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Someone Like Her(46)

By:Sandra Owens

 “Oh.” He plopped back down and nestled their bodies together to his satisfaction. “She won’t expect you home tonight?”

 “Mrs. Jankowski isn’t my jailer, nor has she ever tried to be. I’m a big girl, and she trusts my judgment.”

 “That’s good. The boss know you’re with me?”

 “He stayed at the hospital with Dani tonight. Talked the nurses into putting a cot in her room.”

 “That’s good, too. He’d probably kill me if he knew you were here. He makes damn cute babies though.”

 “God, you’re a talkative drunk. Go to sleep.”


 And just like that, he did. She listened to his even breathing and fell asleep wondering what it’d be like to be with him every night, how they’d be as a couple.

     Jake opened his eyes and stared at the strand of black hair wrapped around his hand. He lifted it to the pale light coming in the window—it looked damn familiar. Frowning, he brought it to his nose and sniffed.


 She lay on her stomach, her face buried in the pillow, but he didn’t need to see her to know. He could find her just by her scent in a dark room filled with a hundred women. Keeping her hair pressed to his nose, he tried to remember just how she’d come to be in his bed.

 Snatches of the night before flowed through his mind. He’d gotten stinking drunk, something he never, ever did. He’d needed a ride home and Buck had said something about calling a friend. Had he called her?

 Apparently, he had, but why was she in his bed? Had they done anything? No way. That, he would remember. So, why was she snuggled up next to him? Not that he minded. He rather liked waking up to find her there.

 Easing onto his side, he slid the covers down to her thighs. Damn. If thong underwear wasn’t the best invention ever, he didn’t know what was. He leaned over her back and trailed his mouth over her skin, starting just below her neck and following the line of her spine down to her beautiful ass.

 She moaned and turned over. Sleepy black eyes blinked at him. “Jake?”

 “Shhhh. Let me love you.” He slipped his hand under her shirt and cupped a breast, flicking his thumb over the nipple.

 “Are you still drunk?”

 Had he made a fool of himself? “Yeah, I’m drunk on you.” He was so hard for her, his cock wanted out of his briefs, needed to be inside her. Now.

 Puzzled, he lifted the cover and peeked at himself. Why did he have underwear on?

 Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. If he’d been a total ass, the last thing she’d want was to make love to him. Until he figured out if he had something to apologize for, he should keep his hands off her. Not to mention his mouth tasted like something had died in it—she’d probably gag if he tried to kiss her.

 He glanced at the clock to see it was six. “We should get you home.” When he sat up to get out of the bed, she grabbed his arm.

 “Not yet.”

 “Are you sure?” He wasn’t. No matter how badly he wanted her—and he did, more than anything—there were too many things to consider. She truly was a friend, and he didn’t want to ruin that. What he should do was put her in his car and take her home.

 She smiled.

 How was he supposed to resist that warm smile and those sleepy brown eyes? He put a finger on her lips when she opened her mouth to speak. “Tell you what. I need to brush my teeth and take a quick shower. You think about it, decide if it’s the right thing for you. I can’t make you any promises, Maria. Can you live with that?”

 She didn’t answer.

 In the bathroom, he brushed his teeth, his tongue, and then gargled with mouthwash. After a quick shave, he jumped in the shower. The slight buzz left over from the night before faded as needles of warm water struck his skin. It had always pissed off the guys that he never suffered the ill effects of a night of heavy drinking. With Maria in his bed, he was more thankful for that fact than ever.

 What had he been thinking to get that drunk? He snorted. Stupid question as the answer awaited him in his bed. What would she decide?

 If she was smart, she’d be dressed and ready for him to take her home. A naked female body passed by the shower door before it opened. Maria stepped in behind him. Jake squeezed his eyes shut when she pressed against his back, slid her arms around his waist, and rested her face on his shoulder.

 “I’m sure,” she whispered.

 So much for doing the right thing. He twisted around and crushed his mouth to hers, nudging his cock between her legs. She arched against him and wrapped her arms around his neck. With his hands on her hips to steady her, he thrust between her legs, groaning when she clamped them together, tightening them around his erection. One more minute and he’d get really stupid. Note to self. From now on, keep a supply of condoms in the shower.