pulled gently on my nipple, his tongue hot against my skin, his mouth demanding. I moaned, burying my hands in his hair, my head thrown back and my eyes closed.
His hands trailed down from my waist, easing my panties over my hips. The thin cloth hit the floor seconds before he picked me up and tossed me onto the bed. I had a single moment to think as I heard his zipper go down and the soft brush of denim against skin as his jeans followed suit.
In that moment, everything threatened to cave in. Without Marc there to reinforce them, my defensive walls were crumbling, succumbing to the pressure of outrage and fear.
But then his face appeared over mine, and his weight dropped onto me, heavy, and warm, and so very real. He propped himself on his elbows and I stared up into his eyes. Yellow specks sparkled in the deep brown of his irises, glistening through a layer of unshed tears.“I’m scared,” I whispered, wrapping my legs around him.
“Me, too.”
I felt how hard his heart beat and knew it was the truth.
He moved against me, then inside me.
I exhaled, letting go of more anguish than I’d known I held. I closed my eyes, and my own tears spilled over, running down my cheeks to dampen my hair and his sheets.
Then he said my name, and suddenly there was no room for pain, no room for fear. Marc took up all the room there was, in my head, in my heart, and inside me. He filled me, not just with himself, but with memories of what we’d been, of what I’d given up.
My fingers skimmed the lines of his arms, up over his shoulders, then down his back. When I got to his hips, I added pressure, urging him on as I rose to meet him. Marc matched my pace, apparently eager to spend his pent-up energy without breaking anything. He couldn’t hurt me. Even better, considering my recent delve into all things human and fragile, I couldn’t hurt him.
When I finally remembered to breathe again, our combined scents overwhelmed me. I was suffocating on the very aroma of hunger and need—an exhilarating blend of his, mine, and ours—and I never wanted another breath of fresh air. The smell of sex itself was almost enough to bring me, screaming, to the edge.
Already panting, I put a hand on Marc’s chest, begging him with my eyes to wait. I wasn’t ready. Not yet. I needed much, much more.
He smiled, a trace of satisfaction glinting in his still-damp eyes. He altered our rhythm, watching my face as he slowed, moving deeper with each stroke. Marc remembered what I liked even better than I did.
Each time our bodies met, sparks tingled through me, racing across my nerve endings in violent jolts of pleasure bordering on pain. My fingers curled at his hips. My nails sliced through his skin.
Hissing, he arched his back, but his smile never faltered.
The sharp tang of blood filled my nostrils, adding one final layer to the bouquet of scents forming the foundation of my lust. I held him tight, smearing wet streaks across his spine. I arced into him, desperate for one more touch, one last powerful thrust that would bring us both peace, however temporary.
Marc knew what I needed. He tangled one hand in my hair and pulled my head back, opening my mouth. He thrust into me, hard. His lips covered mine, swallowing my scream of release and claiming it for himself.
He pounded against me over and over, fighting for control. My nails carved fresh gouges into his shoulders, and that was all he could take. He shuddered against me, moaning into my mouth. And finally he collapsed on top of me, his cheek against mine, his lips brushing my ear.
“I love you, Faythe,” he whispered, still inside me. And then, so quiet I could barely hear him, he said, “Don’t leave me.” 

Holding my breath, I tried for the third time to roll out of Marc’s grasp without waking him. No luck. Every time I moved, his breathing quickened and his eyelids fluttered, as if he’d wake up any moment. Even asleep, he’d tried to make sure I couldn’t get away; he had one leg draped over mine and one arm around my waist.
I groaned, and clamped one hand over my mouth as Marc shifted in his sleep. His leg slipped off me, but the weight of his arm across my middle was still very real. Biting my lip in concentration, I took Marc’s wrist gently between my thumb and forefinger. I lifted his arm off my stomach, barely stifling a sigh of relief as the pressure on my bladder eased. When his next breath came, deep and relaxed, I lowered his arm to the bed between us as he exhaled. Finally free, I made myself wait through two more torturously slow breaths before easing silently off the mattress and onto the floor.
The moment my feet hit the ground, my eyes flew to the clock. Green segmented numbers stared at me in the dark: 4:34 a.m. That was weird. The color, not the time. My alarm clock numbers were red, which always made me feel anxious and hurried, like I was late for something every time I woke up. The green numbers were calm and soothing, assuring me that I still had a couple of hours left until dawn, yet I tottered on the thin, sharp edge of panic.
According to the clock, I’d gotten maybe three and a half hours of sleep after Marc and I collapsed onto his pillows, mercifully too exhausted to think. But now, standing naked in the middle of his bedroom, I could do nothing else.
Now look what you’ve done, Faythe, I thought, staring down at Marc’s sleep-relaxed face. You’re not going to be happy until you’ve screwed up not only your life but everyone else’s too.
But that wasn’t quite true. I wouldn’t be happy then, either.
I needed to think. And I needed to pee. My bladder was quite insistent on that last part and had, in fact, woken me up to take care of business. But since I wouldn’t be coming back after my trip to the bathroom—to gain any kind of perspective, I needed to distance myself from the problem—I’d have to get dressed. Unfortunately, my clothes were nowhere in sight.
Squeezing my eyes shut, I made myself concentrate on the order of last night’s events. Each flash of memory felt like someone ramming a fist through my chest to squeeze my still-beating heart. And if it hurt me, I could only imagine what it would do to Jace. Or to Andrew. Shit, what about Andrew?
What the hell was I thinking?
I hadn’t been thinking anything; that was abundantly clear. It had also been the whole point. I’d given my brain the night off, abandoning my body to the mercy of hormones and alcohol. And grief. The truth was that I’d needed comfort, and so had Marc, and we’d found it in each other. As wonderful as that had been, the unbelievable freedom of letting go, of giving myself completely to someone willing to do the same, morning would bring to light the inevitable consequences of what I’d done. But I wasn’t ready to face them. Not just yet.
So where the hell were my clothes? I peeked carefully beneath the edge of the sheet draped across one of Marc’s legs and twisted around the other. Aha. Found my shorts. One article of clothing down, and only three more to go.
I found my bra dangling from the closet doorknob and my panties peeking out from under the bed. Dressed but for my shirt, I searched the room frantically with my eyes but saw no sign of the green halter top I’d put on after my marathon bathing session the day before.
Marc grunted in his sleep and rolled over onto his side. His hand landed in the warm hollow my hip had occupied moments earlier, and a fresh surge of panic flooded my body. I grabbed the first piece of cloth I found and pulled it over my head. It was the old, black Aerosmith T-shirt Marc had worn the day before. It still smelled like him.The shirt was huge on me, effectively hiding my shorts, but it would have to do, because I had to use the restroom. Immediately.
I eased open the door, crossing my fingers against squeaky hinges, and slipped into the upstairs hall. The hall was more like a big rectangle, with the stairs rising up from the center and one door on each of the four walls. Three of the doors led to bedrooms and the fourth was the bathroom. That was the one I needed.