Cruise digs in a smile and his dimples ignite. I want to dive into them. I want to dive into Cruise, use him as a covering and a shield. My eyes roam back down his body, and I take him in, fully formed and beautiful as his body pridefully salutes me from too far a distance to fully appreciate.
Cruise Elton just gave me the best birthday present ever, and he doesn’t even know it.
Kendall Jordan is a real live wet dream. And if I’m not careful, my dick is going to involve the authorities soon because I’m a thousand percent sure having an erection in public, while seated in front of the student body, is something akin to a felony.
I drink Kenny down with her creamy white skin, her pink lips burst like cherries. Her chest swells like two perfect cantaloupes, the dark hair buried between her legs is like a sea of ripe currents, and suddenly I’m very fucking hungry for cantaloupes and currents.
I try to absorb what’s happening. That somewhere in the innocence of trying to purchase a winter coat for Kenny, I’ve put my new position as “professor” on the line and now, in a sudden turn of events, I’m not only naked in front of strangers, but in front of the woman I love. And I do love Kenny. Come hell or high water, I’m going to let her know tonight. Whether or not she decides to speak to me afterwards is entirely up to her. She didn’t care for the fact I kept my status as faculty from her. I’m guessing spontaneously exposing myself in her art class is something she would’ve liked to have been clued in on—especially in the event she were about to shed a few layers herself.
Professor Webber steps in and looks right at me. “Good job,” she whispers. “Never in all my years of teaching have I seen something like that before. Have you considered a career in the adult film industry? You have serious equipment that shouldn’t be ignored.”
I shoot her a look. I don’t feel the need to propagate the fact I’m well endowed. I’ve long since been aware of the fact it’s an anomaly. The last thing I want is to freak Kenny out and send her running for vaginal cover, opting for less amply gifted men to contend with like Cal and his nonexistent member. Which reminds me, I’ve yet to beat the crap out of him.
“Turn around so the rest of the class can see you.” Webber motions for us to face the other direction, and my dick retreats from its performance position. It’s like its trained to stand at attention whenever Kenny is around.
I try to settle my gaze on the clock on the wall. Nothing like staring down the minute hand to make the time crawl by.
A blond in a red coat smiles at me, and everything in me freezes.
Blair. If there’s one thing in this world that can kill my hard-on faster than a wrinkled hag suggesting I try my hand at porn, it’s my ex-girlfriend.
Just when I didn’t think things could get any worse.
I can feel her looking at me, burning a hole through every square inch of my body with her unwanted stare. Blair had her chance with my flesh, and she wasn’t interested in keeping me or my dick around, so I don’t know what makes her think I’d be desperate enough to let her back in my life. Although, if Kenny weren’t here…if I never gave her all of my power without her even knowing it, would I want Blair back? I’m quick to deduce a flat-out, no.
The hour finally draws to an excruciating end with my manhood rendered temporarily peniplegic thanks to the fact Blair held me hostage with her libido-killing lasers.
I pick up a robe and cover Kenny from behind, brushing her hair with a kiss that could have easily been mistaken for nothing more than the simple act of passing, even though none of the ways I love Kenny can be classified as a simple act of passing. Everything about the way I plan on showing her my affection, both physically and emotionally, will be nothing short of well-engineered.
“I believe you dropped this.” Blair pipes up from behind, and I take my robe from her before whipping it on. “Good show.” She tilts her head into me.
Kenny has already made a beeline for the dressing room, so I don’t mind unleashing a little bit.
“The show wasn’t for you, Blair. Nor will it ever be.” I don’t wait for the shocked look to register on her face. Instead, I dart into the room where I left my belongings and do a quick change, so I can catch the woman I love before she races back to the West Coast for good.
“Hey, beautiful,” I say, catching up with Kenny outside the art building. The evening sky encroaches overhead, desolate and grim with ominous clouds that hold a soft blue patina. “You strip here often?”
“Not as often as you salute the queen.” She gives an impish grin. Her hair whips around her neck in long, dark sheets. “It’s my birthday.”