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Someone Like Her(45)

By:Sandra Owens

 She’d tripled the normal amount figuring it would help sober him. “Too strong?”

 In answer, he turned on the tap, let it run to hot, poured out half the contents of the cup, and refilled it with water.

 “Next time you’re too drunk to drive, call a cab.” Still hurt at smelling the perfume stinking up his clothes, she snatched the keys off the counter and headed for the door. He could have his damn car back tomorrow.

 He moved faster than she would’ve thought possible while under the influence, blocking the doorway. “Don’t leave.”

 A drop of water roamed its way down his chest, past a nipple on its way to his stomach. She clamped down on her bottom lip to keep from licking it. He put a finger under her chin and lifted her face, staring into her eyes.

 “I’m sorry.”

 “For what?” The only thing she really wanted him to apologize for was smelling like he’d had women climbing all over him.

 “I don’t know. For this, maybe?” He lowered his mouth to hers.

 His mouth was hot and tasted like coffee and mint toothpaste. When his tongue tangled with hers, she put her hands on his hips to steady herself. Muscles flexed under her palms. Even though there’d been those few times with Jonathan, intimately touching a man was still new to her. She could get used to it, could learn to crave it even.

 He wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her against him. His erection pressed against her belly and an ache began deep in her inner core. If she wasn’t careful, he’d have her in his bed in two minutes flat. Not happening. He wasn’t stumbling drunk any longer, but he was certainly still buzzed, and the probability of him getting all wonky about it when the buzz wore off was still high.

 She pushed away. “No. Go to bed, Jake, and sleep it off. I’ll bring your car back in the morning.”

 “Don’t leave. I won’t kiss you again.” He glanced at the clock on the microwave. “It’s going on two, and I don’t like the idea of you out by yourself in the middle of the night.”

 “I live less than ten minutes away. I’ll be fine.”

 “No, there’s night monsters out there roaming the streets looking for beautiful women. If you insist on going home then I’ll drive you.”

 She rolled her eyes. “You’re in no condition to be driving anywhere.”

 “Then I guess that means you’re staying. We’ll just sleep, I promise.”

 “You swear?”

 “Boy Scouts’ honor.” He put two fingers over his heart.

 Maria snorted. “You were never a Boy Scout.”

 “Shows what you know.” He took her hand and led her to his bedroom.

 Fool that she was, she let him. After he pulled back the covers, he put his hands on the waist of his briefs, and she held up a hand. “Whoa. What’re you doing?”

 He gave her a puzzled look. “Taking these off. I sleep in the nude.”

 “Not tonight you don’t. Leave them on or I’m outta here.”

 “Damn. Guess that means you’re sleeping in your clothes?”

 She’d thrown on a T-shirt and shorts after his call. “The shirt and my panties are staying on.”

 His body took a tumble into the bed, and he scooted under the covers, holding them up. “Come on then. If all we’re gonna do is sleep, let’s get to it.”

 This really was a bad idea, but she unhooked her bra and slipped it and her shorts off before climbing in next to him. He pulled her against him, wrapped his arm around her waist, spooning her, and nuzzled her neck.

 “Jake, stop it.”

 “Not doing nothing, promise. You just smell so good. You always do.”

 “Thank you. Now go to sleep.”

 He chuckled and then went quiet. His arm was heavy on her body, but she liked it, liked how it felt to be snuggled up with him. It was like being in a safe cocoon where nothing could hurt her.

 “You leave your car at Buck’s?”

 She grabbed the hand inching its way past her stomach. “I thought you’d gone to sleep.”

 “Almost there. Just wondering about Sally.”

 Like she would leave her Mustang unprotected in a bar parking lot overnight. “Mrs. Jankowski dropped me off.”

 He lifted on his elbow, leaned over her shoulder, and peered at her. “You told Mrs. Jankowski?”

 There was hurt and anger in his voice. It obviously embarrassed him to think her foster mother knew he had to be driven home. “I told her you called, and I was meeting you for a few drinks.”