Reading Online Novel

Someone Like Her(51)

 “Your son’s a handsome devil, boss. Fortunately, he takes after his mother in looks. Listen, I’ll step outside and give you guys some privacy. Dani, it’s great seeing you. I’ll stop by the house tomorrow after you get home. I have something for little Evan.”

 Dani lifted her gaze from the baby and smiled. “I’ll look forward to it. Thanks for stopping by, Jake.”

 He fled the room and walked down the hall a ways before stopping and leaning back against the wall. What was wrong with him? All that domestic bliss scared the bejesus out of him . . . at least, it used to. Now, here he was staring at babies as if he had a damn biological clock ticking inside him.

 “Get your act together, Buchanan,” he muttered. He needed his mind to be alert and not cluttered with thoughts of a sexy, black-eyed girl holding his child in her arms.

 “How’s the operation planning coming?”

 Hell. He’d not even noticed the boss approaching. That just proved his point. If he didn’t concentrate on the task at hand, someone was going to get hurt . . . or not come back at all. He pushed off the wall.

 “Good for the short amount of time we’ve had to work on it. Maria’s been a big help by saving us a lot of time on the computer.”

 Kincaid’s eyes, always intense, glinted with a hard stare. “I know she spent the night with you.”

 Jake resisted the urge to look away. “She tell you?” That surprised him. He hadn’t thought Maria would’ve spilled the beans.

 “No, I was home when she came back this morning. I all but forbade her to see you again, and she all but told me to butt out of her life. So, even though I don’t like it, that’s what I’m gonna do. You’re going to end up hurting her, Romeo, but she’s also made me promise not to fire you when you do.”

 He would’ve liked to have been a fly on the wall during that conversation. “I guess you can still kill me, though.”

 “No, she also managed to get me to promise not to do that either.” Kincaid hardened his eyes. “That part really pisses me off.”

 “You know, I just might surprise you and make her happy.”

 “Funny, she said the same thing.”

 “Are you done with your bitching? I was headed to the bathroom.” He had no wish to discuss Maria with her brother.

 “For now. I have to be in Washington Thursday. My flight leaves a few minutes before yours, so I’ll pick you up.” He turned away and headed back to his wife’s room.

 “Hey, boss.” Jake waited for him to turn around. “Don’t ever call me Romeo again. I’m done with it.”

 Kincaid gave a slight nod of his head. “Fair enough. What should we call you?”

 “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

 As he walked away, the man gave a chuckle that sounded a little too evil for Jake’s comfort. He could hardly wait to hear what Kincaid came up with.

 So Maria believed he could make her happy. Could he? As he’d never attempted to try and keep one woman happy, he didn’t know, but something in him wanted to prove her right.

 The reason for the upheaval in his life walked out of Dani’s room. “Hey, Tiger Toes,” she called, a bright smile on her face. “Let’s get lunch. I’m starving.”

 Her brother came out behind her and by the smirk on his face it was obvious he’d heard her. A hundred bucks said he had a new nickname.

 Jake traced a finger down Maria’s arm. “Hey, yourself. Go on to the car, and I’ll be down in a minute. I need a word with the boss.”

 “How much?” he asked after Maria left.

 “How much what, Tiger Toes?”

 “Dammit, boss. You’re having so much trouble keeping a straight face your lips are quivering. I’ll never hear the end of it if you call me that in front of the team. How much will it cost to buy you off?”

 “There’s not enough money in the world, Tiger Toes, but I’ll make a deal with you. As long as you keep Maria happy, I’ll shorten it to Tiger. One tear falls down her pretty face and all bets are off.”

 “You’re a mean bastard, you know that?”

 “Just keep a smile on her face, Tiger Toes, and you got nothing to fear from me.”

 “Stop calling me that.”

 “Tiger Toes. Tiger Toes. Tiger Toes.” Kincaid finally gave in to his laughter.

 Jake gave him the finger and strode away. Once his back was turned, he grinned. He couldn’t explain it, but he didn’t mind Maria calling him that. As for the boss, it was great seeing him laugh, something he never did before Dani. However, the first one of his men to call him Tiger Toes would get a fist in his face.