Reading Online Novel

Someone Like Her(60)

 “Get used to it.” Jake slid a finger under the flap and opened it. He peeked inside and grinned. She’d sent him a picture of her taken on the beach with her back to the camera like the girl in his painting. Only difference, Maria wore a bikini that showed off her very fine ass.

 It hadn’t occurred to him to ask for a photo, and he was pleased she’d thought to give him one. When he returned home, he’d get one with her facing the camera—one he could put in his wallet to show off to anyone wanting to know what his girlfriend looked like. Damn, he had a girlfriend. He slipped the picture back in the envelope and tucked it into his shirt pocket.

 “What was it?”

 “None of your business, boss.”

 “See, that’s what I’m talking about. All of a sudden you both have secrets. I don’t like it.”

 “You already said that.”

 “Bears repeating,” Kincaid muttered.

 After parking and entering the airport, they parted ways. As Jake waited to board, he studied his men who had joined him at the gate. Stewart seemed calm, but Bayne was on edge. As second in command at K2, Jake had read the background reports on both men when they were hired.

 Kincaid only hired ex-SEALs, so the two men were experienced in military operations, but Bayne had once been captured and held for five days by insurgents before being rescued. Even under torture, Bayne hadn’t given anything away, and that was impressive.

 Jake worried, however, that they were putting him back in action too soon. “I’m thinking this little operation’s gonna be a cakewalk compared to what we’re used to. Our biggest problem will be babysitting the kid until we can turn him over to his dad.”

 He waited for both to nod their agreement. “But that doesn’t mean we treat it like playtime. We stay alert, we follow the plan, and we watch each other’s backs. When we get home all safe and sound, beer’s on me.”

 “Works for me,” Stewart said.

 Bayne shrugged one shoulder. “Sorry, but I’m a scotch man, myself.”

 “You got it.” Jake glanced at his watch. They should’ve started boarding ten minutes ago. About the time they were due to depart, an announcement came over the speakers that the flight would be delayed for one hour.

 That was annoying. He was ready to get this mission over with. Considering it would be the next day before they reached their destination, Jake decided to break the K2 rule of no alcohol on an operation. Besides, he didn’t count it as starting until they were on the plane—wheels up.

 “Let’s wait in the bar.” He almost warned his team one drink only but held his tongue, wanting to see if either was stupid enough to get drunk. Thirty minutes later, he and Stewart still nursed their one beer, but Bayne had ordered a second Scotch. Jake’s unease increased.

 As he listened to Stewart boast about his latest conquest, it struck him that he was glad he’d left that lifestyle behind. He’d wondered if he might miss partying, but he didn’t. All he wanted was Maria.

 Somehow, she’d performed a magic act and made his issue with commitment disappear. He had no desire to have anyone in his bed but her, and the part of him that had believed he couldn’t be faithful no longer worried. That he was starting to think he wanted only her for the rest of his life was some kind of miracle.

 She’d said she planned to stop by Angie’s, but by now she was probably back home studying for exams. Was she having trouble sleeping without him like he’d had since she’d returned to school? He considered calling her, but he’d probably blurt out that he thought he might be falling in love with her. When he told her, he wanted it to be in person.

 “They should’ve called for boarding by now,” he said, checking his watch. “Looks like another delay.”

 His phone buzzed and he answered, listening with a sinking heart to Detective Nolan. “The bastard has Maria,” he said, standing up so fast he knocked his chair over. How the hell did they let Fortunada post bail?

 “Who has her?” Bayne asked.

 How was he supposed to get on a plane and travel sixteen hours away from her knowing she was in trouble? He couldn’t. Kincaid’s flight had left already so there was no way to get in touch with him. Even if he could, he’d still be headed for Tallahassee, and if it cost him his job, he didn’t give a rat’s ass.

 “What’s going on?” Stewart asked.

 Jake jerked his head up. “What?”

 The airport’s speakers crackled to life and announced boarding would commence for their flight in ten minutes. Options raced through his mind.